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How the hell do Space Missions work?


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Alright so I log in today and I see my space missions reset or what have you. So I think "why not" and I run two of them over again, since I think they're quite the fun diversion. The first one (a bottom level one) gave me 10k xp and a bundle of commendations, yay. The second one, which is a level or "tier" higher than the last netted me something under 3k experience. How the hell does that work?


Also a problem is that I got NEW missions that don't seem to be showing up in the galactic map at all.

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And those missions are called dailies. You can do them once every 24 hours for that additional reward (exp, credits, and commendations).


Make sure to check each section of the galactic map. The missions may not be located in the exactly area of space your ship is currently in.

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That does not anwser my questions. Not even the missions one, because I accepted missions that aren't even on there. Sith missions must be different.


And it says absolutely nothing about my other question.




Why does one mission give out so much less XP if it's a higher level was the question.


And I have checked all over, they are not showing up even though they are actively tracked in my log.


I don't mean to be dense, but it's not making sense to me.

Edited by Sir_Roderick
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The ones that are not showing up are just not in the same area as you are currently in. Just like regular story quests are on different planets, the space missions show up in different areas as well.


The quest you did that netted you a lot of experience was probably a daily. Daily awards net you good rewards and a lot of exp. It is a way of letting a casual player stay in range of more hardcore players. If you play a little bit every day you can sort of keep up with someone that plays twice as much as you every day.

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Why does one mission give out so much less XP if it's a higher level was the question.


Is it possible that completing the lower level mission finished one of your daily quests (for example one of the dailies that requires you to run two space flights)? And you only got the normal reward for running the "higher level" mission?


And I have checked all over, they are not showing up even though they are actively tracked in my log.


Could potentially be a bug. Which mission(s) is missing from the galactic map for you?

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What missions...ehm good question mate. I'm not able to log in ATM, but there was one in Hutt space that just was not there. I could see two other ones though. It was also a green mission, below my level normally so one of the early ones.


As for dailies, that makes more sense now. So basically those missions that refresh daily should hand out bigger rewards?

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What missions...ehm good question mate. I'm not able to log in ATM, but there was one in Hutt space that just was not there. I could see two other ones though. It was also a green mission, below my level normally so one of the early ones.


As for dailies, that makes more sense now. So basically those missions that refresh daily should hand out bigger rewards?


Yes, and sometimes (more often then not) they want you to run two space flights to complete the one quest. So you don't get the big reward till you finish the second run.


This site has a chart that shows where each of the missions are located (scan down the page a little). Might help.



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The terminal on your ship will repeat the missions daily, and when you accept and complete such a mission you will get two "completions". One just before you go to lightspeed after the mission, and one when you get back on your ship.


Now, I havn't tested this, but I've just assumed that if you go to a space battle directly through the galactic map (skipping the terminal), you may get the first "bonus" but not the latter.


As for the actual bonus value, maybe it depends on how well you complete the mission as compared to how you did the last time? I mean like did you complete more bonus objectives this time than you did the last.


Yeah, I know I'm just guessing, but...

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The FIRST time you unlock each space battle (usually two at a time), the terminal gives you a mission for EACH ONE called "Space Battle: <Name>".



Space Battle: Skaross Fortification

Space Battle: Mugaar Ice Field


After you complete each of these, you get regular rewards. The "Space Battle:" missions then disappear and never show up again. However, you can still do the battles as many times as you like by going to the Galactic Map. The rewards for them get smaller as you level up.


Also, finishing these two "Space Batlle:" missions unlocks the daily mission, called "Operation <Name>". These reappear at the terminal once per day. Don't forget to grab it from the terminal BEFORE doing the battles, or else you won't get the reward.


e.g. Operation Rising Fury


For this daily, you have to complete BOTH Skaross and Mugaar, and you will only receive the reward for it after you finish the second one. However, you will ALSO get smaller rewards for completing each one. Like the poster above said, you will receive one before jumping to lightspeed and one after returning to the ship's bridge (not in the order that you would think, which adds to the confusion).

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You probably completed the mission for the very first time, and presumeably you still get the same reward, regardless of your current level.


Usually you get a pair of missions for two different space missions, complete them separately (each gives a hefty reward and sometimes a ship component), and once you complete both of those it unlocks a daily mission that requires you to complete BOTH of the space missions you just did. And you can then do that one every day.


The only exceptions to this I've seen are the very first (Fondor Escort) and last (Impossible Sector) space missions you unlock, which each have their own daily that only requires you to do that one mission, rather than two.

Edited by Bibdy
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Also note that, while flying the space mission, there are up to 3 bonus missions (one is available immediately, one is level locked, and one cannot be done without a high level of ship upgrades) that can be completed. Each one yields both experience and credits, which are immediately granted to you (I've leveled up while in a space mission). These bonus mission...um, bonuses...don't show up in a mission window, so you might miss it if you don't see the xp pop on the screen.
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The daily missions do not have the same name as the name you see on your galaxy map. That is why you do not see them on the map.


Read the text for the daily mission and it will note within it which space mission (name on map) you must fly to complete it.


Yes it's a little confusing.



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Space mission difficulty is relatively low, except the last two missions on Ilum's sector, which are hard if you also want to to the bonus.

Most missions I did while they were at 'orange' level, so above my grade.

The only annoying problem I found was that is some if them, I impacted asteroids too much. Evading them seems hard, but it's doable if you get the hang of it.

At later missions, the only thing you really have to be careful about is switching between blaster boost and shield.

I haven't used EMP yet; need more commds to get it.

Edited by Overmind
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Space mission difficulty is relatively low, except the last two missions on Ilum's sector, which are hard if you also want to to the bonus.

Most missions I did while they were at 'orange' level, so above my grade.

The only annoying problem I found was that is some if them, I impacted asteroids too much. Evading them seems hard, but it's doable if you get the hang of it.

At later missions, the only thing you really have to be careful about is switching between blaster boost and shield.

I haven't used EMP yet; need more commds to get it.


EMP is good for when you are under heavy attack and your shields are gone. Pop EMP, switch to shield regen mode, and use missiles to take out targets. By the time EMP expires, you should be at nearly full shields and ready to switch to blaster mode. It isn't listed anywhere, but EMp has a three minute cooldown, so you can use it more than once on longer missions.

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