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Free yourself! Just say "NO!" to Mind Sear.


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In another recent thread, I noted a choice I've made regarding my Watchman build. In an effort not to derail that thread and to open up discussion on this choice, I've opted to give it it's own thread.


Fair warning, there is a good chance that this will become a very controversial topic and quickly devolve into little more than "L2P," "yeahuh" and "nuhuh" comments.





So, how best to begin? I suppose it's best to just come right out and say it.


I do not use Mind Sear in my Watchman build.


Absolute insanity, I know. Call the loony bin, make a reservation, this guy has some wires crossed!


But hear me out for a second.


As I explained in the other thread, Watchman had, for the longest time, always felt a little too bar-focused to me. In order to maximize DPS, I always felt as though I was better served staring at my hotbars than the actual goings-on around me. Moreover, in an effort to maximize the likelihood of Cauterize refreshes, I was ignoring one of the biggest boons of the MercSlash skill; it's own cooldown reduction mechanic. Because I was holding off on MercSlash, I found that both Zealous Strike and Force Leap (encounter permitting) were also being backed up and left up off-cooldown.


All of this could be traced back to one little passive in the Watchman tree: Mind Sear.


For a while, I even tried adjusting my play to use MercSlash on cooldown while relying solely on Slash for cooldown resets. The bar-staring=at became even worse and DPS felt none the better for it. I knew something had to change.


A little over a week ago I came up with a build that, blasphemous as it may sound, did away with Mind Sear altogether. I've been using it ever since. For me, the biggest advantage is that the build is much closer to a rotation-based build, rather than a bar-staring contest. MercSlash will always keep you on your toes to a degree, but comparatively, it's a night and day difference. Instead of staring at cooldowns and focus, I am now afforded the luxury of paying more attention to the encounter/fight at hand and am better able to respond to events as they occur, rather than react to them after the fact. I am now able to use Zen as a healing supplement, rather than a DPS booster and Transcendence as an errant aggro buff rather than a fun little gag for PvE.


DPS-wise, we all know the story... no parser = no clue. I will just say that in my little circle, my tank gives me Guard every single time over an Ops and Commando buddy, simply for the aggro reduction. And I still pull aggro. When I am not in the group, the healer often notes the visible difference he sees. Would I do even more with Mind Sear in my build again? Maybe. I'll let you know just as soon as Bioware gives us a combat log and macros, because I personally will not be going back to that anytime soon.



Offensive build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bIbRrRroGzZhZG00M.1

Defensive build: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#501bIbRrRrbGzZhMr.1



Thoughts? Questions? Concerns? Hollacall at ya boi! ;)

Edited by Fascion
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If we just had a real notification system instead of "stare at the bottom of the screen 95% of the time or suffer great DPS loss", this wouldn't even be an issue.


I freaking hate the anti-mods viewpoint.

Absolutely. I'm not even asking for those evil Rift-esque infinite skills on a single button macros. If they could even implement macros that only allowed for a maximum of two skills per, I think it would free up a lot of time to tear our eyeballs away from the hotbars. I was plenty fed up it before removing Mind Sear.


...now it's just bug after fun-sapping bug that keeps me from enjoying this game. :p

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I'm pretty sure its a pretty solid dps loss without that skill, however for you the benefits may outweigh that straight mathematical loss.


Some of the things you state this lets you do you could also be doing while having the skill. Zen as heal supplement is totally fine, as is not staring at your bars as much. Also, I believe the correct priority on Merc Slash is to use it before that buff falls down, even if Cauterize is currently off CD. Thats 100% unfounded though but it seems correct in my heads O.o.


Also, maybe setting up better so you don't have to stare at your abilities regardless would be helpful. I have all my CDs that I need to monitor at the top middle of my bottom bars. So Cauterize, Merc Slash,Force Leap, OS, ZS. That allows you to see all CDs at a glance instead of having to look different places. Also, you definately dont need to stare at all, just know when to look down. Just glance after every Slash and Merc Slash. That is frequent enough that you should be able to keep track of your other CDs as well as pick up that cuaterize as needed. That said, its still a decent amount of glancing down ><.


