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End of Level 50 Pvp(low Pop Server)


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I am very dissatisfied with biowares decision to braket level 50's into their own pvp bracket. This seem like a knee jerk reaction that has only penlized level 50's on low population servers. I believe something had to been done to fix the issue with level 50 vs lower level players but solution is not the correct one. So far one hour and twenty min que and no wz. It also appears that you have taken huttball away from level 50's as it is not listed in my que. Can anyone confirm this? So the only level 50's I can play are republic?


This has completly destroyed the pvp aspect of the game for me. I realize that this game is more of a PvE game but my brother, my guild and I enjoy the pvp aspect of the game. As of today my brother and I both unsubed along with 4 others from our pvp guild.


This game is reminding me alot of Age of Conan at the start with its 1mil subs and after three months it was down to 100k subs. The main reason was poor mgmt decisions and trying to cater to every complaint. A simple review of how many level 50's there are on each server would have shown this 50 brackets would not be viable on many low pop. servers.


I am LOVING pvp now the level 50's are gone. It is TEH AWESOME.

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lol ffy its a no winning battle, i've been in queue for 5 hours and not one wz.


serves you right for rolling on an overpopulated side then! oh wait, you arent even getting huttball, even on the overpopulated side? serves you right for not farming ilum with the rest of the 50s! oh wait, there is no valor farm exploitation going on on your low pop server? serves you right for ... not exploiting a stupidly made patch change! guess you should just roll republic then! oh wait, republic isnt getting matches either? well, put on your coolguy classes and post on the forum then!

Edited by ffy_
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This times godamn a million.


50 brackets are the same as they used to be, but the queue times are slower and it's harder to identify the people that will faceroll you. I just got out of my first WF pop since the change, and it was the least fun I have yet to have in this game. There were several people on the opposing team with if not full, mostly full BM gear, that simply walked around as a group and stomped us. The only time I got any kills was when I snuck around the edges and tried to pick off followers.


Apparently sorcerer pvp is hard. Bubble self, use 1 dot, one knockback, spam chain lightning (one interrupt with a 4s lockout is about enough to make you think you might have a chance, then they finish you off).


I don't see the problem, now you have non geared non bolstered 50's to kill.

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I feel like quite a few people misunderstand the issue here.


The issue is not that we can't kill lowbies in mismatched armor anymore.

The issue is that we can't play warzones anymore, on the low pop servers.


At the time of writing I have spent multiple hours in queue during what is the peak in our server's activity.

Nothing. There just aren't enough 50s to make a whole game.


Seeing how our republics have maybe 6 actively PvP'ing 50s (optimistic estimate), there's not even going to be anything but huttball at the present time.


Being level 50 in a warzone is too powerful, when thrown against level 10s. Yes.

Is that broken? No.

Achieving the maximum level and gearing up in endgame equipment is supposed and indeed necessary to bestow certain benefits upon the player.

Was it still kinda sucky for the lowbies? Oh absolutely.


But two wrongs don't make one right. Now it's sucking for us (on low pop servers) because we simply can not play anymore.


"Too powerful" = "Can't play the game" ?

This can not be good enough.


Play an alt until the population of 50's grows on your server. The under 50's warzones are fun and engaging again and mostly fair in terms of survivability and competitiveness

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The end of lvl 50 pvp? Really? Only more people are going to level to 50 and into that final bracket. We get it, your panties are bunched up like they were knotted by an eagle scout. We just don't care. Many of us are enjoying our quality of life with or without level brackets.
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Big time bump, was a huge supporter and lover of the game. WZ were one of my favourite things to do. Specially when my guild wasnt doing FP and operations. Which usually meant off hours.


Now that is impossible, so this valor level 64 player is likely doing what I never thought I would do and cancelling my subscription till cross-server queues are brought in I guess.


Yeah, same here. Well done, BioWare. Good job, really. As if this wasn't obvious before you did it.

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They shoulda waited at least another month to put brackets into place. Coming from a low pop server, at peak hours we have about 6 50s on repub side who pvp, and about 20-25 imps. I've been in que for about 2 hours now and nothing.. Is this what they wanted? Is this working as intended? I'm convinced i wont see the inside of a warzone for a very long time. Make cross server pvp asap to help the low server pops out, or this game will go down as another bust in the mmo pool.
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I love the game. I am an older gamer, in my 40's. I play a couple of hours a night at most and not every night. I did not rush to 50, I played when I could and had a blast leveling. My wife plays too, on the same server. I just hit 50 yesterday on a low pop server. No PVP at all now. None. Cross server queues would fix this. I WANT to play evenly matched games, not to face-roll lower levels.


Our server was available early on day one, it was one of the only ones available with no wait early on. Thinking it would fill up eventually like the rest, we rolled on that server together. I am willing to wait for my server to become more a populated server, but it is disappointing that I cannot find groups, PVP, sell my crafted things in the market, etc.


I am rerolling the opposite side on a different sever, but I usually stick with a single character I like due to limited playing time, to give me progression and allow time to skill up my crafting and do things to get myself better geared rather than having several lower-level alts.


One more thing, flaming people who post well thought out complaints, ideas for improvements and changes hurts the game's community overall and if the dev's do watch and read the forums for player input, would frustrate and drive them away, just like it would a potential player newcomer to the game.

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