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Best companion for Merc Healer


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Hey guys,

Im leveling right now as arsenal just because mako can heal me but id much rather level as a healer and get used to heat management and all the other aspects of it. my question is what is the best companion to use while leveling. Im 37 and going to get Blizz soon. Thanks in advance!!!

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I leveled as BG from day 1. I used Mako until I got Gault. I used Gault until I got Blizz. Now I just use Skadge or Blizz for doing dailys. It's actually very situational. I would just use all the different pets based on my situation. Sometimes if I did a heroic with just myself and a tank I would use Gault for added DPS. If the mobs were hitting too hard I would just bring out mako for backup healing. If I were running a heroic with a DPS'r only then I would bust out Blizz or Skadge to tank for us.


IMO, there is no real answer to this question. You should just use what seems appropriate at the time. I also took the gear into consideration. Sometimes I had better gear on Gault than Blizz so I would just send Gault in first to establish aggro. He took more damage but I just sat there and chain healed him.


My only suggestion is to use proper gear on your panions and try them all out with different scenarios. Establish which panion you want to use based on trial and error.

Edited by Gyromite
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Hey guys,

Im leveling right now as arsenal just because mako can heal me but id much rather level as a healer and get used to heat management and all the other aspects of it. my question is what is the best companion to use while leveling. Im 37 and going to get Blizz soon. Thanks in advance!!!


I just hit 42 on my Merc, and I have been using Blizz mostly. I used DPS companions before Blizz. Just remember to use Kolto Shell on the your companion and the biggest pro-tip I have is to use Concussive Missile when you have a pack of 3 or more you will thank me later. Im pretty sure ill use Skadge when I get him, but I might not since he seems to have a Borderline Personality Disorder haha.

Edited by Duxk
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Gault and Torian are crap to heal. They take too much damage for you to do damage and their damage is too low imo.


Blizz holds aggro but does less damage and takes as much damage.


I use mako 90% of the time because she does enough damage with me while we both heal through the fight because you yourself take the least damage.


Skadge i use the other 10% because he actually takes damage and does good crowd control but he takes a beating against elites so then i switch back to Mako and most fights end fast and hard fights you can grind out without worrying about dying.

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I actually just did this on the main board, but:


Mako - Usually when I come up against the Elites and such, I roll her out. I tend to get her armor by the quest rewards because she rarely get's hurt below 50% doesn't need anything fancy.


Gault - He's usually my number 2 go-to guy, his equipment I usually buy to keep him in tip-top shape. He does decent damage and is fairly resilient if I hit him with a kolto missile every now and then.


Torian - If I know I am going to run into a few melee mobs, this is where I go, finding upgraded weapons for him can be tough sometimes though. but his armor is usually pretty good (I give him my hand-me-downs)


Blizz - I've only had him for 1 level, but he seems to put out a good amount of damage (plus it's funny to watch him hold a pistol like a rifle), however he seems to die WAY too quickly. As for equipment, he wasn't great out of the box, so now he get's Torian's Hand-me-downs, so he tends to be about 10 armor rating less than me, that could be the problem, but I THINK he's just not very hardy.


Skadge - I haven't picked him up yet, but I don't see where he would be much different than Torian, other than maybe easier to find weapon upgrades.



I wouldn't say so much that it comes down to personal preference, but more like it comes down to the situation you are in, each companion has a role, and while in the earlier levels it really makes no difference, it starts becoming handy later on.

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Gault and Torian are crap to heal. They take too much damage for you to do damage and their damage is too low imo.


Blizz holds aggro but does less damage and takes as much damage.


I use mako 90% of the time because she does enough damage with me while we both heal through the fight because you yourself take the least damage.


Skadge i use the other 10% because he actually takes damage and does good crowd control but he takes a beating against elites so then i switch back to Mako and most fights end fast and hard fights you can grind out without worrying about dying.


Well that's totally a playstyle difference I guess. And I guess one of the strengths of this game.


Either you do 80% of the damage with mako doing the other 20% and healing.

Or your companion does 50% damage with you healing and doing the other 50%.


It's pretty much the same as the discussion on what cylinder to use.

Some prefer to stick with Combat Support Cylinder, do healing and then pop SHG for some power dps.

Others (like me) rather just swap to either HVGC or CGC.

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Blizz - I've only had him for 1 level, but he seems to put out a good amount of damage (plus it's funny to watch him hold a pistol like a rifle), however he seems to die WAY too quickly. As for equipment, he wasn't great out of the box, so now he get's Torian's Hand-me-downs, so he tends to be about 10 armor rating less than me, that could be the problem, but I THINK he's just not very hardy.


Skadge - I haven't picked him up yet, but I don't see where he would be much different than Torian, other than maybe easier to find weapon upgrades.


Advantage of both of the tanks (Blizz being ranged tank and Skadge being melee tank) is that they grab aggro on all mobs quite easily.

I agree that for tanks they take annoyingly amounts of damage compared to regular dps companions, but grabbing aggro actually makes them really good in certain situations (heroic quests with multiple elites come to mind).

As it can be a pain to do that with a dps companion as 9/10 times it means you both take damage and that is always tougher to heal than to just keep 1 guy topped off.

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I use Gault for normal dailies. For heroic ones I use gault to solo Poisonous Strategy and blizz to solo the belsavis ones.


For levelling though, i used blizz once i got him up to 50. Gault before that.

Edited by Lotusate
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I'm a healer Merc and I use Mako most of the time.


I think its pretty sweet that with her & my combined heals, I can solo a heroic champion a level or two above me. It takes 10-15 minutes, but it can be done.


With Mako, I never die.


If I'm using Blizz & I neglect healing him for a moment and try and do a little damage, the battle can turn quickly against me if he dies.


It just depends on whether you want to be the one doing damage, or you want to be healing your companions.


I usually quest with Mako so I can do damage, and pop heals in PVP and Heroic / Flashpoint missions.

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FWIW, I'm leveling as BG and I used Gault as soon as I got him and I switched to Torian now. I don't do much damage in fights, I choose to sit back and heal my companions. They kill just fine.


I loved having Mako too, we were pretty much invincible :)

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