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Why play Republic?


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eh, the animation thing then damage is consistantly bugged on both sides of the thing.



Example>the Assassin's Assassinate ability is one of the most bugged abilities in the game (that and maul..) So check it out, my character will continue to spin the double-bladed lightsaber above the head as long as i continue to hit that button, and it will not go off until i hit nothing at all for over a second.





So don't say that there ain't things broken on both sides.

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Why play the Republic..... hmm, good question. Well, personally, it all comes down to what I want to play. Despite rolling in a PvP server, I really couldn't care less about it. Guild decided that one, not me. So, aside from the occasional gank by two Sith, and my immediate revenge (which is actually fun, so I do occasionally enjoy some PvP...), PvP is ignored while I'm playing. Smuggler has a great storyline and the play great as well. I don't notice the unbalanced with my mirror class because I rarely interact with them, nor have I played it.


Does it mean I don't think they should fix the bugs? No, Bioware needs to address them regardless of my relative disinterest. I suppose what I'm trying to point out is that there will always be people that roll Republic. Some of us don't care about the imbalance. It should be addressed, like the bugs, but in the meantime, I'll play what I enjoy. Which is the smartmouthed smuggler with a heart of gold. :cool:

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I switched to Republic and am enjoying myself. I picked a higher population server than the one I came from and so far enough people are around.


I have played Empire since the beginning of the game, but the whole sith business just got more and more annoying, so I finally switched.


PS: Clearly there are issues with delays on certain attacks, and sometimes you have to stand stile during an animation while the mirror class doesn't. These issues need to be fixed of course. I don't really feel weaker playing Republic though, and I'm sure the little differences will be ironed out in time. They did a little bit of mirror class balancing already.

Edited by thecoffeecup
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Because all the WTFPWNLOL script kiddies are playing Sith. I prefer a more mature player base to interact with.


gimme a break.


I play Sith over Jedi because the voice acting feels better on empire side, more passionate.

Of course Jedi are supposed to be emotionless, kudos to them, but that means really boring and monotone voice acting.


Also, since light and dark side is pretty much to the extremes, i prefer dark over light. Lines like "it is my duty and a honor to serve those in need" makes me want to barf.


Playing as a dark Jedi is alright, but it doesn't feel right.


This generalization that all empire players are 14 year old basement dwelling emo kiddies is getting stale.

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gimme a break.


I play Sith over Jedi because the voice acting feels better on empire side, more passionate.

Of course Jedi are supposed to be emotionless, kudos to them, but that means really boring and monotone voice acting.


Also, since light and dark side is pretty much to the extremes, i prefer dark over light. Lines like "it is my duty and a honor to serve those in need" makes me want to barf.


Playing as a dark Jedi is alright, but it doesn't feel right.


This generalization that all empire players are 14 year old basement dwelling emo kiddies is getting stale.





When I hop over to Imperial side, I see so much silly chat (Barrens, anybody?) that I very rarely see on Republic side. Everything from "yo momma" to "*** n00b, go solo that heroic 4 by urself". I don't know if it's the higher population or if there really are more "kids" on Empire, but the chat certainly reflects it.


Maybe that's why Empire has that stigma.

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I prefer Republic so far. I've got a higher level Gunslinger and a lower level Trooper. I very much like the Smuggler storyline to date and I image that, since the Trooper is on the same starting planet, I will like that storyline as well.


I intend on playing Jedi Knight and Jedi Sage as well.


I do, however, have a higher level Powertech Bounty Hunter that I enjoy. The only reason that I do have that character though, is that all the guys in my BF3 Clan are Empire and if I want to play with them, I need to be on the Empire side.


I can say one thing for sure, having played both sides... PUGs on the Republic side have been more enjoyable and more cooperative than the ones I've joined on the Imperial side.


I don't know if that's a Empire-Class thing or a player thing, but there it is.


I think, my BF3 clan aside, that I will spend more time Republic than Empire despite PvP and PvE shortcomings.



Republic_Canuck :)

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