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Maintenance postponed? Really? Fail.


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I was really looking forward to being able to actually -get something- out of my Battlemaster bags tomorrow.


It's hard enough to get the motivation to play my main character right now, when I really don't get anything from PvPing except 2 Battlemaster bags a day.. where my chance to actually get a piece of gear is so unbelievably terrible, it makes me want to pull my hair out.


1 of 18 so far, a pair of gloves... that had Accuracy, which I don't need, and had to pull the mod out of my Champion gloves for to make them even a very small, worthwhile upgrade.


This is just depressing.. Was looking forward to some actual world PvP with incentives and everything else this patch was supposed to bring.


I don't even know what to say, BioWare. This smells like EA, forcing a delay so that people would be more inclined to renew their subscriptions (what a coincidence, they'll renew sometime around the 20th for most people).


Even if that isn't the case, this is just sad. I've stuck up for this game so much when people bash it. I've defended it at every turn, but it's really starting to grind on my patience at this point... I'm not even going to get into the mysteriously terrible framerate issues I'm getting on Illum and the Alderaan WZ (about 30-40 fps less than BF3, Skyrim, and other top tier releases).


Keep your word for once. Don't set a date unless you can make it. Don't force things out before they should be released. Have some integrity and don't let EA bully you into doing its bidding.



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hope it doesn't smell too much like EA. EA ala Origin patched the living crap out of UO and quite literally killed the game. Maybe they're just trying to get it right? I doubt it, but lets give them the benefit of the doubt for their first content patch. :<
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You would be the first one on here crying your eyes out if it wasn't 100% perfect.


...Not really, no.


I've dealt with the bugs and everything else without saying a word on here. I'm not a forum troll.


I've played the game, cleared NM mode raids, valor to 60+, full Champion gear and everything else.


I'm not some whiner that's played the game for 5 minutes, bashed it in General chat, and wasted everyone's time by comparing it to WoW.


It isn't like me to make a post like this, I'm just really bummed that they couldn't make this work. You get a bit tired of defending something for so long when the thing you're defending continually makes it harder on you to do so.

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I was really looking forward to being able to actually -get something- out of my Battlemaster bags tomorrow.


It's hard enough to get the motivation to play my main character right now, when I really don't get anything from PvPing except 2 Battlemaster bags a day.. where my chance to actually get a piece of gear is so unbelievably terrible, it makes me want to pull my hair out.


1 of 18 so far, a pair of gloves... that had Accuracy, which I don't need, and had to pull the mod out of my Champion gloves for to make them even a very small, worthwhile upgrade.


This is just depressing.. Was looking forward to some actual world PvP with incentives and everything else this patch was supposed to bring.


I don't even know what to say, BioWare. This smells like EA, forcing a delay so that people would be more inclined to renew their subscriptions (what a coincidence, they'll renew sometime around the 20th for most people).


Even if that isn't the case, this is just sad. I've stuck up for this game so much when people bash it. I've defended it at every turn, but it's really starting to grind on my patience at this point... I'm not even going to get into the mysteriously terrible framerate issues I'm getting on Illum and the Alderaan WZ (about 30-40 fps less than BF3, Skyrim, and other top tier releases).


Keep your word for once. Don't set a date unless you can make it. Don't force things out before they should be released. Have some integrity and don't let EA bully you into doing its bidding.




There will never be world pvp when you joined the easymode team.

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...Not really, no.


I've dealt with the bugs and everything else without saying a word on here. I'm not a forum troll.


I've played the game, cleared NM mode raids, valor to 60+, full Champion gear and everything else.


I'm not some whiner that's played the game for 5 minutes, bashed it in General chat, and wasted everyone's time by comparing it to WoW.


It isn't like me to make a post like this, I'm just really bummed that they couldn't make this work. You get a bit tired of defending something for so long when the thing you're defending continually makes it harder on you to do so.


No, you are a tryhard who played 2250 hours in one month and expect this game to be as long as friends in syndication.

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Also, forum mods... please don't post and refer me to the other thread regarding this.


I think my brand of frustration here is somewhat different from that being expressed in the 'No patch tomorrow' thread.


Actually you are using big words but still ends up in the special snowflake category that complains that something doesnt go youre way.


And using the they delay because we must resub is fail on so many levels


If you dont like the game before the patch you probably wont like it after because it doesnt have any gamebreaking bugs

Edited by Varghjerta
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Actually you are using big words but still ends up in the special snowflake category that complains that something doesnt go youre way


I don't think I used any particularly large words, nor is this about things not going my way, specifically.


This is about a lack of communication, and something not going EVERYONE's way.


It's not cool to drop a "Oh, wait, we're going to delay the massive patch that should fix a lot of large issues for you for nebulous, vague reasons" less than 12 hours before it's supposed to hit.


It's about the timing... the generally bad explanation, and the continually awful breakdowns in customer service.


I'm not going to humor your random, trivial "Stop QQing" posts with anymore replies. It's like you guys don't even examine the topic, you just start lobbing angry taunts to anyone who expresses frustration about this game.


Like I said, I've done nothing but defend this friggin' game at every turn. After a while, you get peeved and make a post about it. I did, and that's the end of that.


Talk all you want, bash my post and its intent... but if you think it's pathetic for me to be complaining about this, then you have to admit... taking the time to stop, post, and say so is a small measure more pointless.

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"This game came out too early! It needs more time for testing and bug fixes!!"


"OMG You delayed the patch because there was bugs?! FAIL"


Yep, can't make the OP's type of people happy.


As I said, they would be the first one to cry on the forums if it wasn't perfect.

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I don't think I used any particularly large words, nor is this about things not going my way, specifically.


This is about a lack of communication, and something not going EVERYONE's way.


It's not cool to drop a "Oh, wait, we're going to delay the massive patch that should fix a lot of large issues for you for nebulous, vague reasons" less than 12 hours before it's supposed to hit.


It's about the timing... the generally bad explanation, and the continually awful breakdowns in customer service.


I'm not going to humor your random, trivial "Stop QQing" posts with anymore replies. It's like you guys don't even examine the topic, you just start lobbing angry taunts to anyone who expresses frustration about this game.


Like I said, I've done nothing but defend this friggin' game at every turn. After a while, you get peeved and make a post about it. I did, and that's the end of that.


Talk all you want, bash my post and its intent... but if you think it's pathetic for me to be complaining about this, then you have to admit... taking the time to stop, post, and say so is a small measure more pointless.

Actually now you are complaining that they lack communication how then do you know they postponed the patch?

It is ok being disapointed that the patch is delayed but running to the forums complaining that they lack communication is absurd

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