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You know what his issue is, you know it's a fair statement.


Trying to pedantically prove something that has nothing to do with his actual problem, makes you look like a child in denial.


Chucking in a "child" insult. Internet conversation 101, why didn't I think of that?


Feeding trolls aside, I know he has a point. The lottery system sucks. The thing is, it only sucks when you don't win. He sure as hell wouldn't be complaining about it of he'd got his full gear set in his first load of bags. Trying to come off as a saint who isn't concerned with material things sounds farcical and ruins his argument.

Edited by Transcend
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Chucking in a "child" insult. Internet conversation 101, why didn't I think of that?


Feeding trolls aside, I know he has a point. The lottery system sucks. The thing is, it only sucks when you don't win. He sure as hell wouldn't be complaining about it of he'd got his full gear set in his first load of bags. Trying to come off as a saint jp isn't concerned with material things sounds farcical and ruins his argument.


So, you understand his point and you feel the need to interpret his comments as him pretending to be a saint?


Why is it that I don't think he's being a saint, but responding in the only way that's reasonable when you're unlucky in a system based on luck.


It's exactly why a system based on luck is bad - because a LOT of people will be unlucky.


He WANTS a fair system, where everyone has the exact same level of gear - when they put in the same amount of work. It's pretty obvious.

Edited by DKDArtagnan
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I truly enjoy pvp but there is no reward for it in this game and with the roll system in place for rewards I see no point in continuing with my subscription.


I thought the reward for PvP was the satisfaction of a job well done that you receive when you have dominated your opposition? I mean, PvP exists in all kinds of games and most of them don't even have gear so what is the reward in those games?

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24 straight bags of nothing but centurion coms has led me to cancel my subscription to tor. I am valor rank 57 and see no end to this never ending grind.


I truly enjoy pvp but there is no reward for it in this game and with the roll system in place for rewards I see no point in continuing with my subscription.


from their lack of customer service and their lack of vision for pvp rewarding as well as countless other issues within the game I am just done.


got 4 bags today, Illum dailies and every bag had coms, making 24 straight. I dont mind a grind, what i mind is a grind with no end and with the current roll system, there is no end.


the end comes on the 20th when my subscription ends though.. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel..


Your life must suck.

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So, you understand his point and you feel the need to interpret his comments as him pretending to be a saint?


Why is it that I don't think he's being a saint, but responding in the only way that's reasonable when you're unlucky in a system based on luck.


It's exactly why a system based on luck is bad - because a LOT of people will be unlucky.


He WANTS a fair system, where everyone has the exact same chance at getting gear - when they put in the same amount of work. It's pretty obvious.



Dropped the insults now? I'm impressed!


Of course, you failed to notice the part where I agreed with him and proceeded to try and continue an argument about something we both agree on.


Oh well.

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24 straight bags of nothing but centurion coms has led me to cancel my subscription to tor. I am valor rank 57 and see no end to this never ending grind.


I truly enjoy pvp but there is no reward for it in this game and with the roll system in place for rewards I see no point in continuing with my subscription.


from their lack of customer service and their lack of vision for pvp rewarding as well as countless other issues within the game I am just done.


got 4 bags today, Illum dailies and every bag had coms, making 24 straight. I dont mind a grind, what i mind is a grind with no end and with the current roll system, there is no end.


the end comes on the 20th when my subscription ends though.. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel..


I thought the reward was the enjoyment and the fun, not the stats.


It's understandable that random chance might get on your nerves, but canceling a subscription to a game you truly enjoy sounds a bit harsh.


Loving the PvP so far, I play it for the PvP itself though. Epics just arrive once in a while.

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Assuming the drop rate it 20% (anecdotal). Your chances of not getting a bag in 24 tries is (0.8) ^ 24 or 4/1000.


That's not surprising in a game with 1 million people, there are some poor unfortunate people that will have bad luck. It sucks and the only thing I can tell you is probability has no memory so keep going. It's a new week with new dailies and weeklies.


If you have 'average' luck and do your dailies and weeklies, the expected value per week (25 bags) is 5 champion tokens and 2 centurion gear. Gearing in this game is actually pretty darn quick ... and with the exception of that one guild member (the unlucky one, we're all pretty much geared in full champion ... only took 2-3 weeks.)


What can I tell the OP ... buy a lottery ticket and restore your karmic balance (a fallacy I know) ... and better luck this week. Who knows you might get 10 tokens this week.

