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No patch on 1/17/2011


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Don't be so naive pal.. Over the last while I started wondering why almost all AAA titles have been getting such good reviews from the big sites I used to frequent..


because their production values (graphics, music, animation, voice acting and so forth) are extremely high and getting higher by the year (that's why they're AAA games), and those do count in a review score.


There really isn't anything strange in that.


"The game companies are the proverbial golden goose, and the magazines are really at the game companies mercies and must keep good relations.


Funny, because the truth is exactly the opposite. The power is in the hands of the media. It always has been, and it will always be. For all markets.

Edited by Abriael
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1st you said paid off for good reviews.


Now that you are wrong you result to biased reviews now?


You just dont stop do you?


A lot of things contribute to a biased review, whether it be personal preference over something or being paid in some way shape or form.


As an example............take the Star Wars name off this game and remove lightsabers and see how the reviews would change from magazines etc.

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because their production values (graphics, music, animation, voice acting and so forth) are extremely high and getting higher by the year (that's why they're AAA games), and those do count in a review score.


There really isn't anything strange in that.




Funny, because the truth is exactly the opposite. The power is in the hands of the media. It always has been, and it will always be. For all markets.


hahah extremely high production values?? where have you been man, this game has been a paid beta the last month..

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A lot of things contribute to a biased review, whether it be personal preference over something or being paid in some way shape or form.


nah nah nah, you were talking about "paid-off" reviewers. And none of the links you provided shows any evidence of payments. :rolleyes:


All you came up with was someone that's been fired for unknown reasons, someone else that allegedly pulled a video for unknown reasons, and a dude that came off as ignorant on video games on a mainstream TV channel (wohoo, stop the press! big news here).

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hahah extremely high production values?? where have you been man, this game has been a paid beta the last month..


You don't really know what "production values" are, do you?


Music, Voice Acting, Environmental design, lighting design, animation, writing, art direction... That sort of thing. The only production value in this game that isn't absolutely top notch is texture design, and not even all of it.


Mind you, you don't even know what a beta is. For what MMORPGs are concerned, this game has nothing of a beta. I know that you're using an intentional hyperbole to prove a false point, but that's not really conducive to civilized conversation :D

Edited by Abriael
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nah nah nah, you were talking about "paid-off" reviewers. And none of the links you provided shows any evidence of payments. :rolleyes:


All you came up with was someone that's been fired for unknown reasons, someone else that allegedly pulled a video for unknown reasons, and a dude that came off as ignorant on video games on a mainstream TV channel (wohoo, stop the press! big news here).



Yeah cuz you know, people are going to come right out and say they got paid off to write a review or that a company threatened to remove advertising if they gave them a bad review.

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hahah extremely high production values?? where have you been man, this game has been a paid beta the last month..


I agree, fps bugs, textures from the 1990s, and least face it...




Warzones fps is a joke, the shadow system is all squary, theres no high textures in this game, Other mmos look gorgeous compared to this.


It was EAs decision to release this game way too early. EA ruined Warhammer, and they will ruin this game.


I will wait for a good 6 months... then it will be Free to Play like LOTRO etc.


I get 110fps in normal zones but 20 - 30 fps in warzones... pfft


Heres my specs:


Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_rtm.101119-1850)

Language: English (Regional Setting: English)

System Manufacturer: Gigabyte Technology Co., Ltd.

System Model: GA-970A-D3

BIOS: Award Modular BIOS v6.00PG

Processor: AMD FX-8150 Eight-Core Processor (8 CPUs), ~3.6GHz

Memory: 8192MB RAM

Available OS Memory: 8174MB RAM

Page File: 4641MB used, 11703MB available

Windows Dir: C:\Windows

DirectX Version: DirectX 11

DX Setup Parameters: Not found

User DPI Setting: Using System DPI

System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)

DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled

DxDiag Version: 6.01.7601.17514 32bit Unicode


Just a simple copy paste job,lol.

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Yeah cuz you know, people are going to come right out and say they got paid off to write a review or that a company threatened to remove advertising if they gave them a bad review.


If that really happened? You'd see it on the front page of the site the day after. They'd still get advertisement from the other companies (and probably even from the exposed company, that would immediately fire the marketing manager involved, trying to show it off like it was a personal initiative, and proudly display advertisement on the site involved to show the public that they're innocent), and they'd get massive traffic, and with that revenue, on the article in which they exposed the threat.