And of course, until we have meters we don't know how large of a dps loss that Mind Sear is, it might completely be worth it or ridiculously neutering lol.

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I don't stare at the bottom of my screen. Cauterize is bright enough and contrasts enough with the colors of the other abilities near it, that I am easily able to detect if it's cooldown has become refreshed through peripheral vision.
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I'm pretty sure its a pretty solid dps loss without that skill, however for you the benefits may outweigh that straight mathematical loss.


Some of the things you state this lets you do you could also be doing while having the skill. Zen as heal supplement is totally fine, as is not staring at your bars as much. Also, I believe the correct priority on Merc Slash is to use it before that buff falls down, even if Cauterize is currently off CD. Thats 100% unfounded though but it seems correct in my heads O.o.


Also, maybe setting up better so you don't have to stare at your abilities regardless would be helpful. I have all my CDs that I need to monitor at the top middle of my bottom bars. So Cauterize, Merc Slash,Force Leap, OS, ZS. That allows you to see all CDs at a glance instead of having to look different places. Also, you definately dont need to stare at all, just know when to look down. Just glance after every Slash and Merc Slash. That is frequent enough that you should be able to keep track of your other CDs as well as pick up that cuaterize as needed. That said, its still a decent amount of glancing down ><.


And of course, until we have meters we don't know how large of a dps loss that Mind Sear is, it might completely be worth it or ridiculously neutering lol.

Yea, as I said, I tried using MercSlash both on cooldown and as a Cauterize reset. Both 'felt' about the same to me, DPS-wise, but until we get a combat log we will never know.

  • When using MercSlash on cooldown, I was generating more DPS through MercSlash.
  • When MercSlash is used instead to refresh the Cauterize cooldown, what DPS you lose by holding back your MercSlash feels like it was made up with the earlier reapplication of Cauterize and lessened use of Slash to reach that end goal.


The bar-staring (perhaps poor wording, as I doubt anyone just actively stares at their bar the whole time. Looking down often, such as when using skills that may possibly refresh Cauterize's CD) has more to do with monitoring Cauterize for maximum uptime. Crabbok suggests that he is able to see Cauterize refreshes in his peripheral vision--more power to him. I guess I am a bit OCD about my skill placements and Cauterize is smack dab in the middle of my bar, making it a bit harder to detect without a dedicated glance, taking my attention away from what should be more important things, like who just grabbed aggro and whether or not they need any of the help I could provide them in that instance.


Is it a net loss in DPS? The odds would favor yes. Is it major? I don't believe so.

Edited by Fascion
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Yes, that talent is slightly overrated.


It's still a DPS loss: e.g. the main benefit is because you as a player apparently cannot actually handle including a reset Cauterize in your rotation.



However, the talent only saves you ~3-9 seconds on your Cauterize cooldown on average. So you gain 6/15 = 40% of a Cauterize minus Slash damage every 15 seconds. Probably works out to 25-35 DPS.


The more relevant points for PvP are the reduced snare uptime (if you have the snare talent) and fewer heal ticks.

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Yes, that talent is slightly overrated....Probably works out to 25-35 DPS....


It's going to be far more than that. The dot on Cauterize beats Slash's damage, has a higher crit chance AND higher crit multiplier. That's not even counting the extra damage from the direct hit (400-500 damage non-crit after mitigation) or the fact that cauterize can heal you AND generate focus.


Now, I wouldn't mind Cauterize being put back to no CD (with the damage coming back down) and Mind Sear being changed back to when the name made sense with 3/3 making Force Stasis increase the damage of the next 5 dots by 30%. But not traiting Mind Sear currently is not a strong move, it's throwing in the towel.

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If we just had a real notification system instead of "stare at the bottom of the screen 95% of the time or suffer great DPS loss", this wouldn't even be an issue.


I freaking hate the anti-mods viewpoint.


This is really an issue with every class. Staring at buff/debuff bars is just awful in this game. For a game that's so fun to watch in action, it's really nigh-impossible to play any class without spending way too much time staring at the bars.

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It's going to be far more than that. The dot on Cauterize beats Slash's damage, has a higher crit chance AND higher crit multiplier. That's not even counting the extra damage from the direct hit (400-500 damage non-crit after mitigation) or the fact that cauterize can heal you AND generate focus.


