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Let's face it, Empire way overpopulates any and all PvP servers. It is ridiculous and leads to unhealthy world PvP, Huttball 24/7, and Ilum domination.



Sitting there rolling faces is fun for a couple minutes. Long term, it is not challenging and NOT FUN.



Also, this isn't necessarily a BioWare problem. All MMOs run into faction balance issues where the gaming population favors 1 side or if a PvP server just evolves over time to be completely unbalanced (i.e. 5 to 1 faction ration).





PLEASE do something revolutionary, please completely change the way PvP servers are handled.



Please do the following:






Limit account population to 2,000. 1,000 Republic and 1,000 Empire. Empire will obviously hit the cap of 1,000 first, and once they do, NO MORE ACCOUNTS CAN BE CREATED WITH EMPIRE CHARACTERS ON THIS SERVER. Yes, that means you have to pick a side on this server. No more dual Rebel/Empire character creation on this server.


Once the Rebel population has reached within 100, so it is now 900 to 1,000, the Empire population is opened back up to a 1,100 cap. Once the 1,100 cap is reached, Empire side is locked out. Empire account character creation doesn't re-open until the Republic side hits the 1,000 mark for account population. This continues till the server is truly "full".




It is pure genius and balances a server from the very beginning and leads to a HEALTHY WORLD PvP ENVIRONMENT.




I would INSTANTLY re-roll if a server like this opened. INSTANTLY.




Edited by hoilandms
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Titling your thread with a threat isn't going to get much attention, cept from the trolls.


Unfortunately, it is the only way to get attention with the boards moving so fast.



Ilum issue is a HUGE mistake and a lot of people are pissed.

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How is this idea stupid? You don't want a balanced server? You just want to sit in Ilum and PvP with a 100 vs 5 ration?



Come on now...



Because forcing stuff on people always gets a positive reaction...


Don't worry, the response would be about the same as the current ridiculousness on these forums.

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Please let us know how you intend to disappoint a couple of hundred thousand empire players with this plan? Limiting the number of players per faction doesn't magically make people want to roll the other, they most likely simply do not want to play the game instead.


The solution has been around for years and people suggested it to Blizzard millions and millions times, simply do not differentiate between factions in PVP. I don't care if I play versus empire or republic as long as there is a skill balance and class balance. Meaning: No premeds versus PUGs and no balanced class team versus 6 troopers and 4 sages.

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Because forcing stuff on people always gets a positive reaction...


Don't worry, the response would be about the same as the current ridiculousness on these forums.



Sure you would be forcing a server to have a population balance with "lockouts". But the long term health of a server like this would be healthy.



You can't tell me a server that has a 5:1 Empire:Rebel ratio is good for PvP, the server, the game, and subscriptions in general.

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Not a stupid idea. Seems that would be the only way to keep PVP servers balanced. I'm on Empire and was pretty disappointed with Ilum. I have confidence they'll fix it though. If not I can still get my fill in the battle grounds, though I'm getting tired of Huttball.
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I don't think they'll create a new, faction capped server. What they could do is offer free transfers to Republic, then lock the Empire faction to players who don't already have an Empire character on the most populated servers.


Republic could then consolidate and have a fighting chance. Even so, there's still issues with that. Guilds getting broken up because some won't want to leave, massive annoyance with name changes, and Republic having to decide what servers to transfer to. Really this issue doesn't have an easy solution at all.

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In principle, I give you two hairy thumbs up!


In practice, it still will NOT work. As someone above said, Aion tried this. As soon as one faction went over 51%, it got locked until the other faction caught up.


World PvP was still broken. Because just having a 50% pop split doesnt mean you have a 50% skill split, 50% playtime split, 50% grouping split, etc., etc. You know, all those other factors that affect the overall outcome of PvP much more than sheer numbers.


Ill just say it for the cheap seats - world PvP never worked. Ever. In any game.


UO, didnt work.

EVE, also didnt work, most of the game is controlled by huge power bloc alliances.

Darkfall, Mortal, WoW, you name it.


In the REAL WORLD, world PvP doesnt work either.

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Please let us know how you intend to disappoint a couple of hundred thousand empire players with this plan? Limiting the number of players per faction doesn't magically make people want to roll the other, they most likely simply do not want to play the game instead.


The solution has been around for years and people suggested it to Blizzard millions and millions times, simply do not differentiate between factions in PVP. I don't care if I play versus empire or republic as long as there is a skill balance and class balance. Meaning: No premeds versus PUGs and no balanced class team versus 6 troopers and 4 sages.




It would be 1 server amongst all the other crap'fest imbalanced PvP servers there are right now.



I guarantee you a server like this would be full instantly. World PvP is a joke because there are so many Imperials, it is ridiculous. Hell, I leveled from 1 to 38 before I saw my first Rebel player. And I was spending most of my time trying to find one! Some of these PvP servers are literal ghost towns when it comes to the Rebel population.

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Why would anyone like stupid ideas?


As Highfives said, Aion did it and it worked fine there.

I had to reroll on day 2 because my brother decided to get the game and couldn't roll a toon on my server because of this.

I had absolutely no problem rerolling/going to a different server because I knew it was a good thing in the long run, and it was.. :)

Leaving it up to the players like was done here obviously does not work.

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In principle, I give you two hairy thumbs up!


In practice, it still will NOT work. As someone above said, Aion tried this. As soon as one faction went over 51%, it got locked until the other faction caught up.


World PvP was still broken. Because just having a 50% pop split doesnt mean you have a 50% skill split, 50% playtime split, 50% grouping split, etc., etc. You know, all those other factors that affect the overall outcome of PvP much more than sheer numbers.


Ill just say it for the cheap seats - world PvP never worked. Ever. In any game.


UO, didnt work.

EVE, also didnt work, most of the game is controlled by huge power bloc alliances.

Darkfall, Mortal, WoW, you name it.


In the REAL WORLD, world PvP doesnt work either.



You are correct about the 50% part, but at least you put the server on a more balanced surface where these type of issues won't be completely blown out of proportion as they are now on the current PvP servers.



As for World PvP, I think you solve this by having more random planet events. You can't keep having queue windows, or on every Wednesday at 5pm this PvP event happens. PvP servers need a lot of TLC to keep them thriving. You need to create mini events all over the place so people have to move, try new things, new objectives, and not keep doing the same thing, over and over and over.

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Not a stupid idea. Seems that would be the only way to keep PVP servers balanced. I'm on Empire and was pretty disappointed with Ilum. I have confidence they'll fix it though. If not I can still get my fill in the battle grounds, though I'm getting tired of Huttball.
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Creating new servers with rules that work is not a solution to the majority of pvp servers that are not working because of population unbalance.


A proper solution needs to include a fix that will fix all servers and not force the entire pvp player base to reroll on a different server.


They need to add "Against all odds" buffs to whatever side is out numbered that scales based on how much you are out numbered.


If Republic has 100 players on Illum and Imperial has 1000 on Illum, then the republic players would gain 5x the damage 5x the hit points 5x the damage reduction etc... becoming raid bosses basically.


In addition, have a debuff for the Imperial in the situation above that lowers the valor gained by 10 times since there are ten times the amount of republic.


This would encourage imperial players to reroll republic to reap some of this benefit and/or get out of the cons of being under their factions debuff.


This is just an idea, there are many others, but something like it needs to be done immediately.


Its really quite simple. Incentives.

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