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trooper DPS is 20-22% les then other class - we need a buff


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Step 1:Each player used screen capture software for the entire fight.

Step 2:All videos were sent to the guild accountant for analysis.

Step 3:Guild accountant watched videos are added up all damages done for each person.

Step 4: ???

Step 5: 20-22% less on trooper dps.


I bet your trooper has no idea how to play and only spams grav round.

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Isn't Trooper a good support class?

Which means that they do and should do more than just dps, unless I looked wrong over the skill trees...


Just don't turn them into druids and i'm cool with it, lol.

They should be utilty imo, the ultimate support. too bad all the vids show them holding off forces alone like some space opera rambo, lol.

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Wow, of all the complaints I have about this game my merc's (commando equivalent) DPS is nowhere near the top. In fact if we got nerfed in 1.1 I would completely understand as long as ops did too.


Seriously, I don't need meters to tell you that my DPS is through the roof. Learn to manage your resource and use an optimal rotation. I don't know maybe you don't know what stats to prioritize? Since you mentioned ammo, I just assume you don't understand how to manage your resource.

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he problem wed trooper is he rund out of ammo and the skill cost for ammo is to high and ammo Regen is so bad pver other class- my frend on -US server - cant tell u the name on server or guild . ther one of the top guilds on it and cleer all for a long time . one of the member in guild is a Programer and he make a program ther tell damage u make - and yes Bio is not goen be happy - 1 problem ammo Regen is 20%lower then other class and the same wed damage - we need bether ammo Regen or bether damage on the skills - the got 4 trooper ind the guild all of them roll a new class´ - plzzz Bio fix it or we goen see non trooper in Hardmode-FP or Ops soon ---


Less time in game. more time in school.


This is an abomination of attempted communication.

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All I could make out of that mess of a post was.


;kljasdlfkj aueoiruo0eij a79083jklakjdf a987dokjflk3j


Which... from my various english classes in college means: I need more chips in my chocolate chip cookies. Doesn't say anything about trooper dps.

Edited by Nidien
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Wow, of all the complaints I have about this game my merc's (commando equivalent) DPS is nowhere near the top. In fact if we got nerfed in 1.1 I would completely understand as long as ops did too.


Seriously, I don't need meters to tell you that my DPS is through the roof. Learn to manage your resource and use an optimal rotation. I don't know maybe you don't know what stats to prioritize? Since you mentioned ammo, I just assume you don't understand how to manage your resource.


I love the fact that I have a talent that resets the cooldown on my Full Auto and increases it's damage on a 30% chance.


Except that I need to use Grav round.

And if I deviate from the optimal rotation to proc this talent, I run out of ammo before it even procs

And then it procs... and if I use it, my optimal rotation is now down 2 ammo.


It's broken as it is. You'll go out of ammo if you push your rotation whatsoever and then end up spamming hammer shot.


There's no doubt that we absolutely demolish if we just burst everything we got... but if you try to stick with the optimal rotation... you just end up spamming HS every other shot until your CD's are back up.


Seriously, what's the point of that talent? Aside from being awesome while questing... it's so pointless on boss fights. *********** hate the ammo system, give me an energy bar with steady progression -.-

Edited by Xzenorath
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his friend is a SWTOR progamer? that made my day ^^


all troopers here that qq say they cant use their rotation?!?!? did you even concider that you use the false rotation? maybe it does the most dmg but if you cant use it for a longer time its no rotation its just a burst.

a dps rotation need to do good dmg and keep your recources up for a long time.

if you run out of recources you do it just wrong.

so plz stop qq here and l2p

Edited by Aimy_dlx
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Just don't turn them into druids and i'm cool with it, lol.

They should be utilty imo, the ultimate support. too bad all the vids show them holding off forces alone like some space opera rambo, lol.


Gotta admit, my trooper does do that pretty well :D

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Hello all,


Feedback is always important and we always appreciate constructive feedback, whether positive or negative. Allison has a great thread with information on what we are looking for in feedback.


We know that the community is always looking for developer input on issues and one of the best ways to keep up-to-date on developer posts is through the Developer Tracker. A couple examples of what you can find on the developer tracker right now: a couple posts from Damion on the slicing nerf, and dungeon finder as well as Georg's comments on cover.


There is also our new blog feature where developers will give their thoughts on certain aspects of the game as well as giving clarification on issues - upcoming patch notes can also be found on the blog.


We are going to go ahead and close the thread but we did want to point out a couple of spiffy threads where you can give us your feedback on bugs and suggest features you would like to see in-game:


The Suggestion Compilation Thread

Ultimate Bug List


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