Now, I wouldn't mind Cauterize being put back to no CD (with the damage coming back down) and Mind Sear being changed back to when the name made sense with 3/3 making Force Stasis increase the damage of the next 5 dots by 30%. But not traiting Mind Sear currently is not a strong move, it's throwing in the towel.

Thank you for bringing that up. The focus generation was actually one of my biggest concerns in making the switch to this build. Having played with it for more than a week now, I find these fears to be unfounded.




Paper-math time! Running the numbers on it, there is (as would be expected) a definite difference between the two builds in this area. Over the course of a three minute fight and under the most absolutely ideal circumstances (one Cauterize every 7.5 seconds, as opposed to once every 15 seconds) you only stand to gain, statistically, 22 focus.


Since no one should really ever be focus-starved in this build, I will go ahead and then assume that means using Strike 6 times and Slash 5 times, as opposed to using Slash 11 times. Before factoring in criticals, that is a difference of 2,400 damage. A (mere?) 2,400 damage over three minutes under absolutely ideal circumstances that will never happen in practice.


But again, this is just the damage gain from the bonus focus aspect of using Mind Sear.




Also, I don't believe your math (or lack thereof?) is correct regarding the DPS gains directly from more uses of Cauterize itself. For one, depending on your spec, Slash can have an equal crit rate bonus (technically slightly higher, since the initial hit for Cauterize is not effected by the 15% crit rate.) For two, the difference in damage is not quite as large (at least for me) as you claim. Doing some quick headmath, Easymode's numbers actually appear to fairly reasonable, if just a bit on the low side.

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Thank you for bringing that up. The focus generation was actually one of my biggest concerns in making the switch to this build. Having played with it for more than a week now, I find these fears to be unfounded.




Paper-math time! Running the numbers on it, there is (as would be expected) a definite difference between the two builds in this area. Over the course of a three minute fight and under the most absolutely ideal circumstances (one Cauterize every 7.5 seconds, as opposed to once every 15 seconds) you only stand to gain, statistically, 22 focus.


Since no one should really ever be focus-starved in this build, I will go ahead and then assume that means using Strike 6 times and Slash 5 times, as opposed to using Slash 11 times. Before factoring in criticals, that is a difference of 2,400 damage. A (mere?) 2,400 damage over three minutes under absolutely ideal circumstances that will never happen in practice.


But again, this is just the damage gain from the bonus focus aspect of using Mind Sear.




Also, I don't believe your math (or lack thereof?) is correct regarding the DPS gains directly from more uses of Cauterize itself. For one, depending on your spec, Slash can have an equal crit rate bonus (technically slightly higher, since the initial hit for Cauterize is not effected by the 15% crit rate.) For two, the difference in damage is not quite as large (at least for me) as you claim. Doing some quick headmath, Easymode's numbers actually appear to fairly reasonable, if just a bit on the low side.


I think you forgot to account for that fact that more slashes = more cauterizes, so that the extra 5 slashes can proc even more Cauterizes, which generates even more focus for more slashes.


Thus Cauterize proccing focus and Slash proccing Cauterize is a positive feedback loop that is critical to Watchman's dps.


Honestly, I found the rotation with Mind Sear to be very simple. I just hover around 6 focus and hit stuff as they come off cooldown.

Edited by Sacerdos
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Thank you for bringing that up. The focus generation was actually one of my biggest concerns in making the switch to this build. Having played with it for more than a week now, I find these fears to be unfounded.


Paper-math time! Running the numbers on it, there is (as would be expected) a definite difference between the two builds in this area. Over the course of a three minute fight and under the most absolutely ideal circumstances (one Cauterize every 7.5 seconds, as opposed to once every 15 seconds) you only stand to gain, statistically, 22 focus.


Since no one should really ever be focus-starved in this build, I will go ahead and then assume that means using Strike 6 times and Slash 5 times, as opposed to using Slash 11 times. Before factoring in criticals, that is a difference of 2,400 damage. A (mere?) 2,400 damage over three minutes under absolutely ideal circumstances that will never happen in practice.


But again, this is just the damage gain from the bonus focus aspect of using Mind Sear.

