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This game needs more MMO and less Single Player


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Bioware cannot directly build this.

More People - Stop the Sharding/Instancing
Most player computers cannot handle the higher polygon counts of 100 player characters + NPCs in the game field at the same time. Plus, having all those people in the same area tends to crowd questing.

There are companion minipets.
If you are referring to "WoW hunter pets", then that would be your companions.

Animal Mounts
I'm sure there will be an animal mount in the future but for right now, where are you going to store the thing? You don't exactly have a zoo on your ship right now.

Scalable UI
Chat Bubbles
No arguments here from me at all.

Less Gated Gameplay
What gated gameplay? If you want to go beat your head on red level mobs on Ilum while you are level 20, you can.
If you are referring to normal/hardmode/nightmare mode - that is a gaming norm these days. They've been doing that in single player console games for years. It's just now making its way into MMOs.

True Open Worlds
By this I am assuming you want an entire planet to be fleshed out where you can sail all the way across the world and come back to the other side of the ocean or glacier or whatever.
My answer to that is... NO.

More mystical mysterious Gameplay. You know, like Star Wars
Gameplay is only mysterious until the first person discovers it and submits it to a site like Torhead. Case in point: datacrons. How long do you think it took for a website to list where all the datacrons were and where to get them.
Put the blame for the missing mysteriousness where it belongs, on the playerbase. People don't want mysterious - else sites like Tankspot and youtube wouldn't be in business with how-to videos on how to finish this quest, romance this companion or beat that boss.

Movable UI
We covered that with "scalable UI".

Player Housing - Non-Instanced - No there would not be a blight if they just added rent with limits on how much you could pre-pay
We have player housing - it's called our ship. Yes, we should be able to decorate the thing.
No to people being able to plant houses where they want. I would probably end my subscription as soon as I finished the story arcs if that was the case. I get that you want rent to "maintain" the landscape but no. The only way this works is if you have large areas of map that are just wilderness and have no reason to be there but to build houses on.
No. Just no.

More in-depth Meaningful Crafting
I don't think they are done with crafting - I'm giving them some time.

More in-depth Meaningful Harvesting
No, I like that harvesting is simplistic.

Remove the mountain Walls, regular walls. Stop making me run 5 miles in one direction to get to an obkective that is just on the other side of another wall
I agree on the ridiculous walls on planets like Balmorra. I don't want all the walls removed though having door ways and paths that are heavily guarded would make sense.

More Immersion
There's a ton more immersion in TOR than any other MMO to date. The only way I could see more immersion is if the game was designed to be played from first person mode.

More Planets with no Level Range. All levels are there, low and high. Be Careful.
No, though I will say that the bonus series quests should have been level 50 daily areas, not just something you came back to in 2 to 3 levels.

Broker that works
The broker works, just the UI is unfriendly.

Guild Halls - Non-Instanced
They are coming.

No Mobs on every single node and every single path. It's ridiculous.
I often bypass entire areas of mobs without aggro'ing any of them. I have no idea what you are talking about - if anything, they could ramp up the danger a bit.

No Combat Delay
Will be fixed.

Better Textures.
No. I'm fond of the look, actually.

A thousand times no.
Though, I would like to be able to order a meal in cantinas for roleplay reasons.

Armor that has a base stat so that it is actually worth something more than appearance
No. I like that armor is the sum total of the mods and that it is primarily a graphic. The real "armor" is the three mods you put in it.

Open World PvP with actual rewards so that everyone isn't always in WZ's on PvP Servers.


World PvP is and has never been anything more than who attacks first and griefing. Unless you are intentionally setting up an event, it will never be much more than that. Since that is the case (and has been proven over and over for years) - developers are hesitant to encourage open world PvP with special gear.


In other words, there is very little ability to show true skill in open world PvP because those conflicts are rarely, if ever, fair.

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I am forced to respectfully disagree. By and large, other people are, well ... let's use the word 'jerks' to represent a slightly stronger description which may not be appropriate for forum usage.


More solo = good.

Dependency on others = bad.


In my humble opinion, of course.


This ^ 1000 times this ^


Sorry to brake it to you folks, but the days of forced grouping are gone.. Sure i don't mind encouraged grouping, but i never will again play an mmo where you have to group to advance your character period..


I like MMO's that give you the choice, and give you rewards based on those choices..


Sure, back in the EQ days people were seemingly more mature, but now a days i wouldn't want to be forced to group with anyone who's got an attitude..


Plus there is also the thing of sitting on your butt for hours looking for a group before you could do anything worth wild in Everquest, especially with some classes...


I just don't think a forced grouping MMO would work these days..

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Sooner or later the story will end, or at least will stop for a while...

Then it will be time for own story making with other people!


Right now the game is nothing more than a single player rpg with a chat in it...


That is a choice you and others are making. You are choosing to only do your own story. Me, I group with one or two other people the majority of the time. By level 18 on a couple characters, I was social III.


The sort of complaining you are making means BW would have to force grouping to do anything and that worked just great for DDO.


Bottom line: the people are there. It is your choice to be social or to be a recluse.

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It often seems that many people are anti-social misanthropes who, for some reason, want a game that forces people to interact with them in order to advance. This, to me, is not an optimal formula for enjoyment.


Making friends and playing with them seems a much smoother and pleasant way to spend gaming time. Personally, my main character has done his entire career while grouped with friends. I've particularly enjoyed watching how my party members handle their class quests. Laughing about different competing decisions during shared dialogs, "Why did you let him live? Because it amused me."


I suppose what I'm saying is...you want multiplayer? Then make some friends. Be a fun person to interact with online. Bring in friends from RL and have them play with you. Be social.


Then you just might find that missing piece to the puzzle.

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Completely disagree with OP. The single player experience is really what sets this apart from other MMOs Bioware made a game that appeals to those who like to group for dungeons, and like PvP, but spend most of their time in-game on their own. What you want to get rid of is the thing that makes this game distinct.
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