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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The 45 Year and Older Professional Club


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43 year old computer geekette. I work in Network Security and people are still surprised that I'm going to be the one to help them secure their network.


I saw Star Wars at a drive in when it came out in 1977. I thought it was the coolest thing I'd ever seen. I've been into different games...oh since Diablo came out and then Baldur's Gate. Ah, the good old days. I do admit to being casual and while I have republic players and my main tends to be my smuggler, I think I have the most fun on my Sith Warrior. Being evil is the best release from working with the public all day. :D

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I am 41 years old. I live in the Netherlands and I am network engineer. I Play SWTOR for 3 years. Good to see that are mature players. I am looking for a guild with casual and mature players.


My parents moved from Holland in the 50's to Canada. All my extended family is out there I hope you find your guild. :)

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66 year old grandmother here. I remember when Pong was cool and played lots of Yahtze and Scrabble before computers where even a thing. The only thing I don't do now days is PVP, just don't have the reflexes for it any more. Used to heal, but now only dps due to a problem with kinetic tremors. I will game until I can no longer sit in a chair and hold a mouse in my hand. Cheers to all the older crowd.
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I am 50, soon to be 51, insurance agent for the largest agency in the state. As a kid I dreamed of being able to interact with cartoons etc...so video games were a dream come true for me. Spent all my money as teen on Defender and Asteroids. The opening scenes at the theater of the first Star Wars movie still rank as some of my best movie experiences ever. Only recently (last couple of years) started play MMO games online. Prior to that I stuck to offline games.


According to my wife, I am addicted to video games, and I'm not sure that I can argue too much with her. Every spare moment for me is spent playing SWTOR.

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I am 41 years old. I live in the Netherlands and I am network engineer. I Play SWTOR for 3 years. Good to see that are mature players. I am looking for a guild with casual and mature players.


I would love to create a guild on the "Shadowlands" server for people our age or older. We can name it the "40 and Over" guild, or maybe the "Geriatric" guild....lol

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I am a 73 + , been a star wars player , started in the 90's star wars game , S W T O R in 2013. I have 6 Reps, 6 Imps , 3 @ 65 level 7 @ 6o level.. I play on the East coast server . 8 am to 4-5 pm. Still Have "Treek" as My favorite. Got my 2ND "Nico" Yesterday. You could call me POPS:
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54. Female. No kids. (No you are not my grandkid) Network Administrator. My mom plays at 75. It is how she keeps in touch with us kids all over. We chat on Ventrilo. Give her a trooper, point at something and tell her to kill it and it dies.


Tag Line: SWTOR a Hero at any age.



Alliance Commander


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Every once in a while it dawns on me that I am teaming with folks that weren't even born when I bought the socks I am wearing. I know this as I often team with my three sons. As a 47 year-old professional who leads a multi-million dollar project for a large corporation, I am sure that many of my co-workers would be shocked if they knew that when I get home I log on to SWTOR and pretend that I am a Master Jedi for 2-3 hours. Not that it bothers me. It keeps me young in mind and heart.


It got me to thinking, "How many others out there are like me?" I'm sure I'm not the oldest player out there. So, if you fall into the geriatric crowd within SWTOR, give a shout out with your age and profession. It will be cool to know who is out there.


hey you are the teenager to me as i get to 63 next week, retired college lecturer with duff eyesight and still going with mmo's. The guild master of a small band of - i hope like minded people.

i remember the hours queuing for the first film at the cinema star wars is a part of our lives at my age.

keep up the good work and may the force get you to my age safely

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As I mentioned in an earlier post, I am a 47 years old retired police officer. I have been a fan of Star Wars since I saw the first movie back in 1977. Needless to say, when SWTOR came out it only made sense to me to immerse myself into that world and live out my dreams of being the most powerful Sith and Jedi that I could become. I have been playing this game on and off since it was released. I play on the "Shadowlands" server. My Jedi character is a level 62 Jedi Knight named Oba'nare, and my Sith character is a level 60 Sith Assassin named Syphous. If you play on that server, please send me a friend request. By the way, I am currently not affiliated with any Guilds at this time. :ph_thank_you:
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