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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Are you blind Bioware? Tanks!


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How did you guys miss that there are damage type which tanks CANNOT protect themselfs against?


Why isnt this a top priority in patching right now? Why do we as tanks have to have such a HUGE flaw yet NOTHING is said or done about it?


Damage types that IGNORES armor and defense and cannot be shielded! How the hell are supposed to counter this? Why do tanks need to get DPS gear to be viable in pvp?


Can we PLEASE get an awnser on this topic or should we all just reroll sorcs/sages as they are the only class in the game that can shield all damage types?


There are four damage types: Kinetic, Energy, Internal, Elemental.

The first two are mitigated by armor, the latter two are not.

There are also four attack types: Melee, Ranged, Force, Tech. Attack type and damage type have no correlation, you can have any combination of the two sets (though not all combination exist in game). The first two are subject to defense (avoidance) and shield (partial mitigation).

the latter two are subject to resistance. Resistances (which are just avoidance for Force and Tech attacks) are present as a mechanic, but very very few effects in the game grant them, so they can essentially be ignored.

Thus you can very easily have an attack that bypasses armor yet can be dodged or shielded (an internal melee attack, for example), or an attack that bypasses defense and shield yet is armor mitigated (an energy force attack, for example).


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Edited by aranha
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Maybe because this isnt wow? I dunno I have a Jedi Guardian and while sure it can hurt like hell and definitely caught me off guard the first time I have yet to get hit by this that dropped me in one shot so healers have to work to keep ya up. Maybe you havent healed in other MMOs but it can get REALLY boring, I can see this keep me on my toes when I get a healer leveled.
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Maybe because this isnt wow? I dunno I have a Jedi Guardian and while sure it can hurt like hell and definitely caught me off guard the first time I have yet to get hit by this that dropped me in one shot so healers have to work to keep ya up. Maybe you havent healed in other MMOs but it can get REALLY boring, I can see this keep me on my toes when I get a healer leveled.


The issue is that there is no tank stats for PVP but Expertise meaning that ALL classes get the same damage reduction also meaning Tank speccs are USELESS and severely flawed!

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The issue is that there is no tank stats for PVP but Expertise meaning that ALL classes get the same damage reduction also meaning Tank speccs are USELESS and severely flawed!


You do know that not all attacks ignore armor right? I've seen plenty of shield procs from tanks.


Also, you can still dodge and parry.

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Because then you'd be overpowered.


With full champion gear i get the same damage from a Sorc, Commando, Tech, OP, Scoundrel etc as being a DPS specc..


Sadly Sorcs/Sages is the tankiest class right now! Belive it or not!

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You do know that not all attacks ignore armor right? I've seen plenty of shield procs from tanks.


Also, you can still dodge and parry.


Only Snipers, Some Marauders, Some Juggs and Assassin attacks can be shielded. About 15-20% damage in PVP has a chance of being shielded!


Only Weapon and Ranged attacks meaning pretty much nothing!

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Haven't tanks in most games been subjected to some forms of damage that avoids armor? Like magic damage for example having nothing to do with armor but with resistance?


There is no ressistance stat. Only expertise! Which all classes have ofc.

Edited by aranha
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Oh, wait.. this is just a "Nerf Static Barrier" thread.


I'll be going then.


Not at all. But we should be able to protect ourselfs as Tanks from whatever is thrown at us. Right now our hardcounter is pretty much DPS classes which makes no sense at all.

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Why are PVPers always the ones screaming the loudest?


Its not all PvPers, just the baddies who think they should faceroll everyone else..so they come and whine about how they cant always win and how its unfair that sometimes people are better than them

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Its not all PvPers, just the baddies who think they should faceroll everyone else..so they come and whine about how they cant always win and how its unfair that sometimes people are better than them


So your saying that its fair game when DPS classes get 50-100% armor penetration and we cant even protect ourselfs from most damage thrown at us? Really?

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Not at all. But we should be able to protect ourselfs as Tanks from whatever is thrown at us. Right now our hardcounter is pretty much DPS classes which makes no sense at all.


So healers should be our hardcounter? That makes even more sense doesnt it......just be glad you CAN viably PvP with a tank spec. Ever try that in WoW? lol

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So your saying that its fair game when DPS classes get 50-100% armor penetration and we cant even protect ourselfs from most damage thrown at us? Really?


I didnt say fair, but are you really getting facerolled? Is it so bad that your really getting beat that badly? Have you ever thought maybe with a little team support you wouldnt? WV are not designed 1v1 its team based. Bad team means youll die more, get a good healer on you and you shouldnt have an issue.

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So healers should be our hardcounter? That makes even more sense doesnt it......just be glad you CAN viably PvP with a tank spec. Ever try that in WoW? lol


Tank speccs arent viable in PVP. They do hybrids for utility purposes. "Healers" shouldnt ignore a tanks defense! As it stands now we have no more survivability than a ranged or a healer when faced vs DPS classes which are the majority!

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Because the fixing team and the content team are totally the same people. *sigh*


Makes me laugh. All the white knights saw this excuse posted somewhere, so now they parrot it whenever people point out how unfinished the game is in even the most basic of aspects. This one even adds a tired *sigh* at the end because he is so tired of defending Bioware, lol.

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I didnt say fair, but are you really getting facerolled? Is it so bad that your really getting beat that badly? Have you ever thought maybe with a little team support you wouldnt? WV are not designed 1v1 its team based. Bad team means youll die more, get a good healer on you and you shouldnt have an issue.


Its bad in the way that experienced players go for tanks due to their guard and taunts. The Tank isnt tanky and is just acting as a support and while tanks do shieldable damage the damage DPS hit them with are ignoring armor, shield and defense meaning Tank sets do nothing for us in PVP forcing us to get DPS gear to compete!

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