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When to use Bloodthirst and Beserk? and relic.


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Mind this is only for boss fights (and only for bosses that you only use "bloodthirst" once.)

2 senarios, 1 would be starting at 0 stacks, and 1 starting a full 30 fury stacks.

Also when do you use fury?

When do you use


Tell me if I'm doing this wrong.

A) starting at 30 stacks. 2 options.


- Force Charge

- deadly saber

- "Bloodthrist", "Frenzy", "Beserk", (relic if need).

- Battering Assault

- Rupture

- Annihalation

- Ravage



- Force Charge

- deadly saber

- "Bloodthrist", (relic if have)

- Battering Assault.

- Rupture

- Annihalation

- Ravage



B) fury stacks starting at 0.

- use "freenzy" to get fury stacks to 30, and start step 1) from above lol?? am i wrong to use this too soon?

Edited by Crawfishies
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Mind this is only for boss fights (and only for bosses that you only use "bloodthirst" once.)

2 senarios, 1 would be starting at 0 stacks, and 1 starting a full 30 fury stacks.

Also when do you use fury?

When do you use


Tell me if I'm doing this wrong.

A) starting at 30 stacks. 2 options.


- Force Charge

- deadly saber

- "Bloodthrist", "Frenzy", "Beserk", (relic if need).

- Rupture

- Annihalation

- Ravage

- Battering Assault.


- Force Charge

- deadly saber

- "Bloodthrist", (relic if have)

- Rupture

- Annihalation

- Ravage

- Battering Assault.



B) fury stacks starting at 0.

- use "freenzy" to get fury stacks to 30, and start step 1) from above lol?? am i wrong to use this too soon?


How are you getting the rage to do all that after just a force charge?

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Ravage is a definite DPS loss in Annihilation spec.


I disagree. Use it when you would otherwise be spamming vicious slash because everything else is on CD and it'll outdps VS spam.


That said, you shouldn't be using it very often, and not anywhere near on CD.

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honestly it probably wont matter much on most of the bosses - only ones with huge spikes necessary maybe like soa on last phase during one of his crumples from the big orb thingy other than that just throw it out whenever imo


but make sure you have your DPS all in one group so they benefit from it as only one group receives the buffs i.e. bloodthirst and predation if im not mistaken (please correct me if im wrong) and make sure you let them know you popped it so they can pop cd's too or w/e for burn phases

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Ravage isn't necessarily a DPS loss as Annihilation. The window available where it's worth it is very small, however, and if you're unsure of yourself you probably shouldn't bother with it.


You'll want to stack Bloodthirst, Berserk, your Relic and your Adrenal. The best way to do it, I think, would be to get 2 stacks of Deadly Saber, Relic/Adrenal, Rupture, Bloodthirst, Frenzy Berserk.


Rupture will apply the last Deadly Saber and the majority of your bleeds will then benefit from your Relic, Adrenal, and Bloodthirst.

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