You're taking one of the things I threw in as a "bonus" to cauterize and basing everything off that? Eh, ok, but way to swing the numbers. I emphasized the part you neglected. Also, factoring in crits will only widen that gap, again, JUST from the focus gain. You've also neglected that 6 uses of Slash changed into strike is 24 centering lost. Not taking Defensive forms despite frequent AoE damage also gimps your centering.



Also, I don't believe your math (or lack thereof?) is correct regarding the DPS gains directly from more uses of Cauterize itself. For one, depending on your spec, Slash can have an equal crit rate bonus (technically slightly higher, since the initial hit for Cauterize is not effected by the 15% crit rate.) For two, the difference in damage is not quite as large (at least for me) as you claim. Doing some quick headmath, Easymode's numbers actually appear to fairly reasonable, if just a bit on the low side.


If you're spec'd for 15% extra Slash crit while also not using slash as much, that seems counter-productive, don't you think? You also missed valuable talents elsewhere that either improved your utility or made you less of a liability, allowing you to stay in melee range through AoEs without stressing the healers. Staying in melee range gives you extra globals used and prevents the possibility of being out of range and losing Merciless stacks. You also spent nearly worthless points on the bottom row of Focus. Insight ONLY affects Overload Saber. It doesn't affect anything else in a Watchman's rotation. Not Cauterize, not Dispatch, ect. Spending 3 points for 6% crit chance on one skill that already has ~50% crit chance is a waste of points at best.


As for Cauterize, you're right, I was mistaken on it's raw damage. My mind had triggered to the old 15s cauterize that was equal to Slash in Dot Damage. However, with the added crit & multiplier to dots, Cauterize should average higher damage dealt because of buffed side of Cauterize ignoring armor. 1500 DPS for a sustained minute is really, really solid for this game (judging off of Infernal Council kill times). 60 DPS is 5% of the ideal situation. Outside that ideal situation, it's going to be more than that. Mind Sear isn't the best talent in the tree by far, but it's definitely not disposable.

Edited by Apocalypse-
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I think you forgot to account for that fact that more slashes = more cauterizes, so that the extra 5 slashes can proc even more Cauterizes, which generates even more focus for more slashes.


Thus Cauterize proccing focus and Slash proccing Cauterize is a positive feedback loop that is critical to Watchman's dps.


Honestly, I found the rotation with Mind Sear to be very simple. I just hover around 6 focus and hit stuff as they come off cooldown.

This is incorrect.


The refresh can only occur once every 6 seconds, meaning you would only be able to reapply a Cauterize every 7.5 seconds. The calculations in my previous post were of the absolute best case scenario. In actual practice, the odds of you achieving 24 straight resets on your first attempt (with a 33% chance, mind you, because MercSlash will not be up for this) over the course of a three minute encounter is about as likely as ... something not very likely (thanks Wolfram Alpha, you were a HUGE help there. :mad:)

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I did read your post wrong.


Anyways, there aren't any other dps talents you can take, and Cauterize does best Slash's damage be a decent amount.


At level 49, Cauterize is doing ~1300 total damage base and slash is doing ~1000. Ignoring armor makes a huge difference.


Cauterize's tooltip dot damage is pretty bugged. It says 500 damage while actually doing 1000.

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You're taking one of the things I threw in as a "bonus" to cauterize and basing everything off that? Eh, ok, but way to swing the numbers. I emphasized the part you neglected. Also, factoring in crits will only widen that gap, again, JUST from the focus gain. You've also neglected that 6 uses of Slash changed into strike is 24 centering lost. Not taking Defensive forms despite frequent AoE damage also gimps your centering.
No, I am not. Hence the reason for the inclusion of the word "just" which you yourself highlighted in the reply. I was simply trying to show how that particular aspect of Mind Sear stacks up in the grand scheme of things.


Yes, crits would widen that gap. It is also something that is heavily reliant on the stats of the individual, hence my inclusion of that statement. I am not trying to skew numbers or hide anything here.


And yes, you've caught another oversight in the lost potential centering. Though it is still not enough for another trigger of Zen, I'll give you that. So, another ~1200 damage in favor of Mind Seat over a 3 minute fight. Sound fair?


