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So is it the new norm to farm kills?


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In a huttball match with 5 points to 0, right where you pick up the ball 2 level 50 players just pass the ball back and forth with inpunity. When the clocks almost run out they go for the goal. I asked my team mates what they were doing, and they told me farming kills.


One of the opposing players, who is also a battlemaster geared 50 sith assassin, seeks out lowbies for repeated kills in the other warzones. I guess to pad her stats at the conclusion of the game.


And, Bioware spiked the ball this morning, on a much needed bracket system. You non-geared level 50's are going to have to put up with her by the end of the week.

Edited by Chiricahua
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Nah. If I implemented surrendering, I'd still grant commendations, valor, and XP. If you notice, the xp/comms seem to be time based. That's why you don't get very much for quickly winning a match. So, it gives you what you deserve for your time spent in a match, but lets you stop the enemy from farming you. That environment is not conducive to everyone having a fun game.. it effectively denies the other team from playing the game in an enjoyable manner.
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btw - ive actually life gripped an ally into the enemies hands to prevent a 6-0 rout with 8 or so mins to go. my goal is to maximize the amount of medals/commendation for my 4 man, dont really care about the pugs.


I've had that happen to me. I just force charged right back up there and won it, though.


I've even force pushed enemy team member when 5-0 into the goal with the ball.

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Ofc you do, you dont finish the 6th goal if its a cakewalk. Then you stay and farm the medals and get alot more valor/commendations when the WZ ends.


Even if you are just steping in and out of the fire to heal it for the extra heal medals its worth it.

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By surrendering you forfeit all valor, XP, and warzone tokens right? That's like cutting off your nose to spite your face. Of course it would diminish their victory into a hollow one.


it would also diminish their rewards


if the enemy surrenders fast, no 10 medals for them, more like 1

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it would also diminish their rewards


if the enemy surrenders fast, no 10 medals for them, more like 1


Surrendering as a way to force the other team to quit farming is a good solution. Why should they be able to force farm an enemy team while the other team can do absolutely nothing about it?

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In a huttball match with 5 points to 0, right where you pick up the ball 2 level 50 players just pass the ball back and forth with inpunity. When the clocks almost run out they go for the goal. I asked my team mates what they were doing, and they told me farming kills.


One of the opposing players, who is also a battlemaster geared 50 sith assassin, seeks out lowbies for repeated kills in the other warzones. I guess to pad her stats at the conclusion of the game.


And, Bioware spiked the ball this morning, on a much needed bracket system. You non-geared level 50's are going to have to put up with her by the end of the week.


Happened in one of my Hutball matchs 5/0 with about 5-10 minutes to go ( alomst everyone on my side was low level, with about one 50, - While the other side (Empire vs Empire) was almost all Sorc so they just Farmed killed Untill the End.

Edited by Lasarith
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The surrender option is a good idea after say 5 minutes pass.


Though I think the best solution is to offer a reward to teams that finish early. For example, you farm a team and theres 10-12 minutes left, scores 0 - 5. Give an incentive such as additional valor, say 15% of valor earned. It makes the grinding a team does in a day much faster. It allows teams that do get farmed a reprieve.

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might change if there was speed win bonus that was equivilent to farming for 8+mins.


I don't care if they get less medals if the enemy team surrendered. As it is, lvl 50 geared people are already farming lowbies and noobs, and the forums are already in an outrage abotu that.

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Myself as a Vanguard :


3 guard medals (even 4 if you manage a 50k protection)

1 assassination medal

1 2.5k dmg medal

1 killing blown medal

1 75k damage medal (even a naked tank specced player can do it lol)

1 2.5k heal medal with a medpack

2 defense medals


It's rare(for me at least) to get the 300k damage medal as a tank, but when I do, the count goes to 12.


There it goes, 10/11 medals, 1.2k+ valor, 100+ commendations easily, even when losing a game, if you happen to win the match, all the better.


Winning a match only matter for the daily atm.


The current medal system is flawed.

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Myself as a Vanguard :


3 guard medals (even 4 if you manage a 50k protection)

1 assassination medal

1 2.5k dmg medal

1 killing blown medal

1 75k damage medal (even a naked tank specced player can do it lol)

1 2.5k heal medal with a medpack

2 defense medals


It's rare(for me at least) to get the 300k damage medal as a tank, but when I do, the count goes to 12.


There it goes, 10/11 medals, 1.2k+ valor, 100+ commendations easily, even when losing a game, if you happen to win the match, all the better.


Winning a match only matter for the daily atm.


The current medal system is flawed.


go stand in the ooze for a few ticks, run and grab the red buff, pop your rakata med pac - 5k heal medal.

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