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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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I'm here to PVP, not to farm loot, or look for cheap opportunities to win. Losing is fine, as long as my side has a chance to rally and fight back.


If fighting back instead of hiding in the fleet becomes a "stupid" thing to do on a PVP server, I'll go find a game where it isn't.


- genius Repub


I wish more Republicans shared your frame of mind.

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Everyone in my guild is already upset, dont do a rollback and we will leave this piece of ****.



I was rank57, close to battlemaster, now it means nothing, everyone can get his free battlemaster today, thanks bioware

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I am a small republic player on The Ravager (pvp) server. Making valor lvl 60 tok me about 2 weeks of daily warzones for 12 hours and more, but i finally did it. After today patch i heared and saw myself some horrible things, including imperials making 16k valor in 30 minutes, ppl with valor lvl 1 that visited Ilum today for 1st time reaching valor 65 like 4 or 5 hurs ago (dunno what lvl they have now) and over 120 imperium vs 27 republic players on ilum. I say *** !!! Endless farm of valor on turrets and unaware players for imperium (mostly). This is what's happening on most servers and BIOWARE know it !! And it will continue because many ppl don't visit forums (and sadly this one still don't have search option). Me, and many ppl like me spent a lot of time to reach it while now because some devs don't want to think (sad and hard, but also true guys). Probably we would do same, but on most servers republic is outnumbered like 1 for 3 imperials. Half of my guild, one of largest on republic side dil end game tomorrow since they didn't subscribe, others are gonna play much less till subscription is over. This won't be only server with ppl quitting like this, and if it won't be fixed/rollbacked many more will follow nad quit. I know there are many pve players, some gt nice items today, but they can be remade, advantage on pvp you worked for for over 2 weeks that opposing faction can make in less than 1 day is unfair for us. Rollbacking this is in my, and many other ppl (i know fair imperials who think same) only option> but 2nd thing is preventing it in future, imo make bth bases inaccessable fr pponents, put energy walls that are protecting huttball spawns (or whatever it is there :p) on base entrances. We have all big area if we want pvp and make daily, but we also need some sanctuary to rest and when 1 guy is getting pwned by 50 or more when exiting speeder is not fun and make ppl quit very fast and so many ppl quitting this nice game with big potential would be bad, but devs need to THINK, listen to us a bit and maybe allow ppl to create lvl 50 chars on test servers (and delete them every day) so end game content can be checked also, because leveling on test server ... just seems bad.
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OMG, people get like 500 valor every minute for standing around and spamming one aoe skill. Who the **** cares? I'd rather play warzones and actually pvp, instead of suffering through the Ilum slideshow.


It's a fail patch, which they will hopefully fix. Stop being drama queens.

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I'm here to PVP, not to farm loot, or look for cheap opportunities to win. Losing is fine, as long as my side has a chance to rally and fight back.


If fighting back instead of hiding in the fleet becomes a "stupid" thing to do on a PVP server, I'll go find a game where it isn't.


- genius Repub


so you are obviously not experiencing the horrendous slaughter of the poor republics at the hands of the evil overpowered empire. Thank god at least one of the people posting on these forums isn't full of crap.


*tips hat*

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Logged in this morning excited for 1.1. Logged out almost immediately after.


Went to work.


Came home hoping to play the game I've grinded out the past month. Got 50. Almost got to Battlemaster.


Still broke.


GG Bioware. There goes 15 bucks a month.

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Pretty much everyone in my guild that got to rank 60 valor legitimately are saying they're going to quit if valor from this isn't rolled back.


How many people is that, 2? Haven't seen no one in my guild complain about this issue. Though only around 10 ish people at Valor 60.


Personally I just hopped on, got 2 ranks and gave up due to mass FPS lag and game crashes.


Id be fine with Valor Rank rollback.


Lets hope all gets worked out....

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All I have to say is you guys should see The Swiftsure. The most populated pvp server out of them all. Apparently it's because all those Oceanics/West coasters rolled empire.


This morning it was about 300 on 50. It was amazing.


It took me all of 10 seconds to /quit the session and go find something else to do and wait for a dev response.


Still waiting.

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Why the **** are the servers still up? Are you really so incompetent that you cant figure out that its better to bring the servers down for a few hours and fix this before it gets any worse?


Bring the servers down now, roll back the valor, and fire Gabe for his unacceptable lack of foresight that caused this mess to begin with. Then give everyone 3 free days and be done with it.

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PvP – We have an entire team dedicated to adding content and features to player vs. player. We have some of the most experienced PvP developers in the world on this team. So far very few people have seen, or know much about the stunning Open World PVP on Ilum; when you get to the high levels prepare to be blown away!


I love this. I remember BW saying something like this a way back.

