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Sage force armor has got to go


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I know i am not the only person thinking this. I watched a sage 4 times in huttball pick up the ball and walk with force armour on my entire team giving everything in our abilities and all ya see is "absorb" "absorb" while they prance in like the weak gamers they are.


let alone the un-interruptible heals they spam.


Personally i would get very bored fast with only 2 moves

spam heal

spam rocks.


bottom line a 60s untouchable god mode(force armour) should only be 10-20s tops.

Sorc's as their supposed equals max armour is only 30s


also toe to toe sage fully geared against sorc geared one spam rocks other lightning I'd give 1000 to 1 the sage wins before his hp is down to half.


IMHO Sage need the biggest nerf of all

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I know i am not the only person thinking this. I watched a sage 4 times in huttball pick up the ball and walk with force armour on my entire team giving everything in our abilities and all ya see is "absorb" "absorb" while they prance in like the weak gamers they are.


let alone the un-interruptible heals they spam.


Personally i would get very bored fast with only 2 moves

spam heal

spam rocks.


bottom line a 60s untouchable god mode(force armour) should only be 10-20s tops.

Sorc's as their supposed equals max armour is only 30s


also toe to toe sage fully geared against sorc geared one spam rocks other lightning I'd give 1000 to 1 the sage wins before his hp is down to half.


IMHO Sage need the biggest nerf of all


Sound familiar.... to every Sorc I've ever pvped against. Force lightning spam much? If you're a sorc complaining about Sages, you r not gud.

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gotta love how all the sages start their trollin first time someone points out the truth.


OH BTW im not a sorc.


SA and have np gettin gold meddles.


My point stands the 60s force armor must be nerfed.............


all you reb trollin goofs can KISS MY . . .

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It doesn't last very long, especially under heavy fire. It's a safety net for one of the weaker classes in the game. Do more than 5k damage and it's gone, and on a lockout of up to 20 seconds (depending on your gear with set bonuses which can decrease the lockout by 3 seconds).


Also, I'm gonna give it a 4/10 nothing really new here, just repetition.

Edited by MonsAlpha
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At the best FA I've heard of absorbs 9k, and then while walking he cant heal. Also the 15s debuff that prevents recasting should be in the way as well. If its not a troll your team sucked.


Hah on another thread Mr Know it alls claim it is only 3k,yah right.

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I know i am not the only person thinking this. I watched a sage 4 times in huttball pick up the ball and walk with force armour on my entire team giving everything in our abilities and all ya see is "absorb" "absorb" while they prance in like the weak gamers they are.


let alone the un-interruptible heals they spam.


Personally i would get very bored fast with only 2 moves

spam heal

spam rocks.


bottom line a 60s untouchable god mode(force armour) should only be 10-20s tops.

Sorc's as their supposed equals max armour is only 30s


also toe to toe sage fully geared against sorc geared one spam rocks other lightning I'd give 1000 to 1 the sage wins before his hp is down to half.


IMHO Sage need the biggest nerf of all


This might be true if the sorcerer is the highest tier of pvp gear and the people attacking him are sub 50. Otherwise, you're not telling us something, like he was guarded or that he hit a med pac or something. The shield is really nice, but it's only about 3k absorption. Once that shield is down a sorcerer/sage is SUPER easy to kill. They pretty much have to CC and flee. Also, you could pull or stun the sorc. It's not an impossible, or even very challenging scenario to deal with.

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Are you saying when fully specced in the talent tree that a jedi sage has better armor than a sith sorceror (it's mirror). Please elucidate.


to be honest I am only goin by what i've asked sorcs on my server BECAUSE IM NOT A SORC. and was told the best ability they have grants 30s absorb whereas the sage's force armor is 60s.


this is like my second post ever lmao but love how it ruffeled all the sages feathers.:cool:

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It doesn't last very long, especially under heavy fire. It's a safety net for one of the weaker classes in the game. Do more than 5k damage and it's gone, and on a lockout of up to 20 seconds (depending on your gear with set bonuses which can decrease the lockout by 3 seconds).


Also, I'm gonna give it a 4/10 nothing really new here, just repetition.


Sith assassins, even a level 19 to my jedi sage 34, can slip up and take you out before you get your second breath. Really jedi sage left to their own devices is a glass cannon. But, only if you dispatch them quickly before they do real damage. Sames goes for sith sorceror.

