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Major bug with jedi sage telekinetic throw


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Unless I've set something in my talent tree to cause this; telekinetic throw has the following bug. It instantly resets as soon as you fire it. Normally, it has a 3 second channel, even if there is no cooldown from the talent tree. In my most recent warzone, as soon as you activate it, there is no channel, and it can be immediatly fired again.


Do the devs read this stuff.


I just looked at my talent tree and I have Presence of Mind checked in the talent tree. But that is a 30% chance for an instant reset. Seems like it's working 100% of the time. If presence of mind is working as intended, then it is the most important 1 point in the whole talent tree.

Edited by Chiricahua
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Unless I've set something in my talent tree to cause this; telekinetic throw has the following bug. It instantly resets as soon as you fire it. Normally, it has a 3 second channel, even if there is no cooldown from the talent tree. In my most recent warzone, as soon as you activate it, there is no channel, and it can be immediatly fired again.


Do the devs read this stuff.


line of sight issue?

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I've seen this happen on my Shadow, but often times if the cooldown immediately reset - it means that the first cast of it didn't actually happen and didn't do any damage. Basically, the spell was "stopped" by something but the animation keeps going.
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Not sure if this is what your talking about. But, check the balance and telekinetics trees. I was DPS specced for a little on my sage, Telekinetic throw can be specced to have NO CD, and if you spec into telekinetics, weaken mind critical hits can cause your telekinetic throw to tick twice as fast and deal 20% (?) more damage.
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Unless I've set something in my talent tree to cause this; telekinetic throw has the following bug. It instantly resets as soon as you fire it. Normally, it has a 3 second channel, even if there is no cooldown from the talent tree. In my most recent warzone, as soon as you activate it, there is no channel, and it can be immediatly fired again.


Do the devs read this stuff.


I just looked at my talent tree and I have Presence of Mind checked in the talent tree. But that is a 30% chance for an instant reset. Seems like it's working 100% of the time. If presence of mind is working as intended, then it is the most important 1 point in the whole talent tree.


Presence of mind works by reducing the activation time of your next force damaging attack by 100% (making it instant), this would include mind crush, and telekinetic wave, as they are the only other activation time abilities. Telekinetic throw is instant, meaning once you hit it, minus the Sage/Sorc lag, it instantly does damage.


Presence of mind is granted by, like you said, 30% of the time whenever your telekinetic throw does damage, 4 ticks in all I believe. I've had times where for 45 serconds of spamming telekinetic throw it still hadn't been granted. But think about it, whenever your telekinetic throw does damage, there are four ticks in the channel, 30*4=120, meaning a 120% chance that it will be granted. Almost guaranteeing it, unless it gets interrupted, line of sighted, etc...

Edited by MonsAlpha
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Presence of mind works by reducing the activation time of your next force damaging attack by 100% (making it instant), this would include mind crush, and telekinetic wave, as they are the only other activation time abilities. Telekinetic throw is instant, meaning once you hit it, minus the Sage/Sorc lag, it instantly does damage.


Presence of mind is granted by, like you said, 30% of the time whenever your telekinetic throw does damage, 4 ticks in all I believe. I've had times where for 45 serconds of spamming telekinetic throw it still hadn't been granted. But think about it, whenever your telekinetic throw does damage, there are four ticks in the channel, 30*4=120, meaning a 120% chance that it will be granted. Almost guaranteeing it, unless it gets interrupted, line of sighted, etc...


I just got through with voidstar, and it didn't seem to act up like it did with huttball. Maybe it was just a fluke. But, that Presence of Mind which I got about 1 1/2 hours ago is definetly worth the 1 point. Seems like telekinetic throw and project is all I ever use. Project specced right even gives you a double hit. I'm really liking the balance specced jedi sage. Telekinetics is for....

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