Finally (for this section, anyway) the choice between Defensive Forms and Jedi Crusader was not one I took lightly and are easily two points which can be flipped at the users preference. Honestly, I don't even know which I prefer right now. I've been a long-time user of Defensive Forms and only recently ditched it for Crusader. My reasoning behind that choice was entirely PvP-based, as I would rather be generating focus than centering when I am wailing on someone and they are wailing back. And on that note, Crusader-buffed Rebuke is potentially 20 (16-19 is a more realistic expectation) free focus once ever minute, if you are being targeted.





If you're spec'd for 15% extra Slash crit while also not using slash as much, that seems counter-productive, don't you think? You also missed valuable talents elsewhere that either improved your utility or made you less of a liability, allowing you to stay in melee range through AoEs without stressing the healers. Staying in melee range gives you extra globals used and prevents the possibility of being out of range and losing Merciless stacks. You also spent nearly worthless points on the bottom row of Focus. Insight ONLY affects Overload Saber. It doesn't affect anything else in a Watchman's rotation. Not Cauterize, not Dispatch, ect. Spending 3 points for 6% crit chance on one skill that already has ~50% crit chance is a waste of points at best.


As for Cauterize, you're right, I was mistaken on it's raw damage. My mind had triggered to the old 15s cauterize that was equal to Slash in Dot Damage. However, with the added crit & multiplier to dots, Cauterize should average higher damage dealt because of buffed side of Cauterize ignoring armor. 1500 DPS for a sustained minute is really, really solid for this game (judging off of Infernal Council kill times). 60 DPS is 5% of the ideal situation. Outside that ideal situation, it's going to be more than that. Mind Sear isn't the best talent in the tree by far, but it's definitely not disposable.

With this build, you use Slash much more often than with Mind Sear. I would not call that counter-productive, no. I would call that synergistic.


Also, I linked two specs; one offensive, one defensive.


If you are at all concerned about being a liability (or have foreknowledge of AOE-intensive encounters) then absolutely, forgo that extra DPS gained from the Focus tree to pick up more defensive talents. When you are not so concerned with any of that, there is a lot of extra DPS to be gained from the Focus tree.


Now, regarding "wasted points" in the focus tree,

I tend to use Master Strike on cooldown. Yes, I know it doesn't generate focus or centering, but it does generate DPS and given that I often sit on my centering for defensive use of Transcendence/Zen, rather than offensive use of Zen, I am less concerned with milking every last ounce of centering out that I can. For PvP (and to a lesser degree, in PvE) I like the -10s CD on Force Stasis. Also, I hardly feel as though Insight is wasted points. If I am not mistaken, it affects both Overload Saber and Cauterize (tics only) as well as Force Sweep, Dispatch and basically everything else 'yellow numbered' that we have.


I'll have to do some more math on the actual DPS decrease involved with waiting out the Cauterize cooldown, but I really don't think it is all that bad. On average, you wont see a Cauterize refresh until your second Slash (or when the cooldowns align, a first MercSlash at the 6 second mark) so the 7.5 second thing is, as stated, an "ideal world" calculation. Shall we call it 9 seconds? So assuming an average of... I'm going to call it 800 damage difference between the average Slash and Cauterize. That's ~6400 damage over a 3 minute fight, bringing the grand total up to around 10k damage increase. No small beans, no doubt. I've wiped on Ops bosses with less than that.





For me, though, removing Mind Sear from my build has increased my enjoyment as a Sentinel tremendously (and I was never really one that was disappointed with the class.) What I lose in offensive capability, I certainly feel as though I make up for defensively and protectively (not as viable in Ops, but plenty so in HMs) just based on the fact that I can now better pay attention to the fight, rather than having to glance down at my hotbars for a solid half of the fight.

Edited by Fascion
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Just doing a quick response right now, multi-tasking.

And on that note, Crusader-buffed Rebuke is potentially 20 (16-19 is a more realistic expectation) free focus once ever minute, if you are being targeted.

Try potentially 10 per minute. 30s/minute uptime, 1 focus every 3 seconds.


With this build, you use Slash much more often than with Mind Sear. I would not call that counter-productive, no. I would call that synergistic.

