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1v1 --when to use your Saber Ward, Obfuscate, Unleash


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I see people talking about their attack rotation when fighting, but what about defensive abilities? At what point in the fight do you use abilities like Saber Ward, Obfuscate, Unleash, Cloak of Pain, etc?


Do you use them all at the same time? String them out? Any particular order you follow when fighting certain classes?


I am no pro by any stretch but I usually start with Cloak of Pain and watch my health as the fight progresses, I'll pop saber ward if I'm losing health quickly, I pop unleash on the first stun I receive, and then follow up with obfuscate after ward has warn off. I also like to mix in force camo so they lose target and I can reapply deadly sabers and get an extra attack off before they re engage me.

Edited by HBninjaX
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I like using Cloak of Pain as I am force charging. This damages everything attacking you and gives you the best mitigation to use it at the beginning. The more mobs you are attacking, the better the ability becomes.


I usually save Saber Ward and Obfuscate as oh Shet buttons.

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Speaking from an anni standpoint:


Use obfuse before you use ravage since you will be sitting vulnerable for a few seconds and most melee try and use that time to attack you. Otherwise use it when your other cooldowns are down. Don't be dumb enough to use it while COP is up because it will make your cloak go down if they get a bunch of misses.


Saber ward when more then one person joins the fight or when your COP goes down.


Cloak of pain every time you are getting hit right away followed by vanish when it goes down.


Choke when D cooldowns are down and dots are up to prevent them from doing damage to you (unless its a healer then use it when your disrupt is down and they try and heal.)


UR when you are below 10% followed by vanish after you have dots up to heal you during your stealth time.


At this point cloak of pain should be back up.


Rinse repeat.


all and all theres no reason for you to ever take full damage from anything with that many D abilities on that short of a cooldown.


Use them early, use them often.


There are defiantly more situations then this but thats the bulk of how to play the maurader. There are no set rules or rotations. You have to think on your feet.

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