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Bracket Rage... only yourself to blame


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edit: And another thing, now people who are just hitting 50 (which is about 80% of the population, as far as i can tell based on what i see in my guild) are being thrown into wzs with decked out level 50s. It's not quite as horrible as fighting a geared 50 when you're 20, but it's still bad enough. This "fix" ultimately fixed nothing.






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I think the 'pvp' stat has dragged mmo's down the drain as well. I am not a raider. I do a bit of everything, but I probably pvp more than anything else. I very rarely might go on a raid, but mostly I stick to smaller dungeons. In any case, even though I pvp more than anything else, I always hated the introduction of a pvp only stat. I don't want to keep two sets of gear that I change into depending on whether I'm questing or pvp'ing. I don't find grinding for gear to be very entertaining. Give people who only pvp some kind of pvp quests to get gear equivalent to what they would get from questing. I know why they introduced resilience in WoW, but I don't believe that was the appropriate solution. I think they simply needed to tone down the raider's crazy elite gear. I think they just didn't want to do that for fear of backlash from all of the raider's. Why new games are following this model makes no sense to me, however.


It seems rather simple to me...just don't have such a huge disparity between regular gear and the best gear. I think the best gear should give a bit of an advantage, but not so much so that the person with regular gear has no chance whatsoever. Don't let stats and damage get so high that somebody can kill someone else with only a shot or two. Is this really so hard to achieve?

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"Why are all you lowbies in the WZ?!"


So many level 50s would complain about anyone lower than max in the WZ. And now that the brackets have been created, the complaints are streaming in regarding the long queues. Sheesh.

Edited by Kemmer
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I don't mind a PvP stat, but I really think they need to change it to JUST stopping a % of incoming damage and that is ALL it does. The other thing is PvP gear should have more than normal Endurance on it, not a ridiculous amount but more than PvE gear.


Anyhow, I'm enjoying the game, hopefully things will get fixed/tweaked. I'm going to give it more than 1 month though, our society has really ****ed up with the instant gratification that everyone desire's so badly.

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Said it before, and I'll say it again - EXPERTISE HAS GOT TO GO!!


I'm sorry, but the idea of a PvP stat was idiotic when it was introduced in other games (especially WoW). It broke a ton of stuff back then, it breaks a lot of stuff now.


If Expertise was removed, we wouldn't need the bracket at all.


I'm guessing you werent around before the 'pvp stat' was put into these games.


If it was removed, the top geared pvpers would all be the players that are killing hard mode/nightmare mode raid bosses. The purpose of the pvp stat is to allow people that PVP (or more specifically, people that are NOT in heroic mode/nightmare mode guilds) a chance to compete with those players.


So instead of you complaining about expertise, you'd be complaining about having to pvp against people in hard mode raid gear, which puts us in the same exact situation.


The difference is that the pvp gear is easy to get, can be gotten WITHOUT a guild, or even a group. The only limiting factor is how much time you put into it (and a little RNG luck with the way the pvp bags work).


EDIT: And another thing, now people who are JUST hitting 50 (which is about 80% of the population, as far as I can tell based on what I see in my guild) are being thrown into WZs with decked out level 50s. It's not quite as horrible as fighting a geared 50 when you're 20, but it's still bad enough. This "fix" ultimately fixed nothing.


It just created another problem. One...drumroll please...once again IDENTICAL to the one people experience in WoW. Good job not learning a thing from watching Blizzard repeatedly blow its toes off with a shotgun, Bioware! Now you're doing it, and it's spectacular.


Your assumption that 80% of the population is just now hitting 50 is hyperbole, and ultimately irrelevant.


This is an MMORPG. The primary driving force in this type of game is character progression....that being, your character gets stronger the more you play them (assuming you're playing the game and the system the way it's meant to be played). If someone has put more time into their character, they're GOING to be stronger than you, because that's how the system works. Begging the game developer to somehow make them LESS powerful, thereby removing the value of the time they put into their character, is silly, and just plain childish.


The entire DEFINITION of 'level' in a Role playing game is that it is a measure of a character (or NPC's) relative strength in the gaming world.


A level 15 is MEANT to be significantly stronger than a level 1

A level 30 is MEANT to be significantly stronger than a level 15

A level 50 is MEANT to be significantly stronger than a level 30


You have the same options to make your character more powerful that they do. You can spend more time on your character, you can spend time more wisely (this means if you're level 29 and still chain queuing warzones, and becoming frustrated because you're less powerful than your opponents, you need to go out and level up). Stop asking that they be made weaker, and take the time to make yourself stronger.

Edited by invispoet
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Why are those 50's decked out?? b/c for WEEKS now they've been getting free wins against lowbies.


The original problem was allowing 50's to pvp against lowbies in the first place. Should have never happened.


and actually if you had a bracket from day 1? maybe people wouldn't have rushed to 50 so fast.


That's because the ******* lowbies decided to chain queue warzones instead of levelling quickly (PS: questing levels you up faster than chain queuing warzones).


People CHOSE to take the slower path to level, and then complain that someone else didnt.

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"Why are all you lowbies in the WZ?!"


So many level 50s would complain about anyone lower than max in the WZ. And now that the brackets have been created, the complaints are streaming in regarding the long queues. Sheesh.


They only complained about the lowbies on their own team, you see.

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Someone's first MMO must have been WOW. 2 shots in MMOs never existed in the past when gear wasn't the sole progression model. UO, DAOC, and AC are games that had amazing PvP and no PvP stat.


So again, I am sorry your only experience in this genre is WoW and you think having a PvP stat is dogma, because you, along with the BioWare development team, are just some of WoW's sheeple that have ruined every game since it.


No 2 Shots in DAOC? I remember 1-shotting Clothies with my infiltrator. Perforate Artery FTW. Ahh, i miss those days.

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