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Patch notes ... Let's just get it done maras


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First off first thread ever on any mmo forum just an avid reader.


Second Bioware is aware the class needs love. I think we are seeing a delay because it's one of the tougher issues to tackle we are on the line of needing a little love but shove too hard and we are OP.


Finally instead of complaining lets give some logical thought out patch notes we think could fix our current situation. Throw some ideas at Bioware see if anything sticks.

Here is the patch notes I'd like to see


1. Before live they took heavy armor away without any time to address issues that came along with it. It presents 2 problems at times we can be squishy and second our lack of models in medium armor... Give us heavy armor back I doubt you'd see an enormous increase to damage mitigation but we'd get it where we need it in the head to head combat we are melee. This would also fix our gear problems hoods capes all those looks everyone wanted from the progression videos would be achievable.


2. I'd like to see force push implemented ... Would help with the kiting and cc everyone has we don't need cc we have a ton of defensive cooldowns. Just need something to stay on our targets.

Force push 25 meters pulls target towards you and throws off balance causing your next attack to critically hit.


**edit** meant force pull not force push I agree we need to stay on the enemies and keep the pressure not push them away**


And finally just fix our our bugged animations so we aren't fighting ourselves while we are fighting the enemy.


I believe those 3 fixes would be a step in the right direction for both pve and PVp without overpowering. And we can play that out for a few months with feedback bioware could tweak as needed.


any suggestions for me as a newbie to the threads.


Other than that have at it what are your ideal and realalistic!!!! Patch notes

Edited by aeysee
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First off first thread ever on any mmo forum just an avid reader.


Second Bioware is aware the class needs love. I think we are seeing a delay because it's one of the tougher issues to tackle we are on the line of needing a little love but shove too hard and we are OP.


Finally instead of complaining lets give some logical thought out patch notes we think could fix our current situation. Throw some ideas at Bioware see if anything sticks.

Here is the patch notes I'd like to see


1. Before live they took heavy armor away without any time to address issues that came along with it. It presents 2 problems at times we can be squishy and second our lack of models in medium armor... Give us heavy armor back I doubt you'd see an enormous increase to damage mitigation but we'd get it where we need it in the head to head combat we are melee. This would also fix our gear problems hoods capes all those looks everyone wanted from the progression videos would be achievable.


Agreed seems like this would make everyone happy without making a huge imbalance to the class. (also it would help when getting tokens as to not accidently get the heavy armor sets ;) )


2. I'd like to see force push implemented ... Would help with the kiting and cc everyone has we don't need cc we have a ton of defensive cooldowns. Just need something to stay on our targets.

Force push 25 meters pulls target towards you and throws off balance causing your next attack to critically hit.


I agree i think Force PUSH or any knockback would greatly help our survivability in not only warzones but in the pve environments as well. Force PULL on the other hand would be completely overpowered as we already have charge. Combining the two would be overkill in my opinion.

And finally just fix our our bugged animations so we aren't fighting ourselves while we are fighting the enemy.


I believe those 3 fixes would be a step in the right direction for both pve and PVp without overpowering. And we can play that out for a few months with feedback bioware could tweak as needed.


any suggestions for me as a newbie to the threads.


Other than that have at it what are your ideal and realalistic!!!! Patch notes


In green my comments.


Welcome to the forums by the way :) be prepared to hear the all to common "You just need to learn 2 play noob" that Ive been seeing from alot of people who fail to have any insight in the class. Another one i love is "Just because you're bad doesn't mean the class is weak".

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While I wasn't thrilled to see zero updates for Marauders, I understand that BW will make an attempt to further balance the classes. This patch seemed to mostly address bugs and certain issues with crew skills, as well as adding content for level 50s who don't seem content with the current FP/Ops.


I don't see a "wishlist" as being the proper way to address the issues that we have with the Marauder class. While I agree we need a form of knockback, I feel it should play off of our current abilities... rather than giving us more buttons to push.


For instance, perhaps Smash could launch enemies away from the player.


