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Roughly how many people play the game now?


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All we can do when it comes to SUBSCRIBER numbers is either 1) believe Bioware or 2) pull numbers out of our rear ends because we don't know.


I have estimated the NUMBER OF PEOPLE WHO LOGIN as about 60,000, on average, as a 24 hour average over the last two weeks, based on publicly available server status updates. (LINK HERE.)


It's only logical and reasonable to assume that not every subscriber is logged in at the same time. For instance, I can tell you (with some degree of accuracy) that server X has 1,000 people, on average, logged in.


In reality that might mean:

500 stay at home parents log in at noon and log out at 4 pm.

1000 teenagers log in at 4 and log out at 8

2000 salarymen log in at 8 and out at 12 midnight

2000 college students log in at 12 midnight and out at 4 am

1000 bartenders log in at 4 am and log out at 8 am.

500 3rd shift EMTs log in at 8 am and log out at noon.


So while it's a 24 hour average of 1000 people logged in at once, it's 7000 subscribers.


So if we've got about 60,000 logins, if Bioware's figure of 1.3m subscribers is still current and applicable, that means that about 5% of the population is logged in at once. That seems reasonable to me but I have no actual industry data to determine if that's a "good" estimate of the login/subscriber ratio.


If you think 10% of the population is logged in all the time, then that's like 600,000 subscribers.


/shrug. It's not an answer to your question, but it's the only data I have. Subscriber info is on a firewalled accounting server at Bioware and so they are the absolutely only people in the world who have that information.



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There were roughly a million people around at launch, I believe - but how many others are playing now, these days? Anyone know?


Here is a post with info for you that you are looking for




Granted this is actual people average on at one time snapshot 62 k or so world wide . Pretty low numbers ,once the server transfers settle down the new calculation will be done i am sure ...

Edited by Kreedlore
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I really cant understand why so many people are unsubscribing... I mean this is a GREAT game, why are people leaving? There are many things that we are missing i know that, but that dont make this game bad? I enjoy the hell out of it, i can only play in weekends and i always look forward to getting home to play it. I really dont want so many people to leave, i really dont want this game to go under :( There are no other mmorpg out there that appeals to me, im tired of middle aged magic games, and i couldnt stand wow it was way to boring. Although i will be playing gw2 i also want to keep on playing swtor, so please dont judge this game so quickly, dont leave just because there is 1 or 2 things you hate...
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I really cant understand why so many people are unsubscribing... I mean this is a GREAT game, why are people leaving? There are many things that we are missing i know that, but that dont make this game bad? I enjoy the hell out of it, i can only play in weekends and i always look forward to getting home to play it. I really dont want so many people to leave, i really dont want this game to go under :( There are no other mmorpg out there that appeals to me, im tired of middle aged magic games, and i couldnt stand wow it was way to boring. Although i will be playing gw2 i also want to keep on playing swtor, so please dont judge this game so quickly, dont leave just because there is 1 or 2 things you hate...


Dont worry, if the devs keep up the good work (and maybe get a little faster) this game will turn around. The game is heading in the right direction and that is what is important, as long as EA is patient and doesnt screw with it i think it has a really good chance to come back.

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Until someone convinces everyone to log in at the same time on there main, stand totaly still in the fleet and let a head count be done we will never know unless bioware give us the numbers. Edited by Shingara
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I really cant understand why so many people are unsubscribing... I mean this is a GREAT game, why are people leaving? There are many things that we are missing i know that, but that dont make this game bad? I enjoy the hell out of it, i can only play in weekends and i always look forward to getting home to play it. I really dont want so many people to leave, i really dont want this game to go under :( There are no other mmorpg out there that appeals to me, im tired of middle aged magic games, and i couldnt stand wow it was way to boring. Although i will be playing gw2 i also want to keep on playing swtor, so please dont judge this game so quickly, dont leave just because there is 1 or 2 things you hate...


1. fps problems and graphics lag on most systems, even new ones.

2. bugs in class quests and some that make it impossible to even log in ie: the 33% launcher bug

3 dead servers... 20 people on or less during primetime.. right.. lets do 16m HM OPs ... LOLZ?

4. denial from bioware that they screwed the pooch on 1.2 by not fixing fps and issues stated above.



