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Very bad Crafting recipe Menus.


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Hi guys,~

I love the SW universe and i am enjoying a lot the game . I just love the crafting system also and i spend many time on it.:cool:

But im having a huge problem.... Moust of the time i spend on crafting i am trying to figure what i need yet to RE, to discover the remaning recipes!

After some new recipes and some work on it, we just got a mess of a list with everything mixed, and that is a pain in the neck IMHO.

Even the 3 options we have to put them in another orders are not very usefull to help us understending what we got and what we need yet.

I realy can't advice a good solution fo this, but please BW try to solve this problem in any way you see possible.

Some times i'm having even headaches trying to find in something especific or trying to figure what i need in so many recipes all " messed" in one huge list.:eek:


Do you guys also have a hard time with this in any way?:confused:


(Terrible sorry for my bad English).

Edited by Vespertilius
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When I set up a particular sort, I want it to stay that way everytime I open the menu. That's my big crafting compplaint. I don't want it by difficulty, I want it by level. It changes everytime I zone. Annoying.


That would be helpfull also if they implemented in the game;)

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To me, the best way to sort is by level. That way the items are in the right "order". This is particularly helpful when you might have some blues that yield experience yet their green counterparts are gray.


A search feature would help tremendously, and of course addins/mods will allow the community to make their own solutions.


Thankfully, the crafting interface is at least pretty functional. I just won't even get started on the auction house cause that will just bring me to tears. I can't even imagine the prospect of trying to sell my wares on the AH, which is sad as they made this great crafting system that applies for nearly all levels, yet limit the items you can sell and make it a nightmare to list them.


I just shouldn't have said anything about the AH. Once I start I find it hard to stop...

Edited by Marlaine
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Here's what I do:


Sort by level. The items will appear in alphabetical order by level. So level 43 items are alphabetical, level 41 items are alphabetical, lvl 39 are too, so on and so forth. Then you can use the other drop downs to sort by item type.


Now you can see the level 39 chest pieces in alphabetical order and you don't have all that other clutter on the list and can focus on just the schematics and prefixes for the item you want to focus on.

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Here's what I do:


Sort by level. The items will appear in alphabetical order by level. So level 43 items are alphabetical, level 41 items are alphabetical, lvl 39 are too, so on and so forth. Then you can use the other drop downs to sort by item type.


Now you can see the level 39 chest pieces in alphabetical order and you don't have all that other clutter on the list and can focus on just the schematics and prefixes for the item you want to focus on.


Looks a exelent way to do it mate, thx for sharing, i will try it:cool:

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All schematics should be sorted by level, when you obtain blue and purple versions of one type of schematic they should be sorted by Rating among them self.



So Striker Graves will come in following order: Green Striker Graves, All versions of Blue Striker Graves, all versions of Purple Striker graves.

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I have the same problem regarding crafting recipes. Especially when you consider the low level Artifice-Wieldable crafting recipes. Consider the green recipe "Capacitor Shield Generator". I didn't realize that this RE into 2 different Blue recipes. I actually thought the 2 green Shield Generator recipes RE'd into blue recipes with completely different names. Needless to say I was very confused! It would be nice if it sorted by green recipe with the blue and puple REs listed under the "Master" green recipe.


Also would be nice if there was a way to tell what the RE chance was for each. In Artifice, it seems that the RE chance for wieldable items is incredibly low. I still haven't gotten all the Blues for the lvl 10 recipes even tho my skill is at 279, and I have made 20-40 of each green item without success. By contrast, I have every Blue and Purple receipe of the color crystals through lvl 23.

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I have the same problem regarding crafting recipes. Especially when you consider the low level Artifice-Wieldable crafting recipes. Consider the green recipe "Capacitor Shield Generator". I didn't realize that this RE into 2 different Blue recipes. I actually thought the 2 green Shield Generator recipes RE'd into blue recipes with completely different names. Needless to say I was very confused! It would be nice if it sorted by green recipe with the blue and puple REs listed under the "Master" green recipe.


Also would be nice if there was a way to tell what the RE chance was for each. In Artifice, it seems that the RE chance for wieldable items is incredibly low. I still haven't gotten all the Blues for the lvl 10 recipes even tho my skill is at 279, and I have made 20-40 of each green item without success. By contrast, I have every Blue and Purple receipe of the color crystals through lvl 23.


Hey, my first suggestion to you is to check out Slaign's excellent guide to REing that's a sticky in these crew skill forums. It will clear up a LOT of stuff for you. Second, check out my suggestion for the Crew Skill crafting interface, and let me know what you think. :)Thread

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Hey, my first suggestion to you is to check out Slaign's excellent guide to REing that's a sticky in these crew skill forums. It will clear up a LOT of stuff for you. Second, check out my suggestion for the Crew Skill crafting interface, and let me know what you think. :)Thread


I would like sorting to be with those lil plus boxes for window expansion. First box covers the material tier type, say, fibermesh trooper getup. That window opens up to fibermesh trooper arms/legs/chest/etc. Finally, each of those open up to green/blue/purple if ya got em. Would be so much nicer than having everything just thrown together.

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