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Post 1.1 Ilum PVP Issues Discussion


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I'm on the Sih'ari server and we are over populated with inperial characters anyway, i can do the wazones and about 5 out of 20 i win, bit frustrating but i can just about deal with that.


The imperial in a way are well over powered with their instagib force lightening and many other skills they have.

But now the interesting bit for the ilum 1.1 roll out, screw the republic players i think is the motto with this patch! Us jedi are now destroyed on ilum, we are not only now majorly out numbered by the imperial players but we cant even get to any of the objectives that the new ilum quest offers due to the massive imbalance, so not only do the imperials get the advantage on players they now get to reap the rewards of the new quest system by grinding out the armaments even if there is no republic players to kill. Even if a few republic do come to ilum we are ganked due to the shear numbers of imperials.


Hmmmmm wheres the logic in that?? OBVIOUSLY swtor is geared towards imperial we all know it and dont deny that fact but come on balance it out a bit please bioware!

Make it fun for us republic too, as far as i can see you may lose some of your player base because of all these facts and it aint me just moaning.

I could role an imperial character and do it that way but i dont want to play imperial i want to be republic!


sorry if this sounds like i'm being a little girl and ranting but im just stating the obvious that even the people that play imperial know, thats why they play imperial and gank anything that moves.

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I thought about it but im too busy laughing at everything. Figures this happens on the day I work a 14 hour shift. hope I can get in some of this action when I get home.


Honestly, I'm right there with ya. I'm wrapping up work and heading off to hustle poker. It's highly unlikely I'd be logging in tonight anyway.

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A videos says more than words:




Turrents with Aoe dmg, and higher dmg.

Decrease valor gain when in a ops grp by A lot. Split valor gain by ppl in a grp (if they're close to the kill).


Most valor gain should be from a solo kill. -This will make ppl want to go in small grps or solo to pvp.. which, imo, is the most fun.

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How many genius repubs allowing themselves to be farmed is that?


Sounds like BS to me

I'm here to PVP, not to farm loot, or look for cheap opportunities to win. Losing is fine, as long as my side has a chance to rally and fight back.


If fighting back instead of hiding in the fleet becomes a "stupid" thing to do on a PVP server, I'll go find a game where it isn't.


- genius Repub

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Hahaha and who was talking about irony again?


That's what I was trying to say. That was me as a Republic *single target melee* Sentinel farming Imps. There wasn't even that many Imps around. An Imp bud of mine was doing twice the amount of valor points each minute in Ilum farming Republic players.


BW basically broke Warzones too, no need to do those anymore. Why spend two hours doing Warzones when you can farm the same amount of valor points in 15 minutes participating in the Ilum lagfest? sigh....

Edited by darthtoph
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This "patch" is a complete disaster, anyone saying otherwise is a complete idiot.


I myself had no problems with the old Ilum, it was just a matter of population. It was too soon to go ahead and change the whole system that was on the planet just because there wasn't enough PvP action. In due time the zone would possibly flourish into the world PvP area that Bioware had envisioned. Instead of being patient though, BW went ahead and jumped the gun without thinking things through. This is a disgrace the whole zone is a gankfest / spawn farming zone on the Imperial side. It should have been left alone.


Also, the whole 50 only queue bracket is ridiculous, over 2 hour long queues just to get into a match (if you are lucky). After that 2 hour waste of time you then have to win! If you dont win 3 times, no daily completion for you...


I felt that having 10-50 in the same bracket was not an issue, yes there is a disadvantage toward the lower levels. That disadvantage though should bring the lower levels some resolve to actually hit level 50 and then be on the same pedestal. If people are that annoyed by versing level 50's as level 10, then make that bracket level 30-50. If that were to be done, the queue times would drastically be cut down and we wouldn't have to worry that we wont get our daily done.


Bioware, you really screwed up and didn't think this through. You need to fix this ASAP and bring us results, and updates instead on generic PR responses. You can still redeem yourselves at this point, but be warned I don't think myself (nor the community) will be more forgiving next time.

Edited by Faconi
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Good joke, please tell again.


I really doubt that it is anywhere near as bad as people are claiming. Forum criers are always exaggerating, and the funny thing is, they all claim its imps doing the farming, but as that picture the dude posted clearly shows, its a repub farming. So yeah excuse me for using my own brain to chose to doubt the cries on the forums instead of jumping on the whinewagon and cheering on the falsehoods.