You have absolutely no experience in the industry mate. It shows.


The only thing that even gets remotely near to a threat I've seen is the head of a marketing firm mouthing off on twitter about the "venomous reviews" of Duke Nukem Forever. Aimed at no one in particular, mind you, and saying that the next time he'd consider more carefully who to send reviews copies too.


Turns out that there won't ever be a next time, as the media demolished the poor goon, 2K fired him and his marketing firm on the spot and issued an immediate and official apology, and they'll probably never work in this industry again.

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If that really happened? You'd see it on the front page of the site the day after. They'd still get advertisement from the other companies (and probably even from the exposed company, that would immediately fire the marketing manager involved, trying to show it off like it was a personal initiative, and proudly display advertisement on the site involved to show the public that they're innocent), and they'd get massive traffic, and with that revenue, on the article in which they exposed the threat.


You have absolutely no experience in the industry mate. It shows.


oooops wait, they do sometimes say it



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Lol. You're getting pathetic, seriously, and the funny part is that you're continuing to change your version. First it was sites being paid in advertisement, then people being biased, now publishers giving swag to journalists in the form of a press kit, which is fairly normal, and nowhere near a bribe, as it doesn't come with any threat or request and is done completely openly.


More straws to grasp at, I see. And you still didn't bring a single element of evidence about anyone being actually paid to give a game a higher score.


Mind you, for the record, journalists that reviewed this game got a barebones review copy of the game (most of them didn't even get a box, just a code for the digital standard). That's it. They didn't even get the preorder crystal :D

Big bribe uh?

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Lol. You're getting pathetic, seriously, and the funny part is that you're continuing to change your version. First it was sites being paid in advertisement, then people being biased, now publishers giving swag to journalists in the form of a press kit, which is fairly normal, and nowhere near a bribe, as it doesn't come with any threat or request and is done completely openly.


More straws to grasp at, I see. And you still didn't bring a single element of evidence about anyone being actually paid to give a game a higher score.


Mind you, for the record, journalists that reviewed this game got a barebones review copy of the game (most of them didn't even get a box, just a code for the digital standard). That's it. They didn't even get the preorder crystal :D

Big bribe uh?



Yes, because bribes don't happen, my god you have to be the most ignorant person EVER! Bribes have been happening since the days of payola with record companies and DJs! Get your head out of the sand and snap back to reality!

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Yes, because bribes don't happen, my god you have to be the most ignorant person EVER! Bribes have been happening since the days of payola with record companies and DJs! Get your head out of the sand and snap back to reality!


So something happens because you say it does, providing no evidence, against any form of logic, and making comparisons with other industries that work in a completely different way? :rolleyes:


Funny that with all the times that I told you exactly what would happen if someone tried to make such a bribe or to threaten an editor, you didn't even try to counter it. obviously because you can't.


It's a good rule, my friend, to throw accusations only when you're able and prepared to back em up with factual evidence. You're neither.

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So something happens because you say it does, providing no evidence, against any form of logic, and making comparisons with other industries that work in a completely different way? :rolleyes:


Funny that with all the times that I told you exactly what would happen if someone tried to make such a bribe or to threaten an editor, you didn't even try to counter it.


It's a good rule, my friend, to throw accusations only when you're able and prepared to back em up. You're neither.


This. Last paragraph especially.

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So something happens because you say it does, providing no evidence, against any form of logic, and making comparisons with other industries that work in a completely different way? :rolleyes:


Funny that with all the times that I told you exactly what would happen if someone tried to make such a bribe or to threaten an editor, you didn't even try to counter it. obviously because you can't.


It's a good rule, my friend, to throw accusations only when you're able and prepared to back em up with factual evidence. You're neither.


Whatever man, keep being a delusional person, I could give 2 craps about you and the little fantasy world you live in.

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You don't really know what "production values" are, do you?


Music, Voice Acting, Environmental design, lighting design, animation, writing, art direction... That sort of thing. The only production value in this game that isn't absolutely top notch is texture design, and not even all of it.


