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Levelling build: Watchman, Combat or Focus?


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Title says it all. I'm leaning towards Watchman because it seems to hhave slightly more survivability (heals from crit burns and 100% dmg reduction for a few secs) but I may be mistaken. Any thoughts?


Overload Saber is the real reason to go for leveling early on. It's far better than the comparable talents. Juyo Stance is very strong out of the box and gets boosted early. Ataru is terrible until 43. Shii-Cho isn't bad but is pretty far behind Juyo until you get deeper in the Focus tree. Watchman has a lot of frontloaded power talents; the other trees have their critical talents later. Your bonus crit damage talent is at tier 3, the others are at tier 6. Watchman is the least dependent spec on its 31 point talent. Your stance booster is at tier 2 and costs 3 points. Focus is tier 5. Combat is tiers 3 and 4 costing 4 and 3 respectively.


You may find it beneficial to stick two points into Defensive Forms. It's a great leveling talent.

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Watchman is very efficient and pretty darn fun, from my experience (just hit 35, been Watchman the whole time).


Lower CD and 0m range on Force Leap, increased Centering generation, self-heals from crits...it's a blast. Typically, I can send Kira at a target as I jump at another, dot it up, single-target down another while the dots kill the one I opened on...group kills are fast, if a bit formulaic sometimes.


Everything I've read about Combat tells me that it's pretty darn cool, if you stack your abilities in the right order and get lucky. I'm looking forward to trying it post-40, but I know I'll miss the efficiency of Watchman.


Good luck, and thanks for playing Sentinel!

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Public opinion seems to agree that Watchman is the best choice for PvE play. It has good damage and a bit of extra healing thrown in the mix to make it a good choice.


Combat doesn't really shine until much later levels (like 30+) while Focus is not bad, but a much better choice for PvP players.

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