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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Poor Republic Players Have to Stare at this in their own fleet!


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Your signature tells me you do not know what the dev tracker is.




Your response tells me how ignorantly blind you are.


My signature is in reference to being told by GMS that the warzone win problem would be fixed, just to have developers tell us the day after that it was a 'mistake in the patch notes' despite being there for 2 weeks, and moderators telling us otherwise.

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Another proof of the love for empire side, while nothing is done for rep side. I always though they made the empire side first, and then added the rep side. This game should be called "SW : Lords of the Old Empire", sounds more true :)
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when you play at 5 in the morning you will see this. it happens. play when other people are on.

Edited by lifeisdeath
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Yet more mistakes on a game in development for 5+ years on a 300 million budget.


derp derp derp, it's ok spend all the money on voice overs just paste blue onto the over fleet and keep everything exactly the same, no one will ever noti...Whats this on the forums!?! Shi.... Bioware needed to get their heads in gear 2 maybe 3 years back because people will just start laughing in about errm 5 months maximum

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Cmon guys... seriously.


Game is only one month old ye.. they'll fix this in a patch of a patch of a patched patch.


And FFS, stop looking at the floor. Game is to be played, not looked at!


And please guys... I played many MMO's and most of them had this problems with reflections.


Btw, have they made the 300 in cash already? We could wait some more years to get the rest of the game, my dvd only had voice overs :(

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Game is only one month old ye.. they'll fix this in a patch of a patch of a patched patch.



You seem to forget this game has been in development for a long time with a big budget behind it. The "game is only a month old" excuse is getting old.



And FFS, stop looking at the floor. Game is to be played, not looked at!




Edited by SnakeBites
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And FFS, stop looking at the floor. Game is to be played, not looked at!


I wish, even if I reduce the visual quality to minimum is still have an unplayable slideshow in Ilum PvP.


By your reasoning, it's apparently a game both to not look at and to not play! Fantastic!

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Imagine if in WOW Orgrimmar was just Stormwin but the vendors were in different buildings, that is what SWTOR is like.


But they were on a tight budget of $300 million.



How did the budget explode when they were cutting corners in so many places, including extensively outsourcing.

Edited by Ansultares
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I'm apparently easy to please, becasue I'm just impressed there are reflections off droid heads. Hopefully, they'll get this info and fix it. However, I did find it a bit sad how similar the two fleets are. I would have liked them to have unique structure and shape.


its not really that impressive because they are false reflections... if it was a reflection then it would actually show whats around (the right fleet for that matter)


also if you were to run past said droid then you should be able to see your reflection including everyone else... (you cant)



this is just a clever trick(sad joke) and its pretty much preset(and they did not bother to do the same for the republic fleet)


they just forgot to swap in the right preset on the droid... they are either lazy or they forgot... maybe both lol....

Edited by SuperomegaOP
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