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Tips I have found to have fun playing a marauder!


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1) Haven't tried it yet, hear its fun or bad depending on if you have a pocket healer


2) I run solo with a companion whilst on vent with my friends and still having a blast murdering things


3) I'm attacking things 2 and 3 levels higher than me, sometimes in packs, sometimes 2 silvers, sometimes even a gold is thrown in. It gets hairy but for the most part I win


4) This..a million times this


5) profit?


All I can really tell you is get some orange gear, mod it, get your companion some orange gear, mod it, and did I mention Mod your gear? Keep your stuff updated with mods. Use your commendations from the planets to keep your and your companions loots on the leveling curve.


This is a fun class, albeit it needs some polish, but its a fun class that you have to pay attention to fight well and not hit the "I WIN" button. Story is very engaging thus far (I'm 42 on Belsavis), the mechanics are great, and murdering everything as dark side is sooooooooo fulfilling :D

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Tips I have found to have fun playing a marauder!


1) Don't PvP

2) Play with only a small group of friends

3) Only attack things you grossly out level and gear

4) Buy stock in med packs

5) Don't PvP




"3) Only attack things you grossly out level and gear" if you suck and don't know how to play



"4) Buy stock in med packs" From level 1 to level 50 I've died less than 20 times and I quested solo the entire time. I was always 2-3 levels below the content.

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"3) Only attack things you grossly out level and gear" if you suck and don't know how to play


I have fun jumping into a group and one shot'n them one by one. I actually run my quest within +/- 1 or 2 levels of the quest. Also I am only lvl 23 so I have no trouble saying I don't fully grasp the playstyle or have all the skills needed. But I wouldn't say I suck at it and need to reroll.


"4) Buy stock in med packs" From level 1 to level 50 I've died less than 20 times and I quested solo the entire time. I was always 2-3 levels below the content.


I actually sell them more then buy them but it never hurts to have them.

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I have fun jumping into a group and one shot'n them one by one. I actually run my quest within +/- 1 or 2 levels of the quest. Also I am only lvl 23 so I have no trouble saying I don't fully grasp the playstyle or have all the skills needed. But I wouldn't say I suck at it and need to reroll.


If you're only level 23, then you really can't say that you have to "only attack things that you grossly outlevel and gear"


The issue is you, whether you choose to believe it or not.... either you and your companion's gear needs to be replaced (Greens and blues will suffice), or your build is random points placed here and there,or your play style isn't suited for a Marauder.. or you're not gearing up with the correct stats.


Either way, especially at low 20's if you're not steamrolling over mobs that are 3 levels above you then you're doing it wrong.

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Tips I have found to have fun playing a marauder!


1) Don't play huttball

2) Play with only a small group of friends

3) Only attack things you grossly out level and gear

4) Buy stock in med packs

5) Don't play huttball



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What she said. Huttball irritates the crap out of me. Played on round, swore off the game forever. It sucks.


Tried Voidstar a few weeks ago, loved it. Screw buffing mara; let us choose the wz. Though a buff would be nice. lol

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Tips I have found to have fun playing a marauder!


1) Don't PvP

2) Play with only a small group of friends

3) Only attack things you grossly out level and gear

4) Buy stock in med packs

5) Don't PvP


Yet another pointless thread where a poster admits his in ability to play a melee class.

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Tips I have found to have fun playing a marauder!


1) Don't PvP

2) Play with only a small group of friends

3) Only attack things you grossly out level and gear

4) Buy stock in med packs

5) Don't PvP


1 - Go carnage until lvl 40, then go rage. Make sure you keep upgrading your gear every couple of levels. If you still have issues in pvp, the problem exists with the player, not the class, and you should probably reroll something easier to play.

2 - I'm not sure why this is in your list, soloing is fine as long as you upgrade Quinn's gear every couple of levels.

3 - You shouldn't have problems with any quests within 2 levels of you. If you do, upgrade your gear.

4 - If your gear is on par, you won't need medpacks very often. You should be levelling biochem anyways if you pvp.

5 - See #1

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If you're only level 23, then you really can't say that you have to "only attack things that you grossly outlevel and gear"


The issue is you, whether you choose to believe it or not.... either you and your companion's gear needs to be replaced (Greens and blues will suffice), or your build is random points placed here and there,or your play style isn't suited for a Marauder.. or you're not gearing up with the correct stats.


Either way, especially at low 20's if you're not steamrolling over mobs that are 3 levels above you then you're doing it wrong.


