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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

What delaying the Patch says to me...


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To me, it's the classic "keep 'em coming back". You want to see if we fixed your game, and made it better, it'll cost you $15. Simple.


Players that unsub cuz there unhappy about how the game is, arent coming back to see 1 small update. They will come back for a month 6-7 months after the game has been released and atleast 10-20 patches and updates have been implemented.

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Great the patch isnt ready, they delayed it, but what about his other points? What about the fact that people are experiencing the same bugs they experienced in open beta? 1 MONTH after physical release, and those bugs are still in?


Don't disregard the whole post for one part of it.


Because he literally said NOTHING constructive or useful. He just dredged up tired old comparisons to other games and cried because TOR wasn't any of those things. There was literally NOTHING of value or new there.


Then as a cap, he made some mad cow assertions that the patch delay was about money.


Come on? Seriously?


I read those fat, un-formatted paragraphs too. That was more respect than this steaming pile deserved in the first place. I disregarded the entire thing because it is garbage and that is what people do with garbage.


It's a troll thread and it's working.


Flag it and move on.

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OMG Peeps on the test server found a bug that would have caused tons of cry babies to pour onto the forums and complain, so they stopped the patch to fix it!!! How dare they!!! Now the babies have something else to cry about!! No Patch!!!!


If a baby doesn't cry there is something wrong

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For such a Machiavellian brilliant company that can make money on every single tiny little thing they do, they sure have a hard time increasing stock value.


You would think if they were that brilliant finance wise 1) these ingenious decisions they make would actually start adding up to increased stock value, and 2) at least they could figure out a way outside of these decisions to increase stock value.

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If patching, critical fixes and general customer service were handled similarly where I worked (Software developer/project in the financial sector) there'd trickle down some very "positively urging notes about waking the fck up" from the top.


and those people in the top are what brings good gaming companies to a halt and turn it into cash cows. Want to make a good company great again, fire the top and remove there retarded bonusses.

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For such a Machiavellian brilliant company that can make money on every single tiny little thing they do, they sure have a hard time increasing stock value.


You would think if they were that brilliant finance wise 1) these ingenious decisions they make would actually start adding up to increased stock value, and 2) at least they could figure out a way outside of these decisions to increase stock value.


What are you talking about? You should watch Margin Call and post in the forums about it.

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Well if you read the PTR forum it looks like the Biochem fix was jacked up and actually would have resulted in the opposite impact they were looking for so no patch.


That requires reading and being logical.


Unfounded conspiracy theories are much more fun.

Edited by DirtyDozen
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Hello everyone,


We know that a number of you wish to discuss the patch delay and in order to keep the discussion together we ask that everyone use this thread. This will help to ensure our forums are tidy and everyone can participate in the ongoing conversation. We will be closing this thread, feel free to carry on there!

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