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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Fix Marauder!


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Why is it that you released a major patch and did not do ANYTHING for our class? You left us exactly how we are....We need a buff...We are a class that is so vulnerable to damage in pvp its rediculous.....We have to run into every fight we cannot hide and we get blown up so fast even in full pvp gear...Something is wrong with this picture.....Not only that but we get stunned constantly.....Why in the hell have you not fixed these issues Bioware.....What purpose does a Marauder have if he cannot do damage like other classes and dies faster than any other class?


Even with all of my bubbles and cooldowns I can live for a little while but my damage output even with FULL epics in pvp is absolute garbage.......that I just die anyways....These issues need to be looked at in a serious way...I am paying for this game and I want my class to work correctly and scale properly.

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Why is it that you released a major patch and did not do ANYTHING for our class? You left us exactly how we are....We need a buff...We are a class that is so vulnerable to damage in pvp its rediculous.....We have to run into every fight we cannot hide and we get blown up so fast even in full pvp gear...Something is wrong with this picture.....Not only that but we get stunned constantly.....Why in the hell have you not fixed these issues Bioware.....What purpose does a Marauder have if he cannot do damage like other classes and dies faster than any other class?


Even with all of my bubbles and cooldowns I can live for a little while but my damage output even with FULL epics in pvp is absolute garbage.......that I just die anyways....These issues need to be looked at in a serious way...I am paying for this game and I want my class to work correctly and scale properly.


so you want to be able to be rambo and the terminator all in one?

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Why is it that you released a major patch and did not do ANYTHING for our class? You left us exactly how we are....We need a buff...We are a class that is so vulnerable to damage in pvp its rediculous.....We have to run into every fight we cannot hide and we get blown up so fast even in full pvp gear...Something is wrong with this picture.....Not only that but we get stunned constantly.....Why in the hell have you not fixed these issues Bioware.....What purpose does a Marauder have if he cannot do damage like other classes and dies faster than any other class?


Even with all of my bubbles and cooldowns I can live for a little while but my damage output even with FULL epics in pvp is absolute garbage.......that I just die anyways....These issues need to be looked at in a serious way...I am paying for this game and I want my class to work correctly and scale properly.


Marauders don't need a buff at most they need some streamlining to abiities to make them somewhat less complex and I'd even argue that's not strictly necessary.


You are no more vulnerable to damage than any other DPS class and have some very strong survival abilities and escape mechanisms at your disposal.


The only time you get blown up in PVP gear is if you are doing stupid things like attacking several other players at once alone or letting casters blow you up from afar while doing nothing about it.


I really hate when people talk about how bad class x damage is in this game without a proper parse but I think it's safe to say that if you think your single target damage is significantly behind all other dps classes then you are either deluding your self or are doing something wrong.

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OP, what level are you? Marauders really seem to get better as you approach 50.


Also, know that Marauder is the hardest class to play in the game right now. If you're not using ALL of your abilities, and if you haven't read them carefully, then you won't be doing as well as you could. You really need to know when to use each one situationally, you CANNOT just do a simple rotation on this class or else you will have problems.


Lots of people post Marauder is underpowered threads, and I used to think they were right, but some people are doing very well with the class, and I'm getting better fast as I approach 50.


The talents you get deep in the tree in particular are really vital to your success in pvp.


Use Quinn if you're having trouble, and just do solo quests and space battles to level. Don't pvp until you're high level or expect to have a hard time.


If you're not game for that, then roll Juggernaut. Sorry.

Edited by miliways
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I really have not had a bad experience playing a Marauder in a PvP environment. Rage spec is fantastic and I can easily get 6-8 medals per fight.



Are you constatnly que'ing solo? I usually don't step in warzones without at least one person I can role with. Even if it's not a healer it helps when you are constantly jumping into battle with someone else to take some of the attention away.


If you can't keep yourself alive with 3 shields, a gap closer, a 'break free' ability, a sprint, and a vanish maybe you need to re-evaluate your play style or perhaps try a new class entirely.

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I myself am a Lv 37 and i have messed with all the trees. I tend to find the annihilation branch works awesome for me and if I read my abilities carefully. I focused my tree on upping my crit and bleed/heal effects and made my toolbar setup so i have an initial sequence of attacks. After the sequence, if not interrupted by some break effect with stronger mobs, I play by feel/situation while making sure i understand what everything on my toolbar does to help me. I have been playing WZs most every day knowing i may get owed alot but usually after trial and error I am able to string my best abilities to get me a few medals.
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OP, what level are you? Marauders really seem to get better as you approach 50.


Also, know that Marauder is the hardest class to play in the game right now. If you're not using ALL of your abilities, and if you haven't read them carefully, then you won't be doing as well as you could. You really need to know when to use each one situationally, you CANNOT just do a simple rotation on this class or else you will have problems.


I'd also like to add that how you spec has a major impact on how your character performs. I'd be willing to bet that a lot of people are trying to spread out too far in multiple trees.


Pick a single tree and work it until you hit the end talent, then pick up a few extras from the others. don't go halfway in to every tree.

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I play Marauder and I have never lost a 1v1 battle. I duel people all the time even. I've even taken on 4 guys at once in Alderaan and killed 3 and the last ran away (granted there was only one level 50 there.) Currently, I'm fine with the way classes are, but I'm open to changes. Edited by TPman
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Just because we're not severely behind anyone doesn't mean we can't use a buff.


It's silly to think that a class that needs to be played flawlessly to be on par with average players of the same class is fine in the state that it is in.