When did this become a bash fest?


I was making a semi factual semi funny statement. I am not attacking things 3 levels above me not because I cant just because I don't. I did all my class missions up to Tatooine and have gone back to to do the other quest. I am in no rush to level or anything I am playing for fun. My spec is appropriate in carnage. My gear is blue epic or mod with max allowable mods for level. Strength > Power > Endurance. Just because I don't attack higher levels doesn't mean I can't don't be so quick to assume fail.



1 - Go carnage until lvl 40, then go rage. Make sure you keep upgrading your gear every couple of levels. If you still have issues in pvp, the problem exists with the player, not the class, and you should probably reroll something easier to play.

2 - I'm not sure why this is in your list, soloing is fine as long as you upgrade Quinn's gear every couple of levels.

3 - You shouldn't have problems with any quests within 2 levels of you. If you do, upgrade your gear.

4 - If your gear is on par, you won't need medpacks very often. You should be levelling biochem anyways if you pvp.

5 - See #1



1) I am carnage. Not going to lie pvp just isn't my thing as melee and the pvp was part was more of a joke since every other post I see on the forums is about pvp rants.


2) Not due to an inability to solo just bored. Solo leveled my powertech and it was boring. Friends are not even in the same area all the time so still soloing but this is more of a social thing then a need to group to survive


3) This is just due to playstyle again.


4) Again nice to have them just incase I end up selling them back to get the next level ones more often then I use them.


Over all thanks for responding and I am honestly regretting even posting. This isn't really a community forum more like a shooting gallery.

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Don't bother posting, half these idiots are just spouting off cause they have nothing better to do, the other half seem to have decent responses, yay for them! :p


Also yes, huttball included most of the pvp in this game is a joke. I'm assuming they'll have tons of patches/fixes/changes and hopefully some new better pvp areas.


You shouldn't NEED to kill things 2-3 levels higher than you, if you're doing bonus quests as well as your class quests you not only outlevel the areas but you end up obliterating them and it's the fastest way so far to level and it's good credits. :rolleyes:


Don't feed the trolls, don't even bother tryin to talk to them. Just post a quick response and walk away forever. :D

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At level 23 you can still get the job done under geared or not soloing pve content. It gets hairy but it can be done by playing smart. Always wipe trash mobs first then focus down elites or strongs with your companion. Watch out for channeled and aoe abilities from whatever youre fighting and interupt them. It's not as easy to do as BH'S who can aoe wipe a pack of normals with 1 attack but it is doable. Make use of your defensive cool downs don't be lazy or a clicker cuz you'll pay for it.


Have companion initiate fights with elites then u come in after and blow it up. use you saber ward, cloak of pain, and berserk every time they come up and spec into a tree that enhances abilities you like to use. I went rage cuz I love ravage, choke, obliterate, and smash.


Don't spread your spec points out early on, focus on one tree till late 30's or early 40's. And like everyone else has said having good level current gear will make it that much easier. I go for strength>crit rate>surge. Marauder is a fun class in my opinion and tough to beat 1 on 1. You just have to use the tools your given appropriately to be successful.

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Tips I have found to have fun playing a marauder!


1) Don't PvP

2) Play with only a small group of friends

3) Only attack things you grossly out level and gear

4) Buy stock in med packs

5) Don't PvP


1) Respec to Annihilation, you will destroy anything you attack if you play with decent players. If you are up against a level 50 or a group and you think you will die, just force cam out, heal up and your fine.

http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIbRrRMfhzZhGM.1 - My current build.


2) Soloing things is fine. With good gear and a good geared companion you can solo heroic 2+ quests without much trouble.


3) Again, if you have good gear and a good geared companion you can take down champions that are your level. If your using a dps companion and you keep dying just get out quinn. I'm fine with using Jaesa atm.


4. I usually have med packs that heal me 4k and I have 11k hp, I only use them when I'm about to die.


5) Go Anni


I am level 45 and still havn't got the best gear and I do perfectly fine. If you really need to, go on the gts and just make your gear the best you can. I usually spend about 80k credits every 2 levels on gear. If you have the credits it's well worth it.


This is just how I am playing Marauder, so the experience for you may be completely different.

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"3) Only attack things you grossly out level and gear" if you suck and don't know how to play



"4) Buy stock in med packs" From level 1 to level 50 I've died less than 20 times and I quested solo the entire time. I was always 2-3 levels below the content.