Mind you, you don't even know what a beta is. For what MMORPGs are concerned, this game has nothing of a beta. I know that you're using an intentional hyperbole to prove a false point, but that's not really conducive to civilized conversation :D



So if it's shiny then it's good eh... like all the big budget turds coming out of hollywood..


But that's not even true in this case.. low res textures, no anti aliasing, constant graphical glitches (ie. green lights all over the place), bare lifeless environments, and some minimalist soundtrack that you rarely even hear (aside from the john williams songs they like to play at every cutscene) are all a pretty big deal if you are going for the high production value award... and you know that's not all of it..just look around for all those 5 star threads.. Great that they're adding AA, but it shoulda been there at release..


I'm not tryin to flat out bash the game, it's been fun, and there are strong points... but there are a hell of a lot of bad ones too a lot of people try to pretend don't exist..


anyway, ya I'm no game designer, not a hardcore gamer either.. just yer average joe that knows a shoddy unfinished product when he sees one..

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Whatever man, keep being a delusional person, I could give 2 craps about you and the little fantasy world you live in.


So basically you're throwing unproven accusations towards an industry of which you evidently have no direct experience whatsoever, and I am the one "being a delusional person" and "living in a little fantasy world"


<George Takei Voice> Oh My! </George Takei Voice>

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So basically you're throwing unproven accusations towards an industry of which you evidently have no direct experience whatsoever, and I am the one "being a delusional person" and "living in a little fantasy world"


<George Takei Voice> Oh My! </George Takei Voice>


Yep and you can't prove you have experience in the field to counter my point, but you seem to be the only one who thinks reviews can't be bought and paid for, heck companies (Belkin had a big right up about it) are paying people to post positive reviews for their products on Amazon and other websites!

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So if it's shiny then it's good eh... like all the big budget turds coming out of hollywood..


You seem to think that production values should have no bearing in the outcome of a review. Obviously that's not the case. They're an important element like any other, as they do increase the enjoyment of a game. Objectively so.


But that's not even true in this case.. low res textures, no anti aliasing, constant graphical glitches (ie. green lights all over the place), bare lifeless environments, and some minimalist soundtrack that you rarely even hear (aside from the john williams songs they like to play at every cutscene) are all a pretty big deal if you are going for the high production value award... and you know that's not all of it..just look around for all those 5 star threads.. Great that they're adding AA, but it shoulda been there at release..


The soundtrack is there, it's not minimalist (the fact that there are silent times don't make the soundtrack minimalist, nor it influences it's quality in the least). This without even getting into sound design, that is probably the best of the whole MMORPG market.

Just lol at the "bare lifeless environment".

The environmental design of this game is one of its most critically praised areas (and this tells me a lot about your "critique"), for a whole lot of reasons, like the density of vegetations and props, the use of light and color and so forth. You won't find many environments in a MMORPG that get much better than Alderaan for instance.

Oh, and glitches are commonplace in MMOs, and mind you, they have nothing to do with production values.


I'm not tryin to flat out bash the game, it's been fun, and there are strong points... but there are a hell of a lot of bad ones too a lot of people try to pretend don't exist..


No. There are a few bad points that people with the slightest experience know as being endemic of the genre and not of the particular product.


anyway, ya I'm no game designer, not a hardcore gamer either.. just yer average joe that knows a shoddy unfinished product when he sees one..


You obviously don't, because you'd have to point at the whole MMORPG market before pointing at this one. For a MMORPG this isn't "shoddy" nor "unfinished".

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Yep and you can't prove you have experience in the field to counter my point, but you seem to be the only one who thinks reviews can't be bought and paid for, heck companies (Belkin had a big right up about it) are paying people to post positive reviews for their products on Amazon and other websites!


Again, you're comparing completely different markets (consumer electronics) and completely different people (random people on amazon with professional gaming journalists that need to protect their own credibility and the credibility of their site in front of their readership, that kinda happens to pay their groceries), that of course makes your point completely moot.


The lovely thing is that I have no need to prove anything. You're the one throwing accusations. The burden of proof is on you :D

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Runnin' out of days bioware. If this patch isn't out and useful before the end of the "free" month expect to lose a large chunk of players.


Man if I had a buck for every n00b that's made this threat in a new MMO I'd have a pretty comfortable nest egg.

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