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Top 5 Force Users who had the most force potential


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This is not a list of who was the most powerful but rather who could have been the most powerful if they reached their potential......so heres my list let me know what you think!.


1. Anakin Skywalker (Cannon clearly states if Anakin never lost his limbs he would have essentially become a force god and by far the strongest force user ever)


2. Luke Skywalker (I remember reading somewhere Luke had about 85% of Anakin's potential thus making him easily second)


3. Starkiller (Emperor Sidious believed Starkiller would have become stronger than him if he had never died)


4. Anakin Solo (This guy was already extremely powerful at such a young age if he had never died he would have become ridiclous)


5. Ben Skywalker (Same thing as Anakin Solo, if Ben had not died young he would have become supremely powerful.)

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This is not a list of who was the most powerful but rather who could have been the most powerful if they reached their potential......so heres my list let me know what you think!.


1. Anakin Skywalker (Cannon clearly states if Anakin never lost his limbs he would have essentially become a force god and by far the strongest force user ever)


2. Luke Skywalker (I remember reading somewhere Luke had about 85% of Anakin's potential thus making him easily second)


3. Starkiller (Emperor Sidious believed Starkiller would have become stronger than him if he had never died)


4. Anakin Solo (This guy was already extremely powerful at such a young age if he had never died he would have become ridiclous)


5. Ben Skywalker (Same thing as Anakin Solo, if Ben had not died young he would have become supremely powerful.)

Your list is plausible.

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I agree that the OP list is plausible. I might consider Gethzerion, she probably was more powerful than Sidious when it came down to it, but was basically tied down to Dathomir by the collective watch of the Empire. She almost killed Luke, too. Edited by GoodEnoughForMe
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This is pretty mcuh all tied up in the skywalker line, but then what do you expect from a family line when one of them (Anakin) is the child of the force itself.


1. Anakin and Luke are equal in max potential (200% more powerful than Sidious).

2. Jacen Solo not that far behind, actually became one with the force at one point while still being alive.

3. Anakin Solo probably close if not almost equal to Jacen.

4. Cade Skywalker, Anakin reborn, with a death cheating power.

5. Ben Skywalker

Edited by AngelousWang
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Starkiller is definately somewhere in there and my sith inquisitor is pretty powerful


If you read up on Starkiller he had the potential to be extremely powerful thus why Sidious wanted to replace Vader with him.

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If i went by movies for jedi

1. Yoda

2. Plo Koon

3. Kit Fisto

4. Luke

5. Shak Ti


Any of the Sith

1. Revan

2. Nihilus

3. Starkiller

4. Vader

5. Sidious

6. Bane

7. Plagaus


Why are there 7 for sith you may ask simple.. Sith are not fair.

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Potential meaning they didn't achieve their highest level of power or potential in general barring lost limbs and such?


Read what has been written about Vitiate. You will change your mind.


1. Sidious or Vitiate.


Sidious beats Vitate. Luke beats Sidious.


GL Said it or not, just look at their abilities.


Sidious has done what Vitate has done and more.


Luke has bested Sidious and a whole lot more.

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If i went by movies for jedi

1. Yoda

2. Plo Koon

3. Kit Fisto

4. Luke

5. Shak Ti


Any of the Sith

1. Revan

2. Nihilus

3. Starkiller

4. Vader

5. Sidious

6. Bane

7. Plagaus


Why are there 7 for sith you may ask simple.. Sith are not fair.


Did you read the OP? The question was "who has the most force potential", not who was the strongest.

I doubt that Plo Koon, Kit Fisto or Shak Ti had enough potential to even come close to the Skywalkers.

Edited by Mimirz
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He doesn't die, this guy just has something mixed up. Kyp Durron is explicitly stated to have more raw force power than Luke Skywalker, but less control.


It states in Wookieepedia that is not true. It was a boast by the character himself and, that does not make it canon.

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I like the Light/Dark breakdown



Anakin Skywalker (As a Jedi)

Luke Skywalker

Anakin Solo

Jacen Solo

A'sharad Hett (Man managed to cheat death for over a century)



Maul (we're talking potential here)


Revan (Think if Malak hadn't taken that cheap shot at him)


Ben Skywalker (Just think if Jacen had managed to fully turn him how vicious he woulda been)

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He doesn't die, this guy just has something mixed up. Kyp Durron is explicitly stated to have more raw force power than Luke Skywalker, but less control.


Durron claimed to be more powerful in the Force than Luke Skywalker, but this is most surely a boast based on his arrogance and overconfidence

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