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I hate all the Consular Companions


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I agree. And I hate all Consular armor as well. Consulars definitely got the short end of the stick compared to the other classes.


Overall, I thought most of the Consular characters' dialogue reactions go too far in punishing Consulars for making Light-Side choices. Qyzen: too vengeful. Tharan: hates Jedi mysticism. Zenith: too nostalgic about his Imperial leanings.


That leaves Nadia and Iresso. And with both of them, they suffer a terminal lack of self-confidence. The response that drives me up a wall: Nadia's plaintive "Thanks for trusting me..." when I send her out on a crafting assignment.


To me, the least annoying of a weak lot is Tharan. And for me, the trick is to think of his relationship with Holiday as a parody of our own characters and their relationships with their own companion characters. A companion character with a companion charcter? Who can't like that?


But then, there's also the issue of Consular gear. I was griping in Guild Chat just the other night, raging at how so much Consular gear makes my character look like a demented Christmas Tree angel. Where's the Shadow mystique? Kinda hard to feel like a cat-footed backstabbing stealth type when you're dressed in an outfit that looks like it's been purloined from Queen Amidala's wardrobe.

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lol There is some hilarious stuff here.


I too hate Theran but being a DPS Sage, that whiney annoying cupcake is all I can use. I used Qyzen for the longest time as a Sage healer. But I respeced and I now like DPS better. I wish I could survive with Zenith or Irresso but no dice. If I could only get a mask to change Theran's voice or to mute him! arrrrgh! Wish I had a wookie! :D

Edited by JediJudoChopx
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Is it wrong that I actually like Tharan Cedrax a bit? I mean, his witty comments, his jibber-jabber, his flirting with Holiday is just so.. anecdotal and funny :p! Being a Balanced Sage, I have been using him since day one, without encountering any problems. He heals fine and the Holiday stun is great as well.


May days with Qyzen where on Tython and Nar Shadda while leveling to Tharan. He's not bad, but for a DPS not ideal either.


I've never used either C2-N2 or Zenith. On Balmorra, Zenith seemed like a depressing dude, with all his whining about this and about that. Maybe I'll gear him up at lvl 50, but for the time being, he's fine on my ship :rolleyes:.


As I am lvl 41, I am now questing through Hoth and getting to know LT Iresso. He seems a nice guy, however, again, I do not need a tank.

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I've never used either C2-N2 or Zenith. On Balmorra, Zenith seemed like a depressing dude, with all his whining about this and about that. Maybe I'll gear him up at lvl 50, but for the time being, he's fine on my ship :rolleyes:.


With all due respect "whining" and Zenith can not stay in one sentence. Or did you mean Iresso? :)


Anyway, agree about Tharan. His "pacifist" remark is annoying, sure, but you learn to ignore it. The best healer among all companions in the game and kind of fun. Do not understand all this fuss about bad companions for JC. To me they all look interesting.

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I just got Nadia and I love her. I actually feel like I have a companion with me instead of a mindless drone. I think she has a great personality and some of the coolest animations. Her and Vette are the only 2 companions in which I have gotten and really enjoyed in this game so far.
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Zenith is tough and cold but he is the most likable companion on my ship. He doesn't talk much he wants to do his job and take out the enemy and hates the Empire. Compared to gabby pacifist guy, droid who never shuts up, babbling Qyzen who is a good tank if your lucky to make the gear, little girl lost and other guy (Iresso) I just don't find myself going with the others unless I have to. Tharan has gotten me out of some sticky fights our interrupts synching up is nice. But I truly enjoy running with Zenith and getting his affection levels up.


Still think he would have been a better romantic interest to especially for those of us who play alien races.

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So far I've noticed that the best female companions that are romancible are never healers. Vette, Kira, Nadia. Kira and Vette have awesome personalities but you almost never want to use them over a healer. You just force yourself to. I'd live to make either of them a healer. Sure kills are slower but I'm almost always more efficient with a Healer than with a second DPS. Typically speaking, I don't need the extra DPS as much as I'd rather have a good healer.
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well the best companion I have found is Mako, from my BH.she is a great healer and has a good storyline. too bad she can not be a Jedi companion, and my Female BH and her are very happy together. Edited by MadHobbit
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  • 9 years later...

Old thread, but coming back and playing the Consular for the first time, I have some thoughts on the matter.


The thing is, the companion interactions are more interesting if I play a DS Consular. I understand that a LS Consular would be incompatible with the others, but I roleplayed my Consular as more of a jaded cynic tired with the Jedi's stiff ideals of "there is no emotion" and not doing enough to stop the Imps because "one must not give into hate." So my Consular couldn't really care less about the Jedi mysticism anyway, so Theron's cynicism's got no issue with my toon (though she still doesn't care much for his obsession with technology).


Qyzen, Iresso and Nadia present an interesting character arc for my jaded DS Consular. Because my Jedi doesn't give a crap about traditions and mysticism, Qyzen's traditions initially peeved her to no end, trapping oneself in some archaic tradition and suffering for it. She eventually outgrew this mentality when she saw how devoted Qyzen was to his cause, however, and how it helped him become a more honor-bound man (or lizard) because of the Scorekeeper's influence.


Iresso's a boy-scout, so she initially finds him to be a tool. But his code of honor eventually won her over as well, plus his ability to look past the Consular's DS ways because he understood (and sympathized) with her hatred for the Imps, to the point where he even expressed his love for her.


Nadia... man, that's an interesting one. I like to think of her as similar to what my LS Sith Warrior did with Jaesa, keeping her from the corruption of the DS that my toon might have been involved with. It was more satisfying to keep Jaesa pure of course since she's like 1000x better a character than Nadia, but the idea works with Nadia too,

especially after her father's demise.

My Consular strives not to influence her in any cruel or hateful ways, so she tries not to express her hatred too often in front of her.


Then there's Zenith. lol What a shame he couldn't be romanced, because my Consular's character arc would've turned out a lot more differently, perhaps darker, if he and her could traverse the galaxy together on an Imperial slaughter. But ah well. As it is, because of the influence of the other companions, she eventually sees how extreme Zenith's actions can be as well (such as wanting to punish those Balmorrian refugees for siding with Imps out of desperation).


Overall, through the magic of roleplaying, I found a way to work around these flawed characters easily. There's almost nothing that couldn't be fixed with a little headcanon manipulation.

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