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Silliness: Where's the Refresher?


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Anyone else look at the non-functioning doors on your ship and wonder what's behind them?

I sure do. I figure, at minimum, there's a crew quarters, maybe two to accomodate gender-segregated sleeping arrangements, a galley of some sort to accomodate the synthesizer that my steward droid has mentioned, and a refresher (aka a bathroom) onboard. What else do you imagine is on your boat that we don't get to see?

Edited by Meira_Arirai
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My Jedi digs are unexpectedly swanky, probably because I'm required to entertain high-prestige people aboard every now and then. We do have a visible cargo hold, albeit a small one.


I think, given the choice, I'd have my Sentinel bunk in general crew quarters and then have a seperate room reserved for contemplation and study, complete with a datacron library and a for-reals meditation chamber.


Doc requested that his quarters be kept warmer than the rest of the boat. Given the dialog option, I'd've offered to move his cot to the engine room. ;)

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