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Everything posted by Beddlam

  1. I haven't played the new flashpoints yet, but the dark council chambers are on Drumond Kaas, not Korriban.
  2. They all work, I like Talos 'cause I never have to stop to regen, but Khem and Xalek will help too, especially if you don't mind off-healing a bit. Ashara will let you burn through trash super fast, but on the bigger fights you might have trouble keeping her up.
  3. I recommend this with one small addendum, instead of waiting till 55 to do everything, do the chapters when you are leveled to finish them: so play through chapter 1 at around 30 or so and chapter 2 at 42 or so, then chapter 3 at 50 or 55. I like this because you get your story a continuous chunk, but the big bosses at the end of the chapters still have some challenge. You also pick up your companions earlier this way which is nice if you do any crafting.
  4. So you're question is not "Will we ever get an update that is all RP/QoL stuff?," Which is what the Strongholds expansion will be, but "Will we ever get an update that gives RPers everything we have ever asked for?" The answer to this is a resounding "no." RPers, like the rest of us will get your content little by little. Except the stuff that requires major changes to how the engine treats the character and environment, those you will never get. (If sitting in all the chairs around the universe is a deal-breaker for you, I think you're probably SoL.)
  5. This is exactly what your puddle is for. The only thing is that your dps have to know to stand in it, but they should have that level of awareness. When I am DPSing I love rolling with a sage healer 'cause I know as long as I stay near that circle I'll be at full health the whole fight, and it disrupts the tank healing far less than the options for merc or operative.
  6. One interesting thing I ran across as I was looking for more info on this: Obsidian has expressed interest in partnering with EA to create a new SW RPG. Apparently their original pre-Disney pitch was for a game that comes between episodes III and IV of the movies. An Obsidian-produced game still would likely not be "KoTOR III," but it could be a spiritual successor with a similar game-play and story-telling philosophy. Apparently there are 3 SW games that EA is currently working on, though I think continuing support of SWTOR might count as one of them. The open world RPG that is being developed by EA Canada is enticing, but it sounds like it's a long ways off yet.
  7. http://www.gamespot.com/articles/ea-and-disney-team-up-for-star-wars-games/1100-6407982/ EA has a 10-year exclusive deal on Star Wars games. This, of course, does not prevent BioWare from making another Star Wars game because EA owns BioWare. I don't think we'll see another KoTOR, but another BioWare-developed Star Wars game that isn't part of the same franchise would be great.
  8. I like the idea, but I don't think you'd be able to retroactively change current designs. It would make sense to create new weapons which are customizable. These items would look fairly bland without any modification, but would have the slots for custom modifications. And hey, it would be nice if it gave armstech something to do besides crafting power augments for people who don't understands how the stats are weighted.
  9. 1) Subs have not been tanking, but steadily increasing since CM launched. 2) If you unsub because they have neglected the CE vendor, I think maybe you need to think about your priorities. 3) I'd bet good money that CE gets stuff for the stronghold expansion.
  10. Here's the thing Ratajack: This ISN'T WORK, this is a game. And requesting that a game not be tedious and frustrating is completely different than asking not to do your work because it's tedious and boring. Those of us asking for legacy datacrons are not asking for handouts, we are trying to bring the effort/reward ratio into a more reasonable range in order to make one part of a game we enjoy feel more satisfactory. We are not asking for welfare, we are trying to improve a game. Also, what your analogy is lacking is values: How long are we working and what is the pay? What we are saying is, "Hey you are paying us $.50/hour to do this job and we don't think that's worth it. But if you pay me and each of my children $.50/hour mabye that job gets done." Also, no one is likely to have more than 15 "children."
  11. I know they can't let us choose what type of game we want to play because the player-base is too small to split, but having to play a style I didn't enjoy 50% or more of the time really ruined it for me.
  12. nope, you can gear companions or buy artifact boxes from Corellia vendor, but generally useless.
  13. People who say you don't need any crit because you get crit from willpower don't understand how the stats work. Crit DR is independent from the crit you get from willpower, meaning they should be considered completely separately. And if you actually look at the DR curve for crit it's not as bad as people would have you believe. I have 218 crit which gives me an additional 4.16% critical chance. My crit multiplier is at 72.96%. That means that those 218 points add just over 3% to my overall damage (that is not counting bonus crit multiplier from talents, so it is actually higher that that). You know what those 218 points give me if I put them in power? About 46 bonus damage. If you have 0 crit you are doing it wrong. PERIOD. EDIT: did some math wrong, must've hit a wrong button, those 218 power are worth about 50 bonus damage.
  14. Right, so here's the compromise solution: We introduce a piece of gear, the Datacron Holoviewer. This is a BoL item that gets it's own gear slot on your character sheet. Every time you collect a datactron while the holoviewer is equipped, it adds the bonus to the holoviewer. You can only collect each datacron once on each holoviewer. This pleases most people, who think that requiring players to get datacrons on each character is tedious, because they can pass the datacron to their active character. And it pleases you, because the bonus will not be INFINITE. btw, you are grossly misusing infinite because you think it makes your point more effective. There are a limited number of character slots, and most reasonable people won't have more than 16 toons they actually play; far from infinite.
