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If no one else is willng to say it, I will..


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"immersion" = "story" or interaction with other players. How is spending 10-15 mins Traveling every time you Level up immsersive? Thats if I dont Crash during leveling.


Then add the same amount of time to get back to my current Planet and leveling area.


makes you feel like your actually going to your ship and going somewhere.

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I want Insta-travel between Planets and Fleet.



To hell with Starports and Profession Hangars and Orbital Stations and Ship.



It's boring and stupid.


There, I said it.


If, for some reason you dissagree, thats your right. Personally, I think your nuts.


We brought this up early last year in beta and kept letting them know for months on end how boring and unnecessary the whole process they have is. As usual, they ignored us.


Another thing that always aggravated me was when doing quests I could use my holcron or whatever you call it, but during class quests I am required to go to my ship, go to this planet, then back to this planet, then over to another planet, do some running around, then go back to starter planet...why can't I just use the holo instead of all the running around?

Edited by Tiam
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We brought this up early last year in beta and kept letting them know for months on end how boring and unnecessary the whole process they have is. As usual, they ignored us.


That's a shame, really big shame. Everyday my love for this game grows dimmer and dimmer.

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I think the OP is an Angry Birds player. U know, the kind that have very short attention span.


Been playing since release, multiple characters feeling out what I think will work best for me long terms.


Highest character is 35.


Lemme guess, you have atleast 2 character at 50?


If so, shut up, if not, you havent played long enough.

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The general community on these forums makes me think this game is going to fail, They are so near sided it is painful, god help this game. But really the community makes the game and from reading these forums the future looks lame, outdated, and full of players scared of recount because they suck , and like playing gems made in 2004, I am getting fed up and where is the patch delayed for 2 weeks now...............................
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You know the funny thing is... when Star Trek Online started up 2 or so years ago, people complained and complained about how they wanted to goto their bridge to travel between planets.


Well now in SWTOR you can do this! Now I see all kinds of posts how people DO NOT WANT this!


People are so Funny!!

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The general community on these forums makes me think this game is going to fail, They are so near sided it is painful, god help this game. But really the community makes the game and from reading these forums the future looks lame, outdated, and full of players scared of recount because they suck , and like playing gems made in 2004, I am getting fed up and where is the patch delayed for 2 weeks now...............................


Sooo, agree or dissagree? Hard to tell by your post.

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Spending most of my time ingame avoiding Travel cause it takes so long, ie, not upgrading abilities, gear or Crafting with my limited play time just makes the game experience worse for me.


I would think, and hope, you are referring to the RIDICULOUSLY long load time some planets have. Tatooine for example I pretty much stopped PvPing because it would take sooooo long to load.


Travel isn't long. It's just annoying to have to go to a specific place to get into your ship for 5 seconds then your out again.


Also.. how is it that it can cost me 9 credits in fuel to fly to a planet? 9 credits!?

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The general community on these forums makes me think this game is going to fail, They are so near sided it is painful, god help this game. But really the community makes the game and from reading these forums the future looks lame, outdated, and full of players scared of recount because they suck , and like playing gems made in 2004, I am getting fed up and where is the patch delayed for 2 weeks now...............................


If you're too blind to see the many things wrong with the game, and the reason for the outburst from so many people on these forums, then all I have to say is this: Don't come to the forums.


If coming to the forums really makes you that sad, don't come here bro. People are pissed because of a lackluster game, we want to see the game suceed but there is still so much left to fix before it's even near that level.

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You know the funny thing is... when Star Trek Online started up 2 or so years ago, people complained and complained about how they wanted to goto their bridge to travel between planets.


Well now in SWTOR you can do this! Now I see all kinds of posts how people DO NOT WANT this!


People are so Funny!!


Could you actually do anything with your ship in star trek online besides a railed space combat game?

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You know the funny thing is... when Star Trek Online started up 2 or so years ago, people complained and complained about how they wanted to goto their bridge to travel between planets.


Well now in SWTOR you can do this! Now I see all kinds of posts how people DO NOT WANT this!


People are so Funny!!


Try reading the thread. No one said anything of the sort, nice try at dismissal though. The subject is needless and tedious travel time. Now keep up from here on.

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You know the funny thing is... when Star Trek Online started up 2 or so years ago, people complained and complained about how they wanted to goto their bridge to travel between planets.


Well now in SWTOR you can do this! Now I see all kinds of posts how people DO NOT WANT this!


People are so Funny!!


This aint Star Trek, its Star Wars. That said, it didnt take 5-10 mins to travel from plnet to planet in ST.

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You already have one.


Instant Fleet Pass. Use it.


Use Instant Fleet Pass.




Run to Hangar, Enter Hangar 1 MINUTE




Run to Ship, Enter Ship 1 MINUTE




Run to Ship Controls, Select Planet, Exit Ship





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hey i have a idea!!!! maybe just maybe it adds to the immersion of the game? it does for me, how realistic is it to insta port somewhere? did they do that on the movies? nope.


Load screens add immersion? Pretty sure 30 years of videogame design say load screens KILL immersion.


This is a pretty sweet scam in MMOs, add incredible time sinks and have some of your more deranged playerbase lap it up.


This one is particularly ridiculous and blatant. Running to dungeons in EQ/WoW, though time consuming, was actually immersive and might have SOME value. But THIS? Running through a series of disconnected load screens is immersive my ***.

Edited by TheFieryBalrog
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I would think, and hope, you are referring to the RIDICULOUSLY long load time some planets have. Tatooine for example I pretty much stopped PvPing because it would take sooooo long to load.


Travel isn't long. It's just annoying to have to go to a specific place to get into your ship for 5 seconds then your out again.


Also.. how is it that it can cost me 9 credits in fuel to fly to a planet? 9 credits!?


Point to Nose, cant stand the Loading screens and the 50-50 chance I might crash during them, specially in the lkast week.

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If you're too blind to see the many things wrong with the game, and the reason for the outburst from so many people on these forums, then all I have to say is this: Don't come to the forums.


If coming to the forums really makes you that sad, don't come here bro. People are pissed because of a lackluster game, we want to see the game suceed but there is still so much left to fix before it's even near that level.




I agree you miss read my post, I hate the community here, they seem stuck in 2004, this game could be great but people backing this poor decisions are adding to the problem. The only people happy with the current state are new gamers, fanboys or ****** players, still waiting on the AA patch, the bug fixes, and a decent LFG tool, current one is not working, and spamming chat does not add to the community. Like all mmos fix the crap fast or people will leave, even if they fix it down the road it may be to late. Being a pain in the as to get any where does no add to the immersion but to frustration

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Use Instant Fleet Pass.




Run to Hangar, Enter Hangar 1 MINUTE




Run to Ship, Enter Ship 1 MINUTE




Run to Ship Controls, Select Planet, Exit Ship






Dont forget, you now have about a 17 hour delay before you can do that gain...

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