My old server the razor is dead.. usually less than 20 on prime time.. the ONLY time we have hit any kind of respectable pop was the day 1.2 hit.. 120 on fleet then... FOR ONE DAY.. when they saw the lag was still there and the content wasnt fixed.. they left and havent been back. 99% of the time there are less than 10 people on fleet and we still have YET to see a server xfer... so once again bioware screwed the pooch on this... GG bioware GG

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Yeah I am very curious to see how many numbers drop today. I had the very VERY sad moment of hitting the cancel button today :(


If ye cancel ye subscribtion on a battle ye spent so many hours on just because a weapon be not fallin' in ye lap right at on th' second ye want it to, ye dont even deserve to fight it imo.

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Well I am playing Trask Ulgo server right now. I am seriously doubting to leave this server and try another one now that character transfer is free at this moment of typing (some add from SWTOR in my e-mail said so). I am trying this transfer prior before quitting the game. Which I was actually about to do until someone gave me a 60 day game card for my birthday.....So I'll give it one more attempt to impress me.


On every planet that I am on, maybe..........MAYBE atmost 10 are on the same planet since the past like month, two months. I haven't encountered any other player other than on board the Republic Fleet Space Station. Unless you are into PvP, the whole RP section in the game is dead. And that is why I went for this game. With SWG ending just to feed these servers, I do miss SWG...................


But a big part is, I get bored to death IN this game. You have no one to play with cause simply no one is there. Like I said, the past months have been like 10 people AT MOST, per PLANET!!!!!

I play mornings, afternoons, evenings, nights (no I'm not a game junkie playing 24/7, I work highly irregular shifts so get to be on irregularly times ;) ) but no matter when I play, the game (or at least this server) is pretty much deserted. If I look at the overall server list, everything is like LIGHT GREEN populated :( Maybe one or two STANDARD YELLOW servers. I've witnessed only two servers PvP that were full. The other like 50 globalwise servers are just that. Either green (95%) or yellow (the other 5%) Makes me wonder if people still like the game.


I have to be honest, the game does not really (or at least that's my experience on the server I'm on) invite you to do roleplay. You can't really interact with the surroundings or carry multiple people in a vehicle or get them on a spaceship and do interactive things there, like you could do with Star Wars Galaxies. So what's the point of RP if you can't RP.


So I am going to give this game another 60 days, or until I truly bore out and can't help it no more but just quit it. I'm only staying right now cause someone was nice enough to give me a 60 day game card for my birthday and did not want to see it refunded. If it wasn't for that.............I would have quit by now to be honest :eek: and to be honest, I think I have to disappoint my friend for this nice gesture of a gift, but one that was totally useless.


Thread Necromancy most foul!

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1. fps problems and graphics lag on most systems, even new ones.

2. bugs in class quests and some that make it impossible to even log in ie: the 33% launcher bug

3 dead servers... 20 people on or less during primetime.. right.. lets do 16m HM OPs ... LOLZ?

4. denial from bioware that they screwed the pooch on 1.2 by not fixing fps and issues stated above.



My old server the razor is dead.. usually less than 20 on prime time.. the ONLY time we have hit any kind of respectable pop was the day 1.2 hit.. 120 on fleet then... FOR ONE DAY.. when they saw the lag was still there and the content wasnt fixed.. they left and havent been back. 99% of the time there are less than 10 people on fleet and we still have YET to see a server xfer... so once again bioware screwed the pooch on this... GG bioware GG


Your whining about so an so people amount on fleet prime time is irrelevant as we are in middle of a transfer project. The graphical issue is easily solved on 90% of the cases by turning of antistrophic filtering.


Try again.

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I really cant understand why so many people are unsubscribing... I mean this is a GREAT game, why are people leaving? There are many things that we are missing i know that, but that dont make this game bad? I enjoy the hell out of it, i can only play in weekends and i always look forward to getting home to play it. I really dont want so many people to leave, i really dont want this game to go under :( There are no other mmorpg out there that appeals to me, im tired of middle aged magic games, and i couldnt stand wow it was way to boring. Although i will be playing gw2 i also want to keep on playing swtor, so please dont judge this game so quickly, dont leave just because there is 1 or 2 things you hate...


I think the problem is also that we don't marry TOR, so if this lil b* annoys us, asks for too much patience, ppl say f* u and walk to the next one :D Seriously now, I'm trying to keep up faith and stick around but with new MMOs appearing, its always a certain level of temptation, especially if you have certain grips with a game.

