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So now,Force Charge is completely useless in PvP,except if you want to be D/C????????


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I mean, before the patch, you could be disconnected when you Force Charge somebody, but only on specific areas:

-the bridges in VoidStar warzone.

-SOMETIMES when you would otherwise go through the environment and zam! D/C.


NOW it's more like this:

-ANYWHERE in VoidStar warzone !! Target can be anywhere in the map, you have about 1/3 "chance" to get insta-D/C ! How wonderful.


Seems like there are less HuttBall and more other WarZones, though. Well, I'm "only" lv46 on a low-pop server, but I hear 50s are having 20min queues to get into a WarZone :eek:


If it's to be D/C when you have to close a gap/interrupt a cast, too bad! D/C fun stuff.


When patches break more things than they fix, you start wondering how it can improves.

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Er see force charges all the time on void star...


It happens like once on 10 times maybe, dunno how it "procs"... I know on bridges it happens really often though and avoid charging when I'm on them at all :mad:


Strange that not more people are experiencing this issue, I've got some people on my server experiencing it but that's it :eek:


Hope it gets fixed soon enough cause it's a PITA to kill any caster/ranged DD now in this warzone.

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