As it stands, Marauders have a finite amount of enemies that they can attack with their AoEs (Smash, Sweeping Slash). Being that we can ONLY ever hit up to 5 enemies with our AoEs, I don't feel that it would be too overpowered to tack a 10 meter knockback effect to Smash.


I really just don't want another button on my hotbar.

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We don't need a push, we need a pull to deal with kiters. A push just puts them further away. We also desperately need a force speed ability like inqs and conqs have.


For defenses, you have to manage your defensive abilities (saber ward, cloak of pain, disruption, obfuscication, force camo) pretty much perfectly. It doesn't help most come very late in the progression, but once you get to the 40s, it's fine. It also helps to readjust your thinking regarding force charge and force choke and use them as interrupts


We don't need to blow people back with a smash - we need to get to them. We need means to stay on top of them. To stay within 4m range. If you're knocking people back or otherwise, you're doing it wrong as a pure melee fighter.


If you are in the middle of a fight/scrum, you're going to die. We are not scrum fighters. We're not built for it. We're outlier fighters, we're harrassers. We take on and neutralize healers.

Edited by Lashlarue
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It is like Warlocks and Warriors in WoW release guys. Broken classes when they showed up and then they toned them into working classes. Maybe we will be lucky and they will follow the same trend as blizzard and make us OP for a couple years :) Edited by Rampagingike
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We don't need a push, we need a pull to deal with kiters. A push just puts them further away. We also desperately need a force speed ability like inqs and conqs have.


We have plenty of ways to deal with being kited.


Carnage tree has a slow-effect added to Deadly Throw, which is already an amazing PvP ability. Coupled with Force Charge and our plethora of other slowing abilities...


Rage tree lends Obliterate, which not only leaps you to your target (within 10 meters) but buffs your speed by 40%.


There's always Predation and Force Camouflage, also.




I'd rather a knockback than a pull... we don't need a pull, we already have Force Charge.

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Why would you ever want to push someone away? That is the most backwards thinking for a melee class I've ever seen.


How does pushing a kiter further away make any amount of sense??? It only works if you're trying to run and near death but that is what force camo is for.

Edited by Lashlarue
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Why would you ever want to push someone away? That is the most backwards thinking for a melee class I've ever seen.


How does pushing a kiter further away make any amount of sense??? It only works if you're trying to run and near death but that is what force camo is for.


Compliments force charge and obliterate (if specced), also gives us some tools to use with the surrounding environment.

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Meant force pull my typo... I edited above


I don't see a "wishlist" as being the proper way to address the issues that we have with the Marauder class. While I agree we need a form of knockback, I feel it should play off of our current abilities... rather than giving us more buttons to push.


This isn't meant to be a wish list lets throw some ideas at Bioware well thought out ones

And instead of contributing you try to turn the thread into a qq I have too many buttons to press. I'm not trying to fight or argue but come on let's be constructive.

Edited by aeysee
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Why would you ever want to push someone away? That is the most backwards thinking for a melee class I've ever seen.


How does pushing a kiter further away make any amount of sense??? It only works if you're trying to run and near death but that is what force camo is for.


Personally, I would love the push for a few reasons. The main reason that stands out though (just my own selfishness) is I want to push people off the ramps in Hutt Ball too! :rolleyes: lol.


But yes, I understand your point. I'm not as well versed as you fellas here in the world of PvP in SWTOR but I'm starting to work that direction. I feel they would give us a push before a pull as was stated earlier in the thread: we already have a Force Charge (or two if you are Rage-specced), if you added a pull as well that may be a bit much. However, I think you'd still run into the same problem because once you use that, they dance out of your range again. Same problem. Yes, I know we have our Crippling Strike but is that reliable (I'm really curious)?




Compliments force charge and obliterate (if specced), also gives us some tools to use with the surrounding environment.


Yes, good point. I've been in a situation multiple times that I could use the extra 3 rage or an interrupt but can't get outside of the range quick enough to jump back in due to being stunned/slowed.

Edited by GrifOrion
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Why would you ever want to push someone away? That is the most backwards thinking for a melee class I've ever seen.