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I think the problem is also that we don't marry TOR, so if this lil b* annoys us, asks for too much patience, ppl say f* u and walk to the next one :D Seriously now, I'm trying to keep up faith and stick around but with new MMOs appearing, its always a certain level of temptation, especially if you have certain grips with a game.


yeah.. at least this game doesnt have pandas yet... thank god

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I really cant understand why so many people are unsubscribing... I mean this is a GREAT game, why are people leaving? There are many things that we are missing i know that, but that dont make this game bad? I enjoy the hell out of it, i can only play in weekends and i always look forward to getting home to play it. I really dont want so many people to leave, i really dont want this game to go under :( There are no other mmorpg out there that appeals to me, im tired of middle aged magic games, and i couldnt stand wow it was way to boring. Although i will be playing gw2 i also want to keep on playing swtor, so please dont judge this game so quickly, dont leave just because there is 1 or 2 things you hate...


I don't think that it has to be anything that you hate that makes a person unsub. Its when things quit being fun. It can be because you have done it multiple times or because you have to wait to find a group or it can be because the people that you played with have left. Me personally, my account is up 6-21 and I'm giving serious thought to cancling. Part of my issue is aggravated with the whole transfer process. Tired of people telling me to be patient. I haven't been able to really have fun in this game for a few months due to population issues. I know that people say that transfer are going to fix that. But it maybe to little to late. I have lost confidence in Bioware fixing things in a timely fashion. I mean they are talking about raising the level cap when they haven't been able to fix many of the problems. How long should a person wait? Six months? A year? I for one see nothing wrong with people leaving the game had a chance to be, and in many ways it is, really good but after a while people grow tired of waiting.

I know that people will say well they just started transfers but really thats a perfict example of the problem, population was a major issue 4 or 5 months ago. I'm not a program so I don't know how long it takes to get something done. All I know is if I wait 4 or 5 months to fix problems on my job I will be looking for a new one. They are taking to long to fix issues in this game and many people are looking for a new one.

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Thread Necromancy most foul!


whats weird is that the person that posted after him did it one minute after and quoted a different post than.


Whats the chances of a thread being necroed basically at the same time?

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If ye cancel ye subscribtion on a battle ye spent so many hours on just because a weapon be not fallin' in ye lap right at on th' second ye want it to, ye dont even deserve to fight it imo.


u were drunk when u posted this ?

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I don't know how many people are still in, but after the server transfers are done I bet there are max 20 full servers, figure about 2000-3000 people per server so, figure 60k or so people left playing this game.. WAY down from 1.7 million...
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1. fps problems and graphics lag on most systems, even new ones.

2. bugs in class quests and some that make it impossible to even log in ie: the 33% launcher bug

3 dead servers... 20 people on or less during primetime.. right.. lets do 16m HM OPs ... LOLZ?

4. denial from bioware that they screwed the pooch on 1.2 by not fixing fps and issues stated above.



My old server the razor is dead.. usually less than 20 on prime time.. the ONLY time we have hit any kind of respectable pop was the day 1.2 hit.. 120 on fleet then... FOR ONE DAY.. when they saw the lag was still there and the content wasnt fixed.. they left and havent been back. 99% of the time there are less than 10 people on fleet and we still have YET to see a server xfer... so once again bioware screwed the pooch on this... GG bioware GG


1. I have never had this issues. My system are 560Ti, i5, 8gb RAM, w7.

2. Never encountered this either.

3. Change server. I had a 45 on a dead server but why quit a game instead of rerolling? its not dooms day because you got to lvl a char to 50, i can understand if you got 3 or more 50s tho, but still...


I hope people will open their eyes and not judge to soon :)

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I don't think that it has to be anything that you hate that makes a person unsub. Its when things quit being fun. It can be because you have done it multiple times or because you have to wait to find a group or it can be because the people that you played with have left. Me personally, my account is up 6-21 and I'm giving serious thought to cancling. Part of my issue is aggravated with the whole transfer process. Tired of people telling me to be patient. I haven't been able to really have fun in this game for a few months due to population issues. I know that people say that transfer are going to fix that. But it maybe to little to late. I have lost confidence in Bioware fixing things in a timely fashion. I mean they are talking about raising the level cap when they haven't been able to fix many of the problems. How long should a person wait? Six months? A year? I for one see nothing wrong with people leaving the game had a chance to be, and in many ways it is, really good but after a while people grow tired of waiting.

I know that people will say well they just started transfers but really thats a perfict example of the problem, population was a major issue 4 or 5 months ago. I'm not a program so I don't know how long it takes to get something done. All I know is if I wait 4 or 5 months to fix problems on my job I will be looking for a new one. They are taking to long to fix issues in this game and many people are looking for a new one.


Dont forget that all the issues that this game has right now were all stated very clearly in closed beta so that adds even more time that Bioware had to set things right.....

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