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Anyone remember the corrupted blood plague?


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I know this has to do with another game, but I recall a patch that cause UTTER CHAOS in a different game. (and it was the whole game not just one portion of PvP) and people said it was going to kill the entire game forever. Funny I hear that game went on to do ok....
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I know this has to do with another game, but I recall a patch that cause UTTER CHAOS in a different game. (and it was the whole game not just one portion of PvP) and people said it was going to kill the entire game forever. Funny I hear that game went on to do ok....


I was there, it wasn't as bad as this, it made part of the game uninhabitable for certain classes/levelranges. It didn't break entire aspects of the server's economy and gear balance.


And the Center For Disease Control got a spiffy new algorithm to test out the spreading of plagues.

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