  15. You are correct and as this is a forum which is the appropriate place to voice that opinion. You might also notice that you are basically arguing your side by yourself, and the opinions of most people who care enough to post in this thread seem to agree with me. Now you are just arguing semantics. I am comparing one piece of gear to one datacron, while you are comparing one piece of gear to all datacrons. I could easily assemble 2 pieces of gear that would give bonuses to all classes in the same way that datacrons do, or for that matter 4 complete sets of gear that would be BiS in 7 slots for every DPS class. If you want to argue that every character should have to earn everything they get, that makes sense; but when you try to argue that players need to earn datacrons on each character, but not gear, rep, titles, achievements, credits, etc. your argument totally falls apart, and you must rely on repeatedly capitalizing infinite as if that single hyperbole will make your whole argument for you.
  16. lol this is a ballsy post: Hey everyone, tell me what you like the most so I can jack up the price on it!
  17. Correct, but I am contending that the effort/reward ratio for datacrons is way out of balance, while I don't believe that is so for raid gear. Now your logic is just wrong. When I activate a +strength detacron it benefits a character with strength mainstat much more than a character without. This is in fact exactly the same as how gear works: when I get a piece of gear with strength on it, it benefits my characters with strength mainstat much more than those without. This is not a way that datacrons and gear are different, but a way they are the same.
  18. The ability to see fleet general chat (obviously can also be turned off). I spend a lot of my time standing around on fleet looking for PUG ops. If my housing is going to be a place where I am going to ever be, it would really help if I could find a group from there. Actually, a global LFG channel would be even better, so I could find a group while in my ship or running dailies or events, but I figure if they wanted to do that they could have done it long ago.
  19. You are missing my point, which is that making them legacy-wide makes the effort/reward ratio much more reasonable, and will actually encourage more people to go get them. Also a general point that making maximizing combat effectiveness dependent on something as far removed from combat as datacron collection is bad design, and making the reward legacy-wide would go some distance toward correcting that by reducing the amount of non-combat activity required. but you effectively do have infinite copies because you can have it on any character at any time and you can only play one character at a time.
  20. SWTOR is exploitative to exactly the amount that every video game is, and it has nothing to so with the CM. If anything the CM counters some of the exploitative aspects of the game. Every video game (as well as many other forms of media) is designed to use the dopamine rush gained through game play to get the player to play as long as possible (this is especially important in MMOs with subscription fees). This combined with collecting, completion, and other common behavioral tenancies are carefully studied and used to keep players paying sub fees, or buying expansion packs and sequels. Free-to-play models both utilize and circumvent this system by allowing players to replace play-time with cash in order to earn rewards. Many casual free-to-play games are designed so after a certain point, progression without paying becomes tedious and players either quit or start paying. Players of more serious games like MMOs tend to resent this "pay-to-win" model, so companies like BW only include cosmetic upgrades in their cash markets. They do this because subscribers are more valuable than free-to-play players even if they spend less money because their money is reliable and can be budgeted toward longer-range projects. Also, BW can only control half of the price-fixing equation. They do, as all video game companies do, control supply by setting prices or controlling rarity of crafting nodes, or difficulty of and frequency of mob-drops; but they have no control over demand. The reason the black/black and white/white dyes are so expensive is not only that they are rare (other dyes of similar rarity are much less expensive) but also because people like them. tl;dr: There is nothing that is exploitative in SWtoR above and beyond any other video game, especially not the CM.
  21. I firmly agree with OP (though I would go further and say you get credit for each one, and don't need to collect them all to gain the bonus). It is ridiculous that a game that functions as poorly as a platformer as SWtoR does Should award actual stat gains for enduring the tedious platform jumping games that are required for some of the more out of the way datacrons. If you enjoy it more power to you and BW should give you titles and pets and mounts and whatever other non-combat effecting rewards they can think of for collecting them, but collecting datacrons has nothing to do with combat, and to make a player go through that process to maximize his or her combat effectiveness once is a pain, for each character is moronic. Also to contribute to the ongoing "legacy gear vs. datacron" debate: Remember that legacy gear isn't just used for passing ans extracting mods, you can wear that piece of gear too. That means that once I move the mods out of a piece of piece of raid gear and into a piece of legacy gear, that is a permanent item that any one of my characters can use from now until forever. For armor and in some cases mh/oh, I only have to earn the gear for a specific mainstat/role once and I can use it on all my characters.
  22. You're right, because i forgot there is a long tradition in the lore of the Starwars universe that only people who PvP ride rancors. Edit: Also I'm talking about what players have access to, not what characters have access to. All players can create a character that uses a lightsaber.
  23. I don't understand the sentiment at all. If you are getting something cool why the burning urge to keep other people from getting a similar (not even the same!) cool thing? You will be the first to get any kind of a rancor mount, and even when others come around they won't be the same, you'll still get to display your giant epeen on fleet, what's the problem? How does it benefit you or the game to keep a whole category of cool things out of other players' hands? /this petition is ridiculous
  24. While I agree with the sentiment of wanting a more diverse, immersive world, more time-sinks in an mmo do not equal more fun. We need more content, not more running around between content. More diversity is great, especially if an incentive is included to experience that diversity, but please no more running around to repair and train. Going to a trainer or hunting down a vendor that can repair your gear may make the world seem more real but it is decidedly not fun.
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