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Run circles and WIN


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nobody in this thread knows what im talking about






sure.. i know. Just do not spam the button for maul. in a situation like this, press it once, if you press it more than once, it stutters and you never do the maul at the end... and then the enemy moved out of range.


i know you mash the button, otherwise this problem wouldn't occur.


But that is one of many reasons i stopped playing assassine (lvl 50 full pvp tank gear btw.)


it to procc/luck based and the ressource system is just crap on this class in this game, IMHO.


playing operative now, feels much more like a "rogue" from WoW, i sexpected that from the assassine, unfortunetly i was wrong.

Edited by nodq
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I actually laugh and jeer at strafing and circle running opposition in WZ.


I am a Madness Sorcerer and you can't make me dizzy in order to get out of the way of a instant cast Force Lightning and it will just make you run 50% slower! :)


Funniest moments actually are when a potential victims runs for a lift in Huttball and my lightning shoots into the air like a lazer light show following them the whole way.


People forget, this isn't a FPS, strafing make no difference on the offensive (except for obvious AOE and cone attacks) it just makes you look silly and opens up some potential arthritic issues with your fingers for clicking them back and forth so much.

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Auto-face is terribly implemented in that some classes have it and others do not. If you're a melee with high latency, you're pretty much hosed as people warp quickly all over the place while your moves fail to trigger or false trigger.


Even with lower latency, this is annoying , moreso that a melee has to play with some resemblance of skill while a ranged can derp all over the screen. GG letting the QQ from the hordes of beta sages/consulars and bh/troopers convince you to bring it back at release.


every class that has channeled abilities have it. because that's the only type of ability with autoface....channeleds.


and actually, us beta testers were the ones who got constant autofacing for EVERY ability taken out of pvp. so try again....:rolleyes:

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I think it's hilarious how nobody has the slightest clue what the OP is talking about.


He's talking about classes that have spammable casts+auto-facing.


When I'm specced gunnery I can just /dance with sins and face tank them while spamming grav rounds. I'm hitting them with all my damage, they can't land a single attack on my back as long as I keep spamming channeled/cast abilities. It's really sad.


Yes, grav round does auto-face while being cast.

Edited by Vlaid
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I'm a sniper and all my skills autoface me to my target while i'm casting... I always laugh at the scrubs who run circles around me


Although you do have the face them to start a cast, but that's pretty easy when you've been pvping for years... people who run circles are just as easy to kill as everyone else


I do love using Force Lightning on Sins and Operatives trying to find my backside. They will never get it mwahahaha.

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Are you one of those "PvPers" (I use that term loosely) that think run-through is Ok also?




No I'm one of those PvPers that realize standing in one spot only leads to tunnel vision, which only leads to death and loosing the match.


FYI I play a ranged class so running through people only puts me in danger as i am now close to them.

Edited by Psylos
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im a sin, and well, in case you didnt know, im rendered useless if you run circles around me or even the slightest move to the left or right; making me not be able to use any of my skills.


With that said, ive never once seen this in any game with pvp in it, in all other games with pvp, you click on your opponent he is targeted, meaning you can cast any skill on him within range of course and it hits, in this game, you must be "facing" your opponent in order for your skills to work, i dont know but last time i checked, being a jedi/sith means you OWN with a lightsabger and should be able to weild your lightsaber with ease.


Long story short, this games pvp mechanic is broken with not being able to cast your skills while in range of the opponent who is targeted dancing around from side to side canceling your ability to cast anything.


Definatly not resubbing, its jus a bunch of yahoo's pressing wasd in circles.


i play a sin and rofl, just rofl there is really nothing else to say. ur bad thats all.

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If you're good at managing your resources as an Assassin, it's actually pretty fun to keyboard turn and kill someone like that, since you can keyboard turn while you're low on force, which means you weren't going to do anything anyway even if you faced the other guy correctly, and the enemy will usually be bewildered how they can lose to a keyboard turner, without realizing that you're only keyboard turning when it doesn't matter.


Assassinate is 360 degree, shock is short range, and Force Lightning is tracking. The only attack that might be foiled by movement would be Maul and Thrash. You're supposed to use one of the many tools to disable the enemy to get in a Maul. As for Thrash, you can't do much about that but honestly you shouldn't expect to melee an opponent very often in PvP unless they're also a melee.

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Only problem I have is when someone is stunned and their character shows up in the wrong spot on my screen.


QFT, when they go down from spinning kick half the time their "back" is not where their back is when they are prone on the ground. . . Only legitimate problem mentioned in this fail thread.

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With practice and setting your mouse sensitivity correctly it's very easy to run round an enemy and keep them in the centre of your screen. Constantly hitting them with thrash, watching your procs and using skills as and when the bonuses pop up.


You don't even need to stop to use maul, as you have a few stuns. If circling, make sure you snare them, when they're stunned, hit them with maul during the circle when you get round the back. Don't stop moving because they're most likely trying to keep you in sight.


Also, if you've not already done so, ensure you have nameplates set to friendly players only. Anyone with no name plate is an enemy, and when you target them, only they are shown in red making it much easier to keep them in your sights.


Learn to strafe man and you'll do fine. If all fails, you have your force cloak to get the hell out.

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Don't be mad OP. You have to understand, that not everyone has the luxury to fight formidable opponents.


I was rendered 100-0 once while keeping my enemy in my front (yes with the mouse) while running and all I got was:


Not facing target, there was just no way around it he was in front of me so I started randomly looking into directions until I had to vanish, wish the UI would have let me vanish at that point.


It is the very heavy delay on the server. When I play my marauder and go with 80% movement speed around tracer missile boys they don't get a single cast off because they can't face me correctly regardless if they use the mouse or not, because the disparity of my real position and what he sees is too big and the bigger the movement speed the higher the disparity gets to a point where oyu have no real clue where to look.

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all i know, is that when someone goes side to side, it nulls my ability bar.


normaly, in all games, you select your opponent, and your like auto faced automatically. i understand moving the camera around, but its pretty bad when nothing works cuz hes circling or strafing around


lot of freakin fanboys in this thread and still not know much about anything


edit: again: its not standing in one spot either morons, its the fact that i cant move around and fight, any in proper angle nulls the ability bar.

Edited by xMKNx
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I find that it's only a problem because lag makes it so ridiculously unreliable.


Not Facing Target? He's right in front of me!


Condition Not Met? All I can see is their back!


Not in range? We're practically holding hands!


Designers shouldn't include positional skills if they can't design netcode that allows you to backstab someone in the back.

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In case you guys miss the notion, what he means is not animation stuttering on any attack.


It is what you would get on every attack.


Imagine the sin turning his back to you and trying to melee - what would happen? Exactly... nothing.


And as above poster said the lag makes maul useable while hitting them right in the face so logic dictates, that there will be occurences, where you are circling someone ( and he you ) where the game will not allow you to attack because you are not facing the enemy, although from your perspective you are.

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