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If you have 'average' luck and do your dailies and weeklies, the expected value per week (25 bags) is 5 champion tokens and 2 centurion gear.


i first thought 25 bag a week is an exaggeration, after thinking about it i count 26-30 bags a week for average play. so that means if you get 1 item out of 15 bags = 1-2 items a week (considering duplicates) this game would still equip you relatively fast compared to other games. intersting thought. RNG system does not have my appeal anyway

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i have the gear, except for the boots.. its the whole system. as I stated, its everything..


i enjoy pvp because I make of it what i want.. take away the pvp gear and I would prob be very happy with the system.. put something in like COD where your rank gets you your rewards and I would be happy. but this helps people like me who can play at work.. this is more a time reward than a being good at pvp reward.


and yes to arse hat who said I am not almost valor 57, sitting at 15605 of 34460 of valor rank 56.. so getting close to 57..


maybe if i cool off i will change my mind, there is a ton i do love of the game.. listening to the mature people on the forums has helped.. reading the responses of the people who just throw insults is funny.. guess that is prob why they flip burgers because they cant form a thought without throwing some BS in there..



guess i will see how i feel tonight...

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the end comes on the 20th when my subscription ends though.. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel..



Ideally, cancellation feedback will help motivate BW to be a little more pro-active with their design and fix timelime.
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TL;DR - I did not get what I want, therefore I am choosing not to pay money for something I get no enjoyment from.




Good for you, I guess. It's your money after all.



Even though your TL:DR is accurate it still seems like you need to mock the OP for having a valid point.


If you could atleast be blamed for the fact that you didn't get the item you wanted it would be different.

In that case, only luck decides your fate in this game. It really needs a change

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24 straight bags of nothing but centurion coms has led me to cancel my subscription to tor. I am valor rank 57 and see no end to this never ending grind.


i have the gear, except for the boots.. its the whole system. as I stated, its everything..


So you have all the gear before VR57 (except boots) and your complaining about not getting something in 24 bags. Every think that this was the universe's way of karmicly balancing itself out. You obviously got lucky earlier are you're almost fully geared.


Ever think that this system was mathematically designed to get your full set by the time you hit VR60? It's easy to get your first few pieced but hard to complete the set just by the way variance works.


This game is already ridiculously easy to gear up, I wonder how anyone can even complain about the gear. Do you complain that after 5 heroics your chest didnt' drop?

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i see a majority of the people agree, a system based on luck is not a good system for rewarding hard work.


maybe Bioware will take notice, i doubt it but you never know..


and yes cancellation feedback is usually the best way for them to get your point.

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i see a majority of the people agree, a system based on luck is not a good system for rewarding hard work.


maybe Bioware will take notice, i doubt it but you never know..


and yes cancellation feedback is usually the best way for them to get your point.


Raiding has always been luck based, since its all about drops.

So just because you were unlucky once with the bags doesnt really matter, especially not since you have EVERYTHING but the boots. I am rank 62 and still running around with two Centurion parts.

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Raiding has always been luck based, since its all about drops.

So just because you were unlucky once with the bags doesnt really matter, especially not since you have EVERYTHING but the boots. I am rank 62 and still running around with two Centurion parts.




if it was just once, i would agree.. I feel for you, the one person in our guild who hit 60 has the main weapon and now the chest piece for battlemaster, 3 bags, 2 items.


so the system is what is frustrating and broken..

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if it was just once, i would agree.. I feel for you, the one person in our guild who hit 60 has the main weapon and now the chest piece for battlemaster, 3 bags, 2 items.


so the system is what is frustrating and broken..


Oh, but im not complaning, I've been lucky as fck imo with this system and geared up extremely quickly. And im happy with the way it works, eventhough you can sometimes wait for an item a long time, but then just actually be lucky and get that streak that i recieved.


Got both BM weapons in one day, pic below.


But yea, RNG will be RNG, not much to do about it, in the end everyone will still stand there with their full gear regardless.

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no luck here for 20+ bags. the 2 items i did receive prior to that were duplicates. I have 7 bags sitting in my inventory and im about to turn in the wz weekly. that will be 10 bags that im afraid to open because if they are empty, i may not log back on. already canceled due to ability lag, but i keep playing with hopes it will be fixed. this bag thing is just another straw. as a healer they keep telling me to just get some expertise gear and pvp will be better. well i cant do that with this broken system and im tired of being cannon fogger for imps.
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the end comes on the 20th when my subscription ends though.. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel..


The fact that you describe the game this way indicates there is very little chance that you would even consider returning. Why not just send an email to customer support instead of posting in the public forums to start some kind of debate?

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