Also, abilities constantly failing to fire and charge DC'ing people and sending us to oblivion and back when we use it in strange places isn't a good thing.


EDIT: Also, I'm a 50, so yeah.

Edited by Surrag
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Just because we're not severely behind anyone doesn't mean we can't use a buff.


It's silly to think that a class that needs to be played flawlessly to be on par with average players of the same class is fine in the state that it is in.


Also, abilities constantly failing to fire and charge DC'ing people and sending us to oblivion and back when we use it in strange places isn't a good thing.


EDIT: Also, I'm a 50, so yeah.

but when played right we are ahead of others, so why should we get a buff simply because most people fail at playing them right

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bye guys! GL and thanks for playing!


LOL i love this attitude in the game. Do you yourself like the game? Then perhaps when a lot of people experience the same issue and it persists these people leave. Then a few more people leave, next thing you know a lot have left and the game look empty and its hard to get PvP, PvE things going on. Oh thats right, its a dead game, like AoC or whatever else.


Crap attitudes like this are funny because these are the people who will wonder why no one is playing the game anymore in a few months and be angry about it.

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Didn't change anything because its not broke.



Wow you guys are clueless if you think the class is working as it should... Either that or you play an OP.....


I am level 50 and i have been for some time....I have full tier 2 pvp and pve gear. I really dont understand how you can even argue that our damage in pvp is gimped.....We cannot put out EVEN CLOSE to the burst that other dps classes can and lets face it....Sustainable dmg is NOT optimal for pvp thats strictly pve....Why is that so hard to grasp?


We have power techs who can not only nuke from far away but hit like *********** trucks...then u have the 6k critting stunning OP class OP, then u have mages who can just sit back and blow you up with ease....


Our damage in pvp is very minimal in terms of burst....and we cant stay alive very long in fights either....Our cooldowns do not last very long and that means that after what 10 seconds or so of blowing all of our cds we die? Is that survivability in pvp? Sure you can argue that it is.....ExCEPT for the fact that we hit like *****es in pvp .....So by the time we have done even half the dmg an OP has done we are dead.


Hell even a jugg smash on the ground does an instant 3k on me.....


One last thing.....Why in the **** bioware.... does kick not work in PVP....Honestly why do you give us a move that does pretty hefty damage and we cannot use it in pvp...I mean we are a melee class we are in fights constantly and we are nuked down by every class that has a *********** stun or some way to CC us until we are dead.


We basically cant pvp unless all our CDs are up and they are on long cool downs.

Edited by TheGoodJunkie
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Wow you guys are clueless if you think the class is working as it should... Either that or you play an OP.....


I am level 50 and i have been for some time....I have full tier 2 pvp and pve gear. I really dont understand how you can even argue that our damage in pvp is gimped.....We cannot put out EVEN CLOSE to the burst that other dps classes can and lets face it....Sustainable dmg is NOT optimal for pvp thats strictly pve....Why is that so hard to grasp?


We have power techs who can not only nuke from far away but hit like *********** trucks...then u have the 6k critting stunning OP class OP, then u have mages who can just sit back and blow you up with ease....


Our damage in pvp is very minimal in terms of burst....and we cant stay alive very long in fights either....Our cooldowns do not last very long and that means that after what 10 seconds or so of blowing all of our cds we die? Is that survivability in pvp? Sure you can argue that it is.....ExCEPT for the fact that we hit like *****es in pvp .....So by the time we have done even half the dmg an OP has done we are dead.


Hell even a jugg smash on the ground does an instant 3k on me.....


One last thing.....Why in the **** bioware.... does kick not work in PVP....Honestly why do you give us a move that does pretty hefty damage and we cannot use it in pvp...I mean we are a melee class we are in fights constantly and we are nuked down by every class that has a *********** stun or some way to CC us until we are dead.


We basically cant pvp unless all our CDs are up and they are on long cool downs.


SOOOO TRUEE! Thats exactly how I feel. We need a *********** buff right now.. ridiculous how we are designed. I seriously feel like a rogue without stealth or stuns.

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I have to agree there. Marauders are pretty much like a rogue without stealth and stuns. And since there is no stealth there is no big opener like rogues usually have from stealth either. Edited by elaith
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I love the higher skill cap.


I love being able to 2 v 1.


I love owning people.


I feel like if they make us stronger then Marauders will turn into a "tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile, tracer-missile" class.

(I hope not)


My opinion; leave them how they are, balance Operatives and Sorcerers.


Video in signature is me fresh at Level 50 with only 1 piece of PvP gear (38 expertise).

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but when played right we are ahead of others, so why should we get a buff simply because most people fail at playing them right

Myself, I don't have a problem with class being complex but have you tried to imagine that not everyone has the skills compared to accomplished piano virtuoso? What about those that like to play the class and be on par with the others but lack the ability to jump between 30+ keybinds and constantly adapt to what happens around you?


Try looking at a big picture sometimes.


OT: That said, Marauder doesn't need buffs. It needs several tweaks and that's it. What's needed is some means of actually sticking to the target Annihilator buff lasting few seconds longer, Cloak of Pain looked at (in pvp at least cause anyone with half brain can knockback and kite for 6 seconds), knockback or reliable CC (giving Maras this this Juggs got which makes Choke "fire and forget" comes to mind), Savage Kick and Pommel Strike turned into something beyond "adds additional flavor to pve soloing" and so on.




Not buffs.

Edited by gibmachine
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