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So, bout that 50 bracket.


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What is with all the defeating posts. You making people jealous of big your e-peen got after breaking 600k lol.


Can't we all just clap and be happy for the guy. Why do you people have to troll him and bring down his achievement trying to sound smart on your theories of where his damage was allocated.


Let's not turn this into a Blizzard forum aiight :)


because the whole forum is just a huge douche fest

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Did that guy say marauders lack utility? Are you high? They have some of the best moves in game. AOE speed boost owns in huttball, Obfuscation helps a **** ton if you use it, we have a massive spam able slow and we can stay alive for an extra 5 seconds.
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You do realize as rage spec your doing all "splash" aoe damage ?? You didnt actually kill 80 people any damage you did to them counts as a kill. Your not fooling anyone with a brain.


Dont be fooled by this over geared AOE dps.

Somehow his overgeared aoe dps is still miles ahead of the rest.

Duplicate it, fraps it while smashing, then come back and bring 'use brain' comments.




OP: Gj

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Me gusta.



So much for us only being good at tearing up lowbies. Would've had a few good hutball ones where I'm pretty sure I was near or over 500k but my client has been flat out closing with no error message a couple times right as the match ends.


Wow, you probably just sat in one place while they healed everyone the whole time. The total amount of deaths in that entire Warzone was pretty low. One healer had enough healing done to almost match what 2 of the healers did on your own team.


Mix that with the shields absorbs that were going on its pretty easy to see those kind of numbers when its hard to kill 1 person.

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Lol, so many people either don't understand game mechanics or didn't look at anyone else's stats on the screenshot. I giggles.

Go ahead tho, try to take down a battlemaster healer who has 2 other healers with him, oh and he's being guarded. Lemme know how that goes.

In fairly balanced games where both sides are geared and have people healing who are being guarded you won't see insane kill numbers because ya know, healers are healing. The level of intelligence on these forums is hilarious.


Duh, that's exactly what I said. You are beating on multiple healers with guard, and you racked up high damage and very few kills. Like I said, this demonstrates nothing about the class at all. Any class can rack up huge damage numbers in that situation.


So, like I said. Your screenshot proves nothing, and disproves none of the shortcomings of the class. That said, I don't think Marauder is significantly underpowered, but it certainly lacks the durability and utility of other similar dps classes. We have no guard, no knockback, no stun, and every other dps class gets a combination of those. We lack heavy armor (note, juggs, mercs, powertechs all get it), and assassins get a nifty buff that triples their armor for defense purposes. We cant heal (sorcs, ops, mercs), so we have no sustainability in combat either. We can't wield a shield for defense, and we don't have any range. Yeah, we match everybody elses dps, congrats. So, like I said. We lack utility compared to other dps classes, and we lack durability and sustainability compared to them as well.


The shortcomings of the class are obvious to anyone who has bothered to look at the skill sets of the other classes.

Edited by Selixx
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My brief (20 games) experiences after 1.1:


- My total damage is down drastically, which is somewhat suspicious. I was averaging 400k per Warzone prior, but now down to 300k average. This isn't just because of the lack of lowbies / zero gear people though. Prior to this patch, I would still net very big numbers against battlemaster premades and other opponents who I damn sure knew were packing full champ. And I've been pretty lazy on adrenals and such -- it's not the stacking either. Very odd.


- My damage and kills are still on top in 99% of Warzones. However, I'm not 100-250k higher than the next person most of the time. Now I'm only like 20-80k higher.


- When you take the above 2 observations together, you come to the third: I've also noticed that everyone's damage seems to be significantly down. I suspect that the WZ scoreboards were double counting or otherwise incorrectly recording some aspect of damage, either prior to 1.1 (too high) or now, (too low).


Which makes the OP's game curious, until you realize that it was similar to certain nameless "ENGINEERS DO AWESOME DAMAGE" in Warhammer screnshots, where a player pulled something like 800k damage, and got 4 kills (note: 'good kills' in WAR averaged 10k per kill, so 200k per kill is somewhat under par).


That said, the number is still respectably high. I wonder if it's a bug with Huttball or some other aspect. Or if Annihilation/Watchman has been impacted in a strange way by the patch. 25% of everyone's damage per WZ disappearing is just strange.


- But anyways, in terms of metagame, premades seem a lot more rampant in the 50 bracket now. Mostly partial premades of 2-3 people, but it's rather tedious dealing with 2-3 healers covering each other, with a guardbot or two and AOE taunts getting in the way. Le sigh.


- A lot more Republic are queuing or something. Or all the Imps are afking in Ilum I suppose. Been getting a ton more Voidstar and Alderaan than I'm used to. Alderaan is annoying. I dislike Warzones that emphasize not-fighting.


- The average skill level is up. I suppose this is a good thing.

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Another one of your pointless screenshots showing you can do alot of AOE damage with the rage spec.




Funny seeing all the mindless drones defending you aswell, these forums have more ******* then MMO-Champion.

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