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Marauder can't solo after lvl 40


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I've enjoyed SWTOR for over a month now.


But the class quests since Hoth have just gotten ridiculous.


I've tried all the specs, changed armor, gotten new armor, mods and used all of my various companions. Still i needed the help of another player to get past elites in certain areas.


Its getting on my last nerve.




Any tips or strategies would be helpful, even the ones where you tell me I don't know what i'm doing. If you're going to tell me that, please tell me what i should be doing.


Otherwise I'm going back to my Smuggler and say screw the Empire.

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inb4 l2p


lvl 40 pvp set(yourself and companion), quinn, obfuscate, medpacs, stims, adrenals, relics, force choke, bloodthirst, annihilation spec, intimidating roar, force camo, undying rage, cloak of pain, kiba's sticky.


use all of it.

Edited by Sayc
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One useful trick to play with elites is the aggro yoyo game. Send Jaessa or Vette in first using ctrl-1. Then dive in. A few seconds later, you should pull aggro (if you don't then you should re-evaluate your dps rotations). Then pop saber ward or cloak of pain and tank the elite till you are at 50% health. At that point , pop Force Camo so the elite goes back to your companion. By the time you pull aggro again or your companion dies, the elite should be dead.
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inb4 l2p


lvl 40 pvp set(yourself and companion), quinn, obfuscate, medpacs, stims, adrenals, relics, force choke, bloodthirst, annihilation spec, intimidating roar, force camo, undying rage, cloak of pain, kiba's sticky.


use all of it.


you're exactly right, annil i best...its what i used for almost the entire time I've been playing then changed based on something i read, then changed again, now back to it and in mins i can see a difference

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you're exactly right, annil i best...its what i used for almost the entire time I've been playing then changed based on something i read, then changed again, now back to it and in mins i can see a difference




Use quinn and keep him upgraded, im lvl 48 in voss and soloing elites like nothing.. Even soloed a champion in a 7 minute agro bounce between me and quinn, quinn heals like a beast when upgraded, and your dmg in anni should be more then enough to make up for no dmg pet!


Make sure to use cloak and your tank Cds when needed and u should be fine

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with 40 pvp gear and quinn i literally flew by 40 to 50 in 2 and a half days voss is the part that slows u down from all the running and that other place i forget whats its call buts its 41 to 44 and 44 to 47 dumbest planets to be on too much running
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you're exactly right, annil i best...its what i used for almost the entire time I've been playing then changed based on something i read, then changed again, now back to it and in mins i can see a difference




Use quinn and keep him upgraded, im lvl 48 in voss and soloing elites like nothing.. Even soloed a champion in a 7 minute agro bounce between me and quinn, quinn heals like a beast when upgraded, and your dmg in anni should be more then enough to make up for no dmg pet!


Make sure to use cloak and your tank Cds when needed and u should be fine

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Hoth is the only place I really had an issue, I have switched to using Quinn tho since he does keep you alive and you do far more damage then any of your companions are capable of. Just remember that you have Saber Ward, Cloak of Pain and Obfuscate (good for when fights get down to just 1 strong/elite mobs) and if you're using Quinn then undying rage is also good as the HP you'll lose for using it quinn will probably heal before it runs off while leaving you nearly invulnerable for the duration.


Lastly when things do go bad, Force Camo, your companion is more expandable then you are so let them tank while you try and finish the fight off. Works about 95% of the time, the other 5% you'll probably end out eating dirt.

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I've soloed all the way to 50 , so claiming marauders cant solo is fallacy.


I'm no great player, the opposite, I dont have a single keybind, I click the skills which is apparently 'noob' and dont profess to have any gaming skill at all,, I dont PvP, made my own hilts, got armour from the commendations (for me and vette), dont min/max, was a level or two below the missions right to the end, and had no issues with any of it.


Only used vette, only used annihilation spec.

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One useful trick to play with elites is the aggro yoyo game. Send Jaessa or Vette in first using ctrl-1. Then dive in. A few seconds later, you should pull aggro (if you don't then you should re-evaluate your dps rotations). Then pop saber ward or cloak of pain and tank the elite till you are at 50% health. At that point , pop Force Camo so the elite goes back to your companion. By the time you pull aggro again or your companion dies, the elite should be dead.


I tend to do this alot when there's multiple elites aswell, never had any problems soloing.

I'm using Jaessa, Great minds think alike :)

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I was annihilation from 1 = 50. Was a breeze. Could solo elites without cooldowns especially once I got Short Fuse, which allows you to practically spam Berserk.


2x strong packs were the hardest but still doable. Droid packs were a breeze.


Just have to maintain your DoTs on more then 1 target. 2 target ticking with saber and at least 1 rupture is doable with beserserk spam/quinn means your a mob grinding machine.


