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Gj locking the discussion you *********** *******


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"Hello all,


We are going to be temporarily closing the thread due to the rude comments, and insults in the thread. We will work quickly and get it back open.


A couple of things to keep in mind while the thread is closed:


We ask that feedback is constructive.

Insulting others, no matter what their views are is not allowed - this includes developers.

Rude commetns toward others are not allowed.

Make sure your post is on topic and constributes to the discussion of the thread - spam is not allwoed.

We do not tolerate personal attacks or threats against ANYONE.


This closure will be brief as we clean and the thread will be re-opened soon."



HA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! Now you're trying to silence the masses about a clear and obvious mistake you people made? Oh that's rich. However temporary, it's still completely unacceptable. Any Business 101 class teaches you that is a NO NO. Keep closing the gap towards burying SWTOR PvP, guys. You're doing an A+ job.

Edited by Xansyn
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"Hello all,


We are going to be temporarily closing the thread due to the rude comments, and insults in the thread. We will work quickly and get it back open.


A couple of things to keep in mind while the thread is closed:


We ask that feedback is constructive.

Insulting others, no matter what their views are is not allowed - this includes developers.

Rude commetns toward others are not allowed.

Make sure your post is on topic and constributes to the discussion of the thread - spam is not allwoed.

We do not tolerate personal attacks or threats against ANYONE.


This closure will be brief as we clean and the thread will be re-opened soon."



Basically they dont want forum postings is all I see when I read that laundry list of rules.....

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Hello, folks. We have only temporarily closed the main Ilum PvP discussion thread for some cleaning. The thread has become full of personal attacks and other things we do not allow on our forums. Here is a quick list of things to keep in mind while it is closed:

  • We ask that feedback is constructive.
  • Insulting others, no matter what their views are is not allowed - this includes developers.
  • Rude commetns toward others are not allowed.
  • Make sure your post is on topic and constributes to the discussion of the thread - spam is not allwoed.
  • We do not tolerate personal attacks or threats against ANYONE.


Please do not recreate this discussion, as we do not allow duplicate threads. We will have the main thread open as soon as we can. Thank you for your patience and cooperation.

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