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How Endure Pain works. Please read before you post any comments about Endure Pain.


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I figured the idea was for it to work like similar abilities have worked in MMOs for years.


All of our 'oh ****' abilities are situational.


Saberward is not situational. It does not rely on a healer to heal us up because we are going to take damage in the end. It last for more than 2 hits in pvp and mitigates far, far more damage. You can pop it at almost any time and get the most out of it pretty much. Endure pain, not so much.

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Saberward is not situational. It does not rely on a healer to heal us up because we are going to take damage in the end. It last for more than 2 hits in pvp and mitigates far, far more damage. You can pop it at almost any time and get the most out of it pretty much. Endure pain, not so much.


As I mentioned, I've played a prot warrior in WoW for years.


This class is pretty much identical, so I use Endure Pain in all the same circumstances that I used Last Stand, which worked identically.


Like for that extra second or two i need to score the huttball, or pass, or make it to someone arming a door in Voidstar.


There's a reason it was called "last stand" in WoW, and even though it's got a different name in this game, it's the same ability.

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As I mentioned, I've played a prot warrior in WoW for years.


This class is pretty much identical, so I use Endure Pain in all the same circumstances that I used Last Stand, which worked identically.


Like for that extra second or two i need to score the huttball, or pass, or make it to someone arming a door in Voidstar.


There's a reason it was called "last stand" in WoW, and even though it's got a different name in this game, it's the same ability.


Again you are relying on a healer. That makes it situational, not general. Normally if I need a healer to get me to score in huttball, chance are I'm getting hit hard and fast enough that the extra health from endure pain is gone before a heal even comes off. Saber ward on the other hand prevents a crap ton of damage for 2 seconds and continues to mitigate after those two seconds which means even if I need a healer I may still live without them if I have a good escape route. That is a good general survivability cooldown.


Last stand in WoW also lasted 20 seconds baseline and TTK times were much much faster. Faster TTK and double the duration means the downside is less likley to be seen. Here TTKs are slower and the skill lasts 10 seconds. Most classes can stall the fight out to negate the effect of endure pain and make it work for them when it ends. Those that can burst extremely well can take 30% out in two GCDs which means you better kill them in 7 seconds or they will kill you.

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Again you are relying on a healer. That makes it situational, not general. Normally if I need a healer to get me to score in huttball, chance are I'm getting hit hard and fast enough that the extra health from endure pain is gone before a heal even comes off. Saber ward on the other hand prevents a crap ton of damage for 2 seconds and continues to mitigate after those two seconds which means even if I need a healer I may still live without them if I have a good escape route. That is a good general survivability cooldown.


Last stand in WoW also lasted 20 seconds baseline and TTK times were much much faster. Faster TTK and double the duration means the downside is less likley to be seen. Here TTKs are slower and the skill lasts 10 seconds. Most classes can stall the fight out to negate the effect of endure pain and make it work for them when it ends. Those that can burst extremely well can take 30% out in two GCDs which means you better kill them in 7 seconds or they will kill you.


I'm not relying on a healer when I'm trying to score the huttball or get to the voidstar door, I am accepting my death.


I am simply using Endure Pain to prolong my life before that death.


If I need that 3 more steps to score the ball, EP is going to give me that 3 steps.


As a tank, it's generally my job to die first as it is, even in PvP.

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it wouldnt surprise me that a lot of the people that are like ZOMG ENDURE PAIN IS BAD are new to the MMO-genre, gotta remember, theres a ton of SW fans that just jumped into this game cause they saw SW in front of the TOR


I'm quite the veteran in mmos, and it's a ****** ability.

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Any chance on getting this ability 'fixed' by the devs? I would feel so much more happy playing as an immortal Juggernaut if the ability was like an absorb shield, I would stop feeling underpowered in duels.. I mean come on, why the hell are Juggernauts getting the health taken away.

Powertechs & Assassin tanks can heal themselves, Assassin's can go into stealth; can't the Juggernauts have a 1-up ability for a change?

Edited by HeadyBoy
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It's not broken, stop acting like it.


It's meant to be used as a last resort. Use it right when you're about to die with low HP, or if you expect to have died while stunned and therefore do not want to die since you can't activate it while stunned.


My question, however, is if the total 30% from Enraged/Focused defense is multiplicitve with Enure/Endure pain;

So if I have 10 000 HP, normally enraged defense gives me 3000 hp in total if I am hit every second. So if I have Endure Pain up at the same time, now with 13 000 hp in total, is my 30% from enraged defense 30% of my new max HP, or 3900? I imagine that this (The extra 900) is NOT going to be subtracted from Endure Pain.

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My question, however, is if the total 30% from Enraged/Focused defense is multiplicitve with Enure/Endure pain;

So if I have 10 000 HP, normally enraged defense gives me 3000 hp in total if I am hit every second. So if I have Endure Pain up at the same time, now with 13 000 hp in total, is my 30% from enraged defense 30% of my new max HP, or 3900? I imagine that this (The extra 900) is NOT going to be subtracted from Endure Pain.


You are correct, and this value that endure pain provides is absolutely overlooked.


My jugg tank is just shy of 38k HP under normal circumstances. When I pop Endure pain, I go up to almost 50k HP. Now pop a medpack right after, which heals you for 35% of max health... that is like a 12-13k medpack. Then intercede with the 2pc heal bonus, that is another 4k heal. Then pop your HoT ability if you are taking damage, this stuff really adds up. Furthermore, as a tank, my endure pain duration is also longer.


Overall I would say it is a very useful ability. You just have to remember to use it towards the end (around 30% HP or so) so that you remain above execute range.

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Overall I would say it is a very useful ability. You just have to remember to use it towards the end (around 30% HP or so) so that you remain above execute range.


Yes I heard a long time ago that it is, in jugg 1v1s, whoever gets executed first loses, so this CD makes all the difference. I don't have to worry about executes in pve, and I get damaged so lowly that I only use it if I'm like <15%. And in pvp 30% is easily going to be taken down in 30 seconds so definitely I want to use it....


Don't even get me started on Second Wind!


So that's, in total, 35% medpac, + 10% second wind + 8% guardian leap, + possibly 30% from F Defense comes out to a total of 83%? That's pretty high.... Okay I think I may put points into second wind now lol....


Using all of those cooldowns off cooldown nets 92.333...% of your health per minute. This does not factor in the Endure Pain bonus.


Welp, looks like vengeance is the new annih as far as self healing is concerned. It's still 64% without the medpac or second wind or endure pain. The pvp guy is gonnna see it and nerf us

Edited by Zunayson
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