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non-crafting BH


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Can't wrap my head around it all.I don't want to craft, but I'm stuck on which skills


I've narrowed it to 4 as a BH Mercenary


Slicing is for sure (gathering)


So that leaves

1 scavenging (gathering)

2 investigation (mission)

3 underworld trading (mission)


I'm just lost on is it bad to have two gathering skills, or bad to have two mission skills? or it really matter? Is two gathering better than two mission? Any particular reason? again it's for a BH who doesn't want to craft.


I really appreciate any input

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And I know that Mako has + to slicing, and Skadge has +scavenging, and Gault + underworld, so does that just answer my question as easy as that? ie none of my companions get +investigation, so skip that? Edited by Frankee
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To me, there are two options here.


1.- Go with trading and investigation, as I think you are more likely to get items that you could more readily sell from these mission skills.


2. Go with scavanging and trading, scavanging is usable right away and throughout the game, and trading will get you some good companion gifts that will be better for the companions you will have. There are player missions on Hutta (at least one), and probably elsewhere, that you can only get if you hav scavanging.

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And I know that Major has + to slicing, and Slashed has +scavenging, and Gault + underworld, so does that just answer my question as easy as that? ie none of my companions get +investigation, so skip that?


That is definitely a consideration. Since you are not set on any of the 3 anyway, might as well go with the bonuses.

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I thought it only let you have one gathering one mission and one crafting? or is it not limited to that?


The only two limitations are that you can only have up to three skills total and that you can only have one production skill out of those three.


So, you could have up to three gathering or three mission skills or some various mix of them all.

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Mission skills will give ya some good rare materials to sell on the AH, investigation will also find rare patterns. However, two mission skills will be hard to level, at least till you get several companions. on the other hand, the normal gathering skills, (excluding slicing) will give you alot of common crafting materials that will probably only sell in bulk, and who's to say which will be most in demand when game economy gets rolling. You can be sure however, that those rare crafting materials from missions will sell.
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Thanks for all the input, was at work so delayed response.


1.- Go with trading and investigation, as I think you are more likely to get items that you could more readily sell from these mission skills.


Think I'm going with this, based on some more reading I did too, seems like mission skills are more for me, get rare things and simply sell them, I'm not all about rumaging around the ground digging for crap lol, I'd rather send someone out to get it for me, and hope for something cool.


So Slicing cause it revolves around credits, and Underworld + Investigation, probably focusing more on underworld because of Gault's bonus. I just don't see myself using scavenging, sorry Skadge!

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My main is going cybertech, scavenging, underworld trainging.


However Im rolling an ALT whos only purpose is to get stuff to sell, or find rare schems to sell or use by me. So for your main who doesnt plan to craft, the same idea would work for you.


1. Slicing: Get credits, chances for schems, can open boxes during missions for creds

2. Treasure Hunting: Specific missions to find rare stuff (items, mats, schems) and specific missions for lockboxes (opened by slicing)

3. Investigation: Find schems.


Its just my personal hunch, but the items I see going for the highest price on the AH, atleast in the beginning, are going to be rare schematics for other crafting professions. So being able to provide those is going to work out pretty well.

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