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Pyro vs Sorceror/Sage


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Figured I'd come to the few n mighty powertechs for some advice. Ramped up my PvP play the last few days trying to stockpile to cap on commendations before hitting 50 (since they removed the vendor bought blue expertise and thus there is no starting point) and need some help with these wonderful dress wearing folks.

Seem to have most other classes figured out, if they don't outgear the hell outta me, right down to the OP operatives (even if it is mash carbonize and run like a *****) but almost every single sorc and sage I come across destroys me.


Knockback (with root), immobilize on their 31pt dot, insane bubbles (i have seen both a rail shot and TD burst hit both be absorbed), sprint, heals and of course the no cooldown lightning/pebbles o death that slows you down while kicking your *** (and every single one of them specs this). It seems their only major weakness is their terrible force usage and this is counteracted by them killing you and then using seeth/whatever the jedi mirror is...


How do you guys deal with sorcerors and sages cause it is really getting frustrating even having a lower level one of these guys beat me. The higher level geared ones just kinda laugh at me and walk off with almost full health

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I find if you can get them to pop interrupts your channeled abilities (FT, Unload, DFA) will burn through their bubble easy peasy and let you hit them with your insta cast rotations. Then you just Rocket Jump them or Grapple if they flee, stun when available, always interrupt their channeled abilities when you can (my kick is bound to my 1 key now so that it is easiest to interrupt heavy channeled attacks)




** I understand alot of people don't like putting points into ST to get the rocket jump, but it is extremely useful in PVP situations, especially when chasing down ball carriers in huttball while Grapply is on CD.

Edited by KBSIP
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What terrible force usage?


As Madness spec, with Sith Efficacy, just channeling Force Lightning, which has no cooldown (with Madness talent), regens your force. Each TICK of Force Lightning damage regens 1% of your total force.


What's more, if you get Subversion in second lowest tier in the Lightning tree, Lightning Strike increases your force regen by 10% for 10 seconds, stacks up to 3 times. Lightning Strike has no cooldown, and is instant cast with Wrath procs (from Madness tree).


Also in the lowest tier of Lightning tree, there's a neat talent reducing costs of all spells by 9%, called Electric Induction.


You can have ALL of these talents as a 31 Madness spec. And I have never, ever, EVER had any force issues in PvP in my Sorcerer. EVER. Compared to BH heat...there's no comparison.


EDIT: And to answer your question, you really can't do anything with them, they need a nerf. And that's coming from someone whose highest level char is a Sorcerer.


If you slap their Force Lightning with Quell, you will cripple them a little bit (for 4 seconds out of 8), but they still have plenty of things they can cast at you to make it hurt, and at 4 seconds they switch back to their usual rotation.


But a decent Sorcerer will juke your Quell. That is, he'll start casting Force Lightning and immediately hit a movement key. Spell will cancel (though the initial damage WILL still proc Wrath, so they can cast it in your face instantly! yay!) and your Quell will hit empty air and they'll just melt your face off.


You can try fancy stuff like running into 10m range and using the jet jump, or grapple or whatever, but considering Force Lightning slows you down 50% while it's frying your butt, even that is no easy feat, and that's assuming the Sorc doesn't see you doing it and decides to stop you with one of his many CCs.

Edited by Sabbathius
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play pyrotech,


get dots up. Pop Crit buff and Power Trinket. Win.


on a more serious note. Just spam damage into them, pop shield early if you think necessary. keep the flame bursts coming and interrupt. Use carbonize to force a break, then use electro dart. keep up pressure with damage and they will probably start either a) running and kiting or b ) ccing and healing. if a) keep CGS up and kill them with rail shot/unload/rapids. if b) break the stun, not root. interrupt the long cast heal over the channeled one as a priority, and keep up damage pressure.


Ive persistently dueled one of the best sorcs on the server and played against the rest. I have absolutely no problems dealing with them and never lose. its just tactics and having the gear to keep up the damage pressure.

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I've only ran into 1 or 2 well geared lvl 50 sorcs that I can't take down as a lvl 45 pyrotech.


They can be annoying but once you get past their bubble, they go down quick, and just make sure you save your grappel for when they try to run, and they always try to run.

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I've only ran into 1 or 2 well geared lvl 50 sorcs that I can't take down as a lvl 45 pyrotech.


They can be annoying but once you get past their bubble, they go down quick, and just make sure you save your grappel for when they try to run, and they always try to run.


Certainly not saying it can't be done just that I haven't seem to have found the trick lol.

Any sorc or sage with half a brain and gear wipes the floor with me :(

Only other class I have reasonable trouble with is a merc/commando that gets the drop on me ie the ones that I can't simply interrupt tracer/grav round and have them standing there going 'duuuuuhhh why doesn't my IWIN button work!!11!!'

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Coming from a Pyrotech PT with 523 expertise -


Only sorcs/sages I have a problem with have a "Battlemaster" title. And only because 1v1 duels with them can take so long with them utilizing a shield, then staying out of my max range/LoSing me like a ****** until their shield can be used a second time. If we were to just go toe to toe in an arena with nothing to hide behind and no traps to sprint through while I have to walk around while snared, I'd win every time.


1 - Stay in their face. As a Pyrotech in full champ gear the amount of sustained damage you can put out in melee range is second to none and the only way a Sorc can get out alive is to put distance between you. So -


2 - Keep your back towards a wall or object. Don't let them knock you back. If you're on a ledge, always make sure you stay between them and the walkway so if they knock you back they don't knock you off. Outmaneuver them because they will try damn hard to reposition themselves to knock you away from them where you can't just run right back easily.


3 - Be ready for their Force Speed. Save your grapple for it.


4 - In a duel, they'll have their Unbreakable Will up 100% of the time so your stun will be useless except to interrupt them one time (due to it being on a long CD). So use your interrupts in this order - quell/ED/quell. Hopefully by that time they'll be dead. Likewise, save your CC breaker for their 4sec stun.


5 - If you're a serious Pyrotech PvPer, you should spec into Degauss. This gives you a snare/root breaker. This is a massive advantage.


6 - Remember, they don't have much armor. They take a ton of damage from your weapon, *especially* Unload. If you can knock off a full unload, say after they successfully knocked you back or rooted you and are trying to get some distance, it can do about 3k damage and sets back their cast bar a lot. This is an excellent execution technique against a fleeing Sorc/Sage.


7 - Alternatively, *always* be spamming Rapid Shots while closing distance if they're further away than 10 meters and TD is on CD. Mine hits (not crits) for about 700 against sorcs/sages. With a 16% chance to proc a CGC hit for ~the same amount, remembering to use a few of those at range often makes the difference. A lot of PTs forget about Rapid Shots because they're so focused on their close-range attacks. Don't be one of them.

Edited by Mhak
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