Just go Charge>Saber>BA>Rupture>Annihilate>Ravage then maintain dots and keep anni stacks rolling. Dont really need vicious slash unless Annilate is on coodlown and you have excess rage to dump outside of ravage cooldown.

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heres what i did @40


companion quinn

put quinn on med watch stance for better healing. check if every skill is activated!

give him at least the misiion reward items for upgrading. cunning increases healing amount.

use ur defensive skills at least for strong and above enemies. saber ward, cloak of pain, obfuscate, force choke, undying rage, force camo, medpacks

whatever spec u use, try to find a mindfull rotation to max ur damage output. im carnage spec since lvl 1 so i can give advice for that.


simple rule > try to fit as many high damage abilities like force scream and ravage while blood frenzy and gore are up. blood frenzy = 100% crit chance force scream, gore = 100% armor penetration for 6 seconds every 15 seconds. blood frenzy is autotriggered by massacre, so its up pretty much always. massacre is the last skill in carnage tree. good damage, 2 rage cost with dabbling in anninspec if i recall correctly and no cd. looks awesome btw. with massacre i started to rip elites apart. berserk reduces the GLOBAL cd for massacre by .5 sec, amazing! on same lvl i kill an elite an have 60 to 80 % hp left, depending on his interrupts knockback skills with only using cloak of pain. elites with no interrupts and kb dont uotdamage quinns heals, i have no downtime at all.


for indepth infos about the skill trees i recommend kibas mach 5 guide. great stuff.


edit, and for god sake use use ur 8 sec cd interrupt

Edited by DufterKlopps
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Honestly, all that has been said in this thread about using quinn, keeping him geared, and going annihilation spec is good stuff. A few things Id add


If you are leveling as annihilation, which I recommend you do(but it is your dime), here is what I do for each situation and I seem to have no trouble:


Group of 3-5 regular mobs:

1. Force Charge + Deadly Saber(while in air)

2. Savage kick one target

3. Switch target and Battering Assault

4. Switch target and Rupture

5. Switch target and Ravage

6. Smash

7. Sweeping Strike spam till dead.


If you are able, pop beserk after step 3,4,5 are applied. Your bleeds critting+your bleeds healing+your aoe+using quinn = all mobs dead in about 15 seconds, and you have 80%+ life.



Group of 1 Strong and 1 or 2 regular:

1. Force Charge

2. Savage kick the NON-STRONG.

3. Kill him with regular strikes.

4. Switch to strong, pop Deadly Saber and Battering Assault

5. Rupture

6. Ravage

7. Rinse/Repeat until dead keeping bleeds up and beserk active as much as possible.




1. Force Charge

2. Switch to strong, pop Deadly Saber and Battering Assault

3. Rupture

4. Ravage

5. Rinse/Repeat until dead keeping bleeds up and beserk active as much as possible.

7. Viscious Slash or whatever it is as a rage dump.


**Pop defensive cooldowns as needed. You might say "we are so weak if we need to pop them frequently." I say, its part of the class and play style. We have ALOT of abilities that we use ALL the time. It makes the class less boring.

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I've enjoyed SWTOR for over a month now.


But the class quests since Hoth have just gotten ridiculous.


I've tried all the specs, changed armor, gotten new armor, mods and used all of my various companions. Still i needed the help of another player to get past elites in certain areas.


Its getting on my last nerve.




Any tips or strategies would be helpful, even the ones where you tell me I don't know what i'm doing. If you're going to tell me that, please tell me what i should be doing.


Otherwise I'm going back to my Smuggler and say screw the Empire.


Like others have said, use Quinn and keep his (and yours) gear up to date.

That said,

with Quinn go with anything that gives him more Cunning

yourself Str-Crit-Surge with a balance of Power tossed in too.

Annihilation spec.





You can use any companion as long as their gear is up to date, but your playstyle WILL vary depending on which one you decide to use.

Edited by Thundergulch
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Get yourself a Razer naga mmo mouse. An integral part of playing marauder is insane button mashing. You must know where all your cool downs are and when you should use them. You must be using every possible damaging ability when it's up. Playing a marauder is a dps race vs other mobs.


You should actually have an easier time with elites because your self heals have time to kick in.

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I've soloed all the way to 50 , so claiming marauders cant solo is fallacy.


I'm no great player, the opposite, I dont have a single keybind, I click the skills which is apparently 'noob' and dont profess to have any gaming skill at all,, I dont PvP, made my own hilts, got armour from the commendations (for me and vette), dont min/max, was a level or two below the missions right to the end, and had no issues with any of it.


Only used vette, only used annihilation spec.


This. OP You are doing something wrong.

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