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PvP – We have an entire team dedicated to adding content and features to player vs. player. We have some of the most experienced PvP developers in the world on this team. So far very few people have seen, or know much about the stunning Open World PVP on Ilum; when you get to the high levels prepare to be blown away!
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I was wondering if I might be able to put some ideas in your head. I know your looking for a solution to the problem that has become ilum.


Now this is going to sound a bit harsh but hear me out plz.


There is no solution to this problem and the current problem you are facing is one that has killed pvp in many games.


This is why.


In most PVP games you have a controlled environment. Eve its the space that you live in and it costs billions a month to keep a system. IRL a system costs $50 to keep for a month, but anyone can siege it and take over the system. In AOC you had the barracks. SWG you had bunkers you could siege. In your case the camps that you siege to try to take over control of something that has no value to anyone.


SWG phased out the bunkers in the creation of restuss which is a open world pvp world. there was 1 particular area which was a burnt down space port that you got badges for controlling and completing the missions while it was under your control.


Now why doesn't this work. From a admins perspective it doesn't work because there is no way to handle the lag making it harder to maintain. From a players perspective lag makes it not playable.


Your last system encouraged trading for the valor buff your new one encourages blob warfare which isnt fun. So what can one do to fix these issues.


First you need a system that puts vested interest in a player actually focusing on a objective. Make it player owned or guild owned. something of that nature or find a reason to keep them. It is these methods that make WZ's worth while.


Give a common goal and rewards for having them. Think arturic basin with yoru current layout. control these 3 - 5 objectives for 15 mins - a hr your choice your the devs.


this would encourage the ability to control the zone without resorting to blob warfare. you have a potential blob take a area meanwhile smaller forces can take other objectives while the blob is working though the zone making the blob useless.

even if you figure you have 200 people in a zone and 10 objectives thats on a small enough of a scale that the lag is minimal the system is there you just have to rework the mechanics a little add more objectives to defuse the lag potential.


There is no way to completely eliminate the issues but you can minimize them at very least.

Edited by stothe
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Bw says they appreciate our constructive feedback, so here's my 2c.


1. close ilum

2. work on developing a rollback if at all possible

3. if roll back is not possible, underdog faction needs to be buffed in order to stay competetive in pvp. This could be in the form of increased valor/commendation gains, or decreased cost of pvp gear/items/etc

4. put a minimum level requirement on ilum, I'd make it 50

5. implement a queue to join ilum, and keep the populations of both factions balanced within a given range (ie if there are 50 repubs on ilum, max imps would be ~60)

6. create safe zones for each faction with defenses that would not allow the opposing faction to trap them there. (something like turrets with 1,00,000 life and instakill any enemy within range)

7. allow groups of atleast 8 to queue together for Warzones. If guilds dedicated to pvp could all que together and grow together it would give the overpowered imps less of an advantage.


Even though this issue could have been avoided, I know the devs are working as fast as they can to fix it. Good luck devs


p.s. alot of times i refer to the imps as overpowered (mainly bc they are the ones overpowered on my server) but obviously the same applies if repubs are overpowered on a particular server.

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Let me list for you the reasons why I am unsubscribing today Jan/18/2012


1. The complete and total unbalance in PvP between Empire and Republic (50 Commando)


2. Everytime i try to patch I get an error telling me to repair. Of course that never works. I followed your lack luster directions given on the forums to run my Fix Launcher, and that did NOTHING. After spending two and a half hours on the phone with your Indian Technical support and being transferred twice, i was told that all i can do is re-install.


3. I get stuck at least 5 times a day


4. I run into glitches at least 5 times a day


5. I often complete the daily pvp but get no credit for it.


6. You have made in abundantly obvious that Bioware favors Empire


And now is i wait 14 hours for my game to re-install, i will think of the money that i am wasting watching my bar fill (Most likely only to get the same error), and how much less angry i got while playing WoW.


P.S. Fire who ever you paided to let you know what the public is thinking on the forums. They are clearly not paying attention

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I really doubt that it is anywhere near as bad as people are claiming. Forum criers are always exaggerating, and the funny thing is, they all claim its imps doing the farming, but as that picture the dude posted clearly shows, its a repub farming. So yeah excuse me for using my own brain to chose to doubt the cries on the forums instead of jumping on the whinewagon and cheering on the falsehoods.


Funny, because I was just on Ilum on my server, and I died the second I landed. I rezed, and died again. The only other 20 Republics in the zone were also dieing as they rezed. So I can say with 100% certainty, "Good joke, please tell again."

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