Not following here, you can't have less focus generation and more uses of slash.


If you are at all concerned about being a liability (or have foreknowledge of AOE-intensive encounters) then absolutely, forgo that extra DPS gained from the Focus tree to pick up more defensive talents. When you are not so concerned with any of that, there is a lot of extra DPS to be gained from the Focus tree.

Times where you're a liability if you're taking full damage: Every raid boss, about every other flashpoint boss, defending doors where AoE will whittle you down while you're not even the primary target. You're always a liability as melee unless you're mitigating it. Less incidental damage taken = more effective your self healing is.


I tend to use Master Strike on cooldown.

It's only a 10% cooldown reduction on a skill that you can't use on-demand and need to set up. 3s isn't noticeable.


I often sit on my centering for defensive use of Transcendence/Zen, rather than offensive use of Zen

6% heal and 10% defense aren't worth sitting on. They're far better used frequently for PvE.


For PvP (and to a lesser degree, in PvE) I like the -10s CD on Force Stasis.

It's definitely nice, but again, 10s on a skill that isn't used on cooldown doesn't come into play often.


Also, I hardly feel as though Insight is wasted points. If I am not mistaken, it affects both Overload Saber and Cauterize (tics only) as well as Force Sweep, Dispatch and basically everything else 'yellow numbered' that we have.

Incorrect. It ONLY affects Force attacks. Dispatch is Melee (no worries, throws me off too since Crippling is force). Cauterize, including it's dot, is also melee. You can prove that the dot is melee by going Ataru, use cauterize and then Force Stasis, you will be able to see Cauterize proc Ataru strikes during Stasis, and Ataru Strikes only proc off of melee attacks. Just as a side note, Ataru strikes during stasis look awesome, you're jabbing them in the ribs with a lightsaber while they're unable to react.


I'll have to do some more math on the actual DPS decrease involved with waiting out the Cauterize cooldown, but I really don't think it is all that bad. On average, you wont see a Cauterize refresh until your second Slash (or when the cooldowns align, a first MercSlash at the 6 second mark) so the 7.5 second thing is, as stated, an "ideal world" calculation. Shall we call it 9 seconds? So assuming an average of... I'm going to call it 800 damage difference between the average Slash and Cauterize. That's ~6400 damage over a 3 minute fight, bringing the grand total up to around 10k damage increase. No small beans, no doubt. I've wiped on Ops bosses with less than that.

Indeed. It'd be even more when you factor in adrenals/inspiration/ect. However, there MIGHT be a point where if you've got 3+ commandos the grav vortex stacking might actually make slash do more damage than cauterize, but I'm guessing you're only going to be able to see that at maybe 5 commandos and you're only going to see that in a 16m Op.


For me, though, removing Mind Sear from my build has increased my enjoyment as a Sentinel tremendously (and I was never really one that was disappointed with the class.) What I lose in offensive capability, I certainly feel as though I make up for defensively and protectively (not as viable in Ops, but plenty so in HMs) just based on the fact that I can now better pay attention to the fight, rather than having to glance down at my hotbars for a solid half of the fight.


I can definitely see the appeal in this, however I've played this version of the Sentinel for a good 2 months now and no longer actively pay attention to my bars. I can see the "flash" of cauterize resetting since it's almost dead center screen for me, so I can maintain situational awareness. My best suggestion is that since you clearly understand the class more than most, give Mind Sear another chance and move cauterize (keep the same keybind, just move it's position) to somewhere where your peripheral vision will catch the reset most of the time.

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1. Try potentially 10 per minute. 30s/minute uptime, 1 focus every 3 seconds.


2. Not following here, you can't have less focus generation and more uses of slash.


3. Times where you're a liability if you're taking full damage: Every raid boss, about every other flashpoint boss, defending doors where AoE will whittle you down while you're not even the primary target. You're always a liability as melee unless you're mitigating it. Less incidental damage taken = more effective your self healing is.


4. It's only a 10% cooldown reduction on a skill that you can't use on-demand and need to set up. 3s isn't noticeable.


5. 6% heal and 10% defense aren't worth sitting on. They're far better used frequently for PvE.


