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One last thing before I leave this fourm for good.


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Calling a person a fanboy because he defends the game he is playing is not constructive in the least bit. It makes you look like an idiot, similar to the 5th grade children coming up with comebacks such as "I know you are, but what am I."


Arguing about which video game is better is stupid. In essence, all games are wastes of time. It boggles my mind that a person can honestly believe that his waste of time is better than another person's waste of time.


Rant over. Bye forum. Bye community.

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Calling a person a fanboy because he defends the game he is playing is not constructive in the least bit. It makes you look like an idiot, similar to the 5th grade children coming up with comebacks such as "I know you are, but what am I."


Arguing about which video game is better is stupid. In essence, all games are wastes of time. It boggles my mind that a person can honestly believe that his waste of time is better than another person's waste of time.


Rant over. Bye forum. Bye community.


I agree with you. Thankfully, when their month is up, the QQ'ers will be gone and the community should be much more enjoyable.

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Don't do it son, you're too young, you still have a life ahead of you!


*but seriously, best to avoid getting wrapped up in the General Section of any game's forums, 9 times out of 10 its a repository (suppository) for conflict and misguided angst.

Edited by Tolarus
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And ranting over a video game is not a waste of time?



There are big and badder things out there worth ranting about. This is not one of em'. There is no significant reward for winning an argument online.



a stupid law that was passed through congress, ranting about third world countries suffering from famine, heck, even ranting about traffic in the morning, that's more meaningful than a game.

Edited by Deathrupter
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Calling a person a fanboy because he defends the game he is playing is not constructive in the least bit. It makes you look like an idiot, similar to the 5th grade children coming up with comebacks such as "I know you are, but what am I."


Arguing about which video game is better is stupid. In essence, all games are wastes of time. It boggles my mind that a person can honestly believe that his waste of time is better than another person's waste of time.


Rant over. Bye forum. Bye community.


Fear leads to Anger. Anger leads to Power. You have shown quite a potential , young Sith.

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I agree with you. Thankfully, when their month is up, the QQ'ers will be gone and the community should be much more enjoyable.


Keep telling yourself that. People that "QQ" aren't one set group. They're usually providing feedback about something they feel could use improvement.


When these people leave the rest of the community isn't going to magically think the game is perfect and everything rocks. As more and more people hit the level cap, you're going to see more and more people complaining about how shallow and cut-paste the end game is. If anything, you people should be supporting those that use the forums for feedback and griping. They expose problems to the developers long before slower players ever get to experience them, and hopefully by the time they do get there the issues are fixed.


Hate less. Appreciate those who criticize. Progress wouldn't happen without them.

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Hello everyone,


We are closing this thread. While we understand that people can be frustrated with the community at times, please understand that threads like this, while made with good intentions, tend to draw out people who wish to be overly negative and incite flames. In the future, please create threads that encourage gameplay discussion and not ones which criticize the community.


We appreciate your understanding that we've closed this thread!

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