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I know the guy is troll, but there is something wrong with the shields that Sages/Sorcs have. My general estimate is that the shields take about 5-7k damage to break. Others have said this can go as high as 9k. Mind you this is on a class that can also heal itself.


If the caster puts the shield on before engaging a target - which is quite common - by the time it is broken he won't have to wait much longer (if at all) to reapply it. It's quite common for a Sorc/Sage to be able to shield, take some damage, CC, heal it up and then immediately shield again.


Basically what you're looking at here is a class that is supposed to be squishy and is nothing resembling that. Tanks don't really mitigate damage since most big attacks ignore your defenses anyway. Most have the ability to reduce damage by 25% or so for a small amount of time on a long cooldown (several minutes). A reasonably geared Sage/Sorc with ~15000 HP essentially has the ability to extend this to ~25000 or more in one encounter, assuming we're using 5k absorption from the shield which is at the lower end of the estimation spectrum. If you assume they can absorb up to 9k then you're looking at around 33k effective HP, plus heals.


This is a HUGE advantage, as he can basically DPS at will while shielded, CC/Heal in between, and then resume DPS'ing as soon as his shield ban is up (15 seconds, I believe). They have a noticeable deal more survivability than a tank with ~19000 HP when the tank should be the one who is able to take more damage.


I really don't think Sages/Sorcs need a big nerf. Their damage is fine and their CC should be there for a class that's supposed to be squishy. The problem is that they're not squishy. A class that's essentially a nuker with some healing ability should be able to use the heals and defensive/CC spells to extend their life, but should not have anywhere near the lifespan of a tank or melee DPS class. A class that's specced for healing should be able to survive solely on the merits of their heals and defensive/CC spells, but won't do that much damage.


As it stands, this is not how things are working. Sages/Sorcs are able to put out significant damage, have solid CC, healing ability (which is all fine) and this shield which absorbs far, far too much damage with no bleed and a restriction cooldown that isn't enough of a detriment.


As much as this guy was being a troll, the point is actually quite valid.

Edited by vindianajones
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It's very valid,im not gonna call for an allout nerf,but that that shield should have its timer looked into or the classes damage looked into because there is no reason to have both as it stands. Edited by Sathid
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to be honest I am only goin by what i've asked sorcs on my server BECAUSE IM NOT A SORC. and was told the best ability they have grants 30s absorb whereas the sage's force armor is 60s.


this is like my second post ever lmao but love how it ruffeled all the sages feathers.:cool:


>.> If you are going by what others claim, and not by experience, then why say someone needs nerfed? Also people are ignoring that the shield may last for 60s but can be taken down in 5s, and has a recast Cool Down of 20s.

Edited by Braeng
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>.> If you are going by what others claim, and not by experience, then why say someone needs nerfed? Also people are ignoring that the shield may last for 60s but can be taken down in 5s, and has a recast Cool Down of 20s.


So thats a 15sec window? oh wow,great,brilliant

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So thats a 15sec window? oh wow,great,brilliant[/quote


You make it sound like it's impossible to win... I play a 42 Sent, and have no problem beating a Shielded Sorc personally. It's all about your damage output in the long run. If they heal, interrupt, if they try to run, CC, it's easy just play with the idea of those 15s.

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Wait...this thread is considered a "constructive discussion"?




Please don't feed the trolls BioWare.


Edit: to "add" to this "discussion"...Force Armor/Static Barrier adsorbs about 3000 damage with the 20% increased absorbtion talent and epic gear. It has a 4.5s cd and a 1.5s cd if you spend 12 points in the healing tree. It puts a 20s debuff on any target it is cast on preventing then from benefiting from it again. The 2pc PvP healer set bonus reduces this debuff to 17s. The shield lasts for 30s with no way to increase this.

Edited by mikroh
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I've had Shoot First crits get entirely absorbed by Force Armor before. Against 50's it's the norm. I don't really worry about it because they have light armor but it's definitely high on the list of things that are nerf-worthy.


Thats what ive been saying and Sorc's keep quiet and outright ignore it so if one Sorc even remotely complains about a scroundrel you know what their motivation is,as it stands they are front and center the class that needs to be looked into.

Edited by Sathid
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