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Gearing Anni


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I am a PvE annihilation warrior. I am not terribly geared, nor am I in no need to discontinue my raiding (I still need more gear ofc).


I am finding that most of the (more easily) acquired gear is power and accuracy. Is Bioware pushing us towards Carnage, or are there some 'secret' mods hiding around with crit/surg.


I've heard things about Carnage which I don't agree with and I would really like to stay with my bleeding/healing.


Any help (From an experienced marauder) would help - thanks.

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Some Ops bosses can drop mods and you can also get them from any duplicate PvP/PvE pieces you get for a 20k-ish credit fee.


After getting a decent amount of Crit (imo 30ish%), because of Juyo's Berserk effect and Short Fuse focus on Surge up to 75-80% and then stack Power.

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My biggest problem seems to be that surge gear is...nowhere. (I look at T2 legs - Acc/power, while T1 legs has Surge/Crit). Is there a hidden lesson behind this?

I'd like to be able to pick up more surge before my gear kills off the rest of it.


What I mean to say:

I keep gaining gear with Power and Accuracy. Yes, they are upgrades as far as hitting the target and gaining 20+ strength. Saying this, my crit and surge keep lowering.

It is frustrating to wait for a boss kill to fix my gear more appropriately to my spec.


I cannot find any quality mods anywhere, especially for crit/surge. (Clearly, ignoring the garbage given from the dailies).



EDIT: I've come up with a possible solution which is absolutely terrible:

1) Take other class's pieces for their 'enhancement'.

2) Roll on tier pieces which drop from hardmodes, hoping that class isn't there (For the enhancement again).


Also, I have looked into Rakata gear and have noticed that we have accuracy and crit on those pieces. Surely they are ignoring how important surge will become later 'end game'.

This also takes away from the Carnage Marauders.


Yes, yes. I know modding is a very young system, though it's unquestionably a cousin to 'gemming' in World of Warcraft (Sorry for the reference). It seems very odd that they are intentionally giving us gear which requires modding. That, or Bioware hasn't looked into stats as thoroughly as they should be.

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There are a couple of pieces of columi with crit/surge enhancements. You'll have to keep farming those for those. All of the rakata gear has power/acc so if you dont' swap those out for the lesser columi enh pieces you'll have like 15% hit which is not that useful.
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There are a couple of pieces of columi with crit/surge enhancements. You'll have to keep farming those for those. All of the rakata gear has power/acc so if you dont' swap those out for the lesser columi enh pieces you'll have like 15% hit which is not that useful.


At the same time, I assume I'll be losing damage (on it's own) by replacing Rakata's power mods.

Hopefully a lot of crit/surge gear drops (non tier).


Now that Foundry is fixed, I will continue my farm for duplicates.

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