How does pushing a kiter further away make any amount of sense??? It only works if you're trying to run and near death but that is what force camo is for.


You're only thinking about dps. Huttball is a prime example of how a force push could be handy. I've had OPs and Smugglers stand right next to the fire and pew pew me from above when all it would have took was a force leap and force push. It's not just huttball either. Any ledge a knockback is amazing. Lightsabers aren't the only way to kill someone. You're also not thinking about pve solo survivability. There are times that knockback could save you from dieing if you pull a tad to many and need that second for a CD to come up.

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It is like Warlocks and Warriors in WoW release guys. Broken classes when they showed up and then they toned them into working classes. Maybe we will be lucky and they will follow the same trend as blizzard and make us OP for a couple years :)


Nobody will be left playing to care or notice. Have you tried playing since this steaming pile of **** of a patch was released ??


They broke 3 times as much as they fixed.

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Things I want that I seem to see other classes get away with:


Speed sprint

Force Push

Force Pull

Stun(a real one)


Heavy Armor



I also want my force choke to work and give me a few seconds of invul while doing it.


A few more seconds of Force Camo.


Any changes from above, would most likely make me waay too OP. I already rank high in damage and avg 6 medals.


If I had to pick one, i'd choose force pull.

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Why would you ever want to push someone away? That is the most backwards thinking for a melee class I've ever seen.


How does pushing a kiter further away make any amount of sense??? It only works if you're trying to run and near death but that is what force camo is for.


So I can push them off ledges in huttball.

Other than that it is useless.

Edited by Assatx
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No, marauder should haven't any pvp CC. We do need a pve push for false emperor though, but that's it.


  1. Change disruption into a pve force push/interrupt and pvp interrupt. Get rid of the cc useless condition attacks (savage kick, pommel strike) remove the cc from displacement talent.
  2. Add 100% slow, root, stun, push/pull immunity to cloak of pain.

    The reasoning is simple I can't move you around the battlefield you can't move me around the battlefield let's see who dies first.


  3. Change cloak of pains duration from 6 secs to 15 secs change base cooldown from 60 sec to 45 by changing cloak of annihilation to a pure cooldown reducing talent.

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First off first thread ever on any mmo forum just an avid reader.


Second Bioware is aware the class needs love. I think we are seeing a delay because it's one of the tougher issues to tackle we are on the line of needing a little love but shove too hard and we are OP.


Finally instead of complaining lets give some logical thought out patch notes we think could fix our current situation. Throw some ideas at Bioware see if anything sticks.

Here is the patch notes I'd like to see


1. Before live they took heavy armor away without any time to address issues that came along with it. It presents 2 problems at times we can be squishy and second our lack of models in medium armor... Give us heavy armor back I doubt you'd see an enormous increase to damage mitigation but we'd get it where we need it in the head to head combat we are melee. This would also fix our gear problems hoods capes all those looks everyone wanted from the progression videos would be achievable.


2. I'd like to see force push implemented ... Would help with the kiting and cc everyone has we don't need cc we have a ton of defensive cooldowns. Just need something to stay on our targets.

Force push 25 meters pulls target towards you and throws off balance causing your next attack to critically hit.


**edit** meant force pull not force push I agree we need to stay on the enemies and keep the pressure not push them away**


And finally just fix our our bugged animations so we aren't fighting ourselves while we are fighting the enemy.


I believe those 3 fixes would be a step in the right direction for both pve and PVp without overpowering. And we can play that out for a few months with feedback bioware could tweak as needed.


any suggestions for me as a newbie to the threads.


Other than that have at it what are your ideal and realalistic!!!! Patch notes


Someone tell me where this rumor that we always had heavy armor got started,please.


In early,early beta Maras may have started with Heavy armor but when I general tested (over 6-7 builds) we always had medium armor. I can tell you for a fact we did not get changed from heavy to medium just before launch. The only thing I can say for our armor is that the cosemtic look appeared to get switched with Juggs right before launch.

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