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Somebody tell me in 4 sentences or less, what's wrong with Ilum?


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Republic care bear tears....


op bhs thinking they are good at pvp, yet they are relying on the crutch of bubbles, heavy armor, dps and heals rolled into one class. someone played beta and found out how to look good, yet really be a baddie

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A lot of the screenshots posted by republic players does not tell the whole story. I play Empire. Don't need 4 sentences, just one. The npc turrets that protect the base (republic or empire bases) give large amounts of valor and respawn instantly.
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op bhs thinking they are good at pvp, yet they are relying on the crutch of bubbles, heavy armor, dps and heals rolled into one class. someone played beta and found out how to look good, yet really be a baddie


Which AC and spec has all that? Because apparently I'm doing it wrong

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A lot of the screenshots posted by republic players does not tell the whole story. I play Empire. Don't need 4 sentences, just one. The npc turrets that protect the base (republic or empire bases) give large amounts of valor and respawn instantly.


Oh man, that is pretty bad.

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I think I understand the faction disparity part. What else?


Here it is in one sentence:


Due to the way the graveyard is positioned and the fact that they are unable to resurrect where they died, some Republic players are trapped on Illum, while Imperial players farm them and their turrets for an allegedly imbalanced amount of valor.

Edited by belialle
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You left out the part where you arrive with the taxi, get killed instant (because 100+ Imps camp the base), respawn at the same med center to get killed again.




You have to join a WZ and then idle out or use a Fleetpass to even make it out of there.

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