6. It's definitely nice, but again, 10s on a skill that isn't used on cooldown doesn't come into play often.


7. Incorrect. It ONLY affects Force attacks. Dispatch is Melee (no worries, throws me off too since Crippling is force). Cauterize, including it's dot, is also melee. You can prove that the dot is melee by going Ataru, use cauterize and then Force Stasis, you will be able to see Cauterize proc Ataru strikes during Stasis, and Ataru Strikes only proc off of melee attacks. Just as a side note, Ataru strikes during stasis look awesome, you're jabbing them in the ribs with a lightsaber while they're unable to react.


8. Indeed. It'd be even more when you factor in adrenals/inspiration/ect. However, there MIGHT be a point where if you've got 3+ commandos the grav vortex stacking might actually make slash do more damage than cauterize, but I'm guessing you're only going to be able to see that at maybe 5 commandos and you're only going to see that in a 16m Op.


9. I can definitely see the appeal in this, however I've played this version of the Sentinel for a good 2 months now and no longer actively pay attention to my bars. I can see the "flash" of cauterize resetting since it's almost dead center screen for me, so I can maintain situational awareness. My best suggestion is that since you clearly understand the class more than most, give Mind Sear another chance and move cauterize (keep the same keybind, just move it's position) to somewhere where your peripheral vision will catch the reset most of the time.

1. Oh, right you are. Had the wrong tooltip in my head for Rebuke's focus gen talent. 10, tops. It would actually likely be 8-9 in actual use, given minor delays between it's first trigger and other weirdness.


2. Using Cauterize less would allow for more Slashes. Actually, now that I think about it, given the focus generation issue you pointed out beforehand it may actually equalize rather quickly. Too tired to math this one right now.


3. The overwhelming majority of the AOE in these encounters can either be avoided entirely or easily mitigated through other means (Rebuke, for example) due to their early warning systems (bonethrather's agro switch, Gharj's warning text, large red circles, etc...) The one obvious exception is in PvP, where AOE is a fact of life around key objectives that the Sentinel is so often forced to fight around.


3.2. For the record, I do believe I tend to favor the defensive build. I only recently switched over to the offensive just to see how much of a difference I could feel while I taking a break from PvP, waiting for the brackets.


4. Three seconds is plenty noticeable when you are waiting for that cooldown. Nevertheless, the same sentiment could be applied to a good many talents that are used to reach others that clearly make them worth having. In this case, it is good towards the 15% Slash crit chance, which the jury is still out on.


5. Perhaps more poor wording on my part. Frankly, I rarely use Zen as I find the DPS increase to be questionable at best. I pop Transcendence early and often in PvE for the tank to receive that avoidance bonus. Even moreso in PvP. The only time I really hold it back is when there is a knockback mechanic to the encounter (thus making Transcendence equal out to more DPS gained than Zen, thanks to melee in my party, self included, reaching the mobs easily a GCD sooner than they would otherwise) or when there is a random aggro mechanic which might require people to create a gap (such as with Bonethrasher.)


6. Same argument as Master Strike. When you are waiting on it, you'll be glad that -10 sec is there. But I agree, it's not often that this talent is a huge boon to this build in PvE.


7. Hmm, that's news to me then. That particular part of the attack is clearly listed as Force in the raw data as seen on the likes of TORHead. Without proof of my own (lack of parsing) I will gladly resign this point.


8. n/t, agreed.


9. Is there a setting to show refresh flashes that I've missed? For me, one GCD it's solid gray, the next it just blends right on in with the rest of the GCD resets. There is nothing fancy like a noticeable flash, as seen in other titles. I figured things like this would have become convention by now in MMOs, but this UI is just atrocious; so many missing features and lack of customization.


9.2. Perhaps, in a day or two, after I give this offensive build it's fair shake, I'll try going back to Mind Sear. I don't know if I will be able to move that hotkey (damnit, OCD!) but it might be worth adding a second in a different spot. We shall see.



...and with that, I've got to go catch some ZzZzZs.

Edited by Fascion
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I agree. I really wish they would allow people who know how to design a good UI... to design a good UI. lol


I also don't take advantage of Mind Sear nearly as often as I should, but it's almost impossible to tell if it procs or not for me.

Edited by McVade
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