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What's the best sith sorceror attack to apply a dot to players that stealth


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Sorcerer can't stealth, you're thinking of sith assassin which is the melee inquisitor AC.


You misunderstood. When a sith sorceror faces a jedi shadow, who can stealth, what is the best attack to apply dots? Then what is the best defense for the jedi shadow, or sith assassin, to prevent the dot pulling you from stealth?

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Affliction is instant cast and works good, if you're a lightning/madness pvp spec, drop deathfield (bonus for dots) affliction, spam force lightning for wrath, insta crushing darkness. It might be a good idea to open up with the whirlwind stun (cc, then dmg for the stun) and if they trinket out of it, cast shock to stun em again. In a 1 on 1, overload and force slow are also a must to keep as much range as possible too.


Always try to keep the deathfield debuff on your target for the dot bonus damage too. if affliction get's cleansed, reapply asap, affliction is your only insta/no cd dot, so apply it liberally, and never waste a wrath proc, if crushing darkness is down, use chain lightning, even if it's only 1 target. If you can keep out of range long enough, you shouldn't have any problems with the shadow. Never be afraid to use force speed, and for god's sake, don't back-pedal or keyboard turn, or you will be eaten.

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