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Wait a Second Bioware... YOU MISSED SOMETHING!!


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Ok, I like this game. This is not a discussion about broken mechanics or anything like that. This has something to do with an inaccuracy in the universe the game is set in. Anyone who played KOTOR (one or two) will know what I am talking about. A faction (sorta) that was really a large part of the universe during that time period. Now, before I make an *** of myself by declaring Bioware to be severely ignorant, I would like to point out that I have only made it to Taris. Now, let the defacing continue. The reason I made this thread was because so far, there has been no mention of Czerka Corp. You remember them right? The Corporation that was so large that they had to police themselves because the Republic couldn't afford to? In KOTOR, they were involved in every planet and the entire story line to some degree. I mean I didn't exactly expect them to be on Tython (yeah I'm a JK) but I totally expected to see them on Corescant and especially on Taris. I don't know if they are in the game and I'm gonna google search it after I type this but I haven't seen them yet and I think thats a problem.
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Czerka Corp. "is" in the game and I believe the first time they show up is on Tatooine. So hold your defacing of Bioware for something they actually left out instead of bashing them before you get off the 3rd planet.

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No mention of Czerka? You meet one of their senior executives who's on a hunting outing as a IA/BA on Hutta at level 5 (we saw that cutscene at e3 in 2010 - click here), where you get a codex explaining that their now arguably the largest corporation in the galaxy, and even hold a seat in the Galactic Senate.


They also play a large part in the Tattoine world arc, as you explore their former base.

Edited by Darth_Romana
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