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I am a small republic player on The Ravager (pvp) server. Making valor lvl 60 tok me about 2 weeks of daily warzones for 12 hours and more, but i finally did it. After today patch i heared and saw myself some horrible things, including imperials making 16k valor in 30 minutes, ppl with valor lvl 1 that visited Ilum today for 1st time reaching valor 65 like 4 or 5 hurs ago (dunno what lvl they have now) and over 120 imperium vs 27 republic players on ilum. I say *** !!! Endless farm of valor on turrets and unaware players for imperium (mostly). This is what's happening on most servers and BIOWARE know it !! And it will continue because many ppl don't visit forums (and sadly this one still don't have search option). Me, and many ppl like me spent a lot of time to reach it while now because some devs don't want to think (sad and hard, but also true guys). Probably we would do same, but on most servers republic is outnumbered like 1 for 3 imperials. Half of my guild, one of largest on republic side dil end game tomorrow since they didn't subscribe, others are gonna play much less till subscription is over. This won't be only server with ppl quitting like this, and if it won't be fixed/rollbacked many more will follow nad quit. I know there are many pve players, some gt nice items today, but they can be remade, advantage on pvp you worked for for over 2 weeks that opposing faction can make in less than 1 day is unfair for us. Rollbacking this is in my, and many other ppl (i know fair imperials who think same) only option> but 2nd thing is preventing it in future, imo make bth bases inaccessable fr pponents, put energy walls that are protecting huttball spawns (or whatever it is there :p) on base entrances. We have all big area if we want pvp and make daily, but we also need some sanctuary to rest and when 1 guy is getting pwned by 50 or more when exiting speeder is not fun and make ppl quit very fast and so many ppl quitting this nice game with big potential would be bad, but devs need to THINK, listen to us a bit and maybe allow ppl to create lvl 50 chars on test servers (and delete them every day) so end game content can be checked also, because leveling on test server ... just seems bad.



My eyes they are bleeding!!! Do we share forums with EU servers? That might explain the all out spawn camping assault the English language just experienced.

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PvP – We have an entire team dedicated to adding content and features to player vs. player. We have some of the most experienced PvP developers in the world on this team. So far very few people have seen, or know much about the stunning Open World PVP on Ilum; when you get to the high levels prepare to be blown away!


well it is kinda stunning i got about 4 fps and random loading screens on ilum now.:p

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Ilum bases


As ive stated in other posts the main issues with these bases is lack of defenses.


The bases need the following things implented


1. The bases need lot more gaurds and wall turrets. I say this b/c as were seeing really now more then ever that the opposite side can sit in the other sides base.


2. The bases need to be more deeper like the main bases when u land on ilum. They need to be closed off and have 1 entrance in/out


3. Thier needs to be a base boss to kill thats 80 to 100k deep inside of the base. This boss needs to have the highest chance of getting pvp gear/champion bags and even armor pieces in themselves. I base this on how easy it is to take the bases currently. Shooting a rocket and camping the repair box is just not doing. Theres needs to be a raid to go into the base and strategically kill a base boss on top of taking the turrets. This would make for better pvp and more people organizing to fight for an objective


So heres how the base take over should be


1. use rocket launcher kill turrets

2. Fight your way inside the base (should be lots of door gaurds and droids/turrets to fight your way through.

3. Kill the base boss thats a 80-100k deep inside the base then cap the base.

4. Loot boss or chest (This boss must have the highest drop rate for champion bags/commendations and even gear itself)


4. The repair box for the turrets needs to be inside the base why this is outside? I do not know. This makes for harder and a better experience to take the turrets out. Anyone can go shoot a rocket launcher up there and camp the repair box.


5. We need to have healers be able to heal please remove -30 healing


6. We need to have more functional/more useful manable gun turrets


7. Faction imbalance im going to be honest gabe your gonna need to open rvr and other servers ability to come and go to have functional pvp on any server. This issue cannot be adressed with same faction vs same faction. Really need to get this rvr and cross server pvp going


8. Raid assist we cant do much in a raid with no raid assist. Ive complained about this issue in beta. If you want to form a community and have organized groups fighting we need a raid assist badly



These ideas imho would go a long way in ilum i know theres going to be lag and fps issues and theyve stated there working on them.


To gabe i hope you read and consider these ideas. I think this would really improve things if one side could actually defend thier base and putting a base boss would create more raiding and better fun for all.


Please post constructive ideas ill admit like a lot of people im getting very frustrated and i want this to succeed for us all both sides.

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Look, they just closed my thread on IGN's article of this problem and look what they said:


"We are currently aware of potential issues regarding Ilum PVP and our teams are working dilligently to investigate this issue.


At this time we ask that you discuss this topic in this thread: Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Potential Issues Discussion. We ask that you use the thread to continue this discussion and visit the thread for additional updates."



Edited by Hanni
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ugh. if it wasnt the valor farming, the lag alone is enough to make it unbearable. i love playing a game where i get 1 - 3 fps because there are over 50 ppl on my screen even with all my graphics settings set to low. This is countered to usually having 60-80fps with all graphics settings set to high (or whatever they really are.)


A middle ground is needed. Bring back Ilum v1.0 and just add a small number of kills on top of helping the war effort. Nerf the valor rewards completely so its on par to the same amount of time spent in a warzone.


oh and roll back all valor to server start after patch.

Edited by zombieinferno
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Why the **** are the servers still up? Are you really so incompetent that you cant figure out that its better to bring the servers down for a few hours and fix this before it gets any worse?


Bring the servers down now, roll back the valor, and fire Gabe for his unacceptable lack of foresight that caused this mess to begin with. Then give everyone 3 free days and be done with it.



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