I agree with both things you said. On my Marauder I went Bio to make medpacks ect. I do not use Quinn and I use Jaesa for the extra DPS. Works just fine and I always seem to be 2-3 levels below the content I have been on.


OP: I had trouble without medpacks until I got my rotation skills and after massacre it really smoothed out for me.

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1) Respec to Annihilation, you will destroy anything you attack if you play with decent players. If you are up against a level 50 or a group and you think you will die, just force cam out, heal up and your fine.

http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#100bIbRrRMfhzZhGM.1 - My current build.


2) Soloing things is fine. With good gear and a good geared companion you can solo heroic 2+ quests without much trouble.


3) Again, if you have good gear and a good geared companion you can take down champions that are your level. If your using a dps companion and you keep dying just get out quinn. I'm fine with using Jaesa atm.


4. I usually have med packs that heal me 4k and I have 11k hp, I only use them when I'm about to die.


5) Go Anni


I am level 45 and still havn't got the best gear and I do perfectly fine. If you really need to, go on the gts and just make your gear the best you can. I usually spend about 80k credits every 2 levels on gear. If you have the credits it's well worth it.


This is just how I am playing Marauder, so the experience for you may be completely different.


you most be a very poor man, or a Ebayer.

nobody can spend 80,000 credits each 2 levels.

people forget cost/spending is a factor 2

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When did this become a bash fest?




Just because I don't attack higher levels doesn't mean I can't don't be so quick to assume fail.


I'm not bashing you at all, just being honest.


For your last statement..... see your original post #3 which reads:


"3) Only attack things you grossly out level and gear" <----- I'm not assuming you can't... you're telling us you can't.

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you most be a very poor man, or a Ebayer.

nobody can spend 80,000 credits each 2 levels.

people forget cost/spending is a factor 2


Not poor at all. I can spend more if I wish but I dont intend on going all out on gear. The reason I buy every 2 levels is because for some reason, the gear on my servers gts is all odd numbers. There is no 40, 42, 44, 46 and 48 gear, sometimes not even 50. If there was, I would go and upgrade every chance I get. With all my gear being oranges or purples and having all my gear with purple mods, it makes you look like a complete idiot for saying I'm poor, good one...

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on my server a purple mod cost from a range of 32K to 50K. from around Level 40.

i bet on you'r server is not much different, basic logic's.


5x3=15x32K=480.000 credit's each 2 level's.

sure anyone can afford that.



Would hate to be on your server, I have never bought a purple mod over 15k. I have people in my guild who have max artiface, who can craft you anything (not every purple, but the ones they have the ability to make) for free if they have the time. Sure I wouldn't have to mention that. I'm sure you can get a guildie to craft you some purples, if you can't your in a pretty bad guild. From what your saying, your server must be horrible to play on. Also I don't upgrade every single mod every 2 levels, I didn't say that in my post. Please think before you post, some people make them selves look really, really stupid on forums, it's pretty sad.

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Would hate to be on your server, I have never bought a purple mod over 15k. I have people in my guild who have max artiface, who can craft you anything (not every purple, but the ones they have the ability to make) for free if they have the time. Sure I wouldn't have to mention that. I'm sure you can get a guildie to craft you some purples, if you can't your in a pretty bad guild. From what your saying, your server must be horrible to play on. Also I don't upgrade every single mod every 2 levels, I didn't say that in my post. Please think before you post, some people make them selves look really, really stupid on forums, it's pretty sad.


like write a wall of text?, and sure guildies this guildies that.

that's called evasive writing.

anway with 80,000 credits you can only affort 5 mods, while you still need 2/3 more.

each level, O right you have guildies =D


still it have really nothing to do with you, but with the OP, who knows he he might not have guildies, or die so much he repair cost is over the top, or respec each day.

we will never know

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like write a wall of text?, and sure guildies this guildies that.

that's called evasive writing.

anway with 80,000 credits you can only affort 5 mods, while you still need 2/3 more.

each level, O right you have guildies =D


Fully re done this post, because I do not want to continue to argue with anyone anymore. I must have a lot of people with artiface on my server and some pretty kind people who I play with, sorry that your severs purple mod prices are not as low as the one I play on. My first post didn't explain everything and I apologise.


- Wori

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I'm not bashing you at all, just being honest.


For your last statement..... see your original post #3 which reads:


"3) Only attack things you grossly out level and gear" <----- I'm not assuming you can't... you're telling us you can't.



You read and quote sooooooo well.... did you see the "tips" and "for fun" part? :D Go somewhere else, trollololz. ;)


"The problem is YOU"

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