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DEVS if u want us to grind...


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Ive got all this gear:


Champ supercommando chest, legs, hands, belt, bracers, boots, main-hand and offhand, both implants earpiece. Centurion helmet

Torian Cadera:

Champ Combat Tech chest, leggings, and Eliminator bracers, offhand, implants, earpiece, boots with Centurion eliminator helmet hands and belt.


Eliminator chest, legs, Centurion supercommando bracers.



Out of all that I have yet to see 1 Champion helmet of any type. I nearly have 3 full sets and not 1 helmet ***.

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Wanna talk about grind and RNG go play Aion or any other Korean MMO and then come back and try to call this or any other Western MMO a grind.


I couldn't force myself to get past 48 in Aion, I was going to lose my soul killing those Elite Balaur for much longer.

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It is not grinding if you like pvp. If you don't like pvp by all means don't grind. The gear will not improve your actually playing.


This is not Pve, if playing pvp is a chore or grind just stop now.


Yeah gear doesn't matter. You're not a real pvp'er unless you go against battlemaster geared players naked.

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