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No patch on 1/17/2011


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I see and agree with this yes but again ultimatley option 3 is not currently on the table


The two options I mentioned because they are controlled by the individual person are still valid.


I am niether defending or bashing this game.


I think because option 3 wasn't on the table it is making people lose faith in this game and possibly Bioware.

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I think because option 3 wasn't on the table it is making people lose faith in this game and possibly Bioware.


You are probably right and no justification for why option three wasn't on the table is ever going to instill that faith again.


That's the bottom line.

Because aside from any legitimate discussion on the matter based on my experience if you attempt to justify it yourr labled a "fanboi"


It's actually quite interesting how all manner of decent discussion gets destroyed in forums.

If you were a sociology major/psych major you could write a thesis on this

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You are probably right and no justification for why option three wasn't on the table is ever going to instill that faith again.


That's the bottom line.

Because aside from any legitimate discussion on the matter based on my experience if you attempt to justify it yourr labled a "fanboi"


It's actually quite interesting how all manner of decent discussion gets destroyed in forums.

If you were a sociology major/psych major you could write a thesis on this


Who's to say we aren't and we that haven't? :D

Edited by Jiraiya_Goketsu
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You are probably right and no justification for why option three wasn't on the table is ever going to instill that faith again.


That's the bottom line.

Because aside from any legitimate discussion on the matter based on my experience if you attempt to justify it yourr labled a "fanboi"


It's actually quite interesting how all manner of decent discussion gets destroyed in forums.

If you were a sociology major/psych major you could write a thesis on this



My main point of anger is the fact that this game got so much hype (by people and EA/Bioware), showed us things that wowed us, gave misleading interviews, yet failed to deliver ANYTHING promised other than a (not great not horrible) story and voice acting.


The customer service is abysmal to say the least, bugs should not have been in that were reported in beta, the communication on Biowares end is almost non-existent other than closing threads or deleting them, the game is on rails more than WoW could ever imagine being, bugs they said got fixed DIDN'T, and I was bored out of my skull at level 30 and made it to 34 barely.


That's why I unsubbed, the game failed to deliver on anything but voice acting which got boring and annoying after the first 10 or so levels, sorry I can only tolerate me and my companion saying the same thing over and over for only so long.

Edited by Gunryu
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My main point of anger is the fact that this game got so much hype (by people and EA/Bioware), showed us things that wowed us, gave misleading interviews, yet failed to deliver ANYTHING promised other than a (not great not horrible) story and voice acting.


The customer service is abysmal to say the least, bugs should not have been in that were reported in beta, the communication on Biowares end is almost non-existent other than closing threads or deleting them, the game is on rails more than WoW could ever imagine being, bugs they said got fixed DIDN'T, and I was bored out of my skull at level 30 and made it to 34 barely.


That's why I unsubbed, the gamed failed to deliver on anything but voice acting which got boring and annoying after the first 10 or so levels, sorry I can only tolerate me and my companion saying the same thing over and over for only so long.


I think for a lot of people that knew about a lot of these issues pre release, are mad and CS has gotten a lot of flack for being incognisant and how aloof BW seemingly was. BW acted soon after with the blame game. It all seems to stem from a lack of communication.

Edited by Jiraiya_Goketsu
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My main point of anger is the fact that this game got so much hype (by people and EA/Bioware), showed us things that wowed us, gave misleading interviews, yet failed to deliver ANYTHING promised other than a (not great not horrible) story and voice acting.


The customer service is abysmal to say the least, bugs should not have been in that were reported in beta, the communication on Biowares end is almost non-existent other than closing threads or deleting them, the game is on rails more than WoW could ever imagine being, bugs they said got fixed DIDN'T, and I was bored out of my skull at level 30 and made it to 34 barely.


That's why I unsubbed, the gamed failed to deliver on anything but voice acting which got boring and annoying after the first 10 or so levels, sorry I can only tolerate me and my companion saying the same thing over and over for only so long.


True to your experience, but likley there is some one who didn't feel that way but will be labled a fanboi because his experience wasn't the same as yours.


It is highly unfortunate your experience was yours as this game is pretty cool in such that the potential is there but a lot of people don't want small changes (Voice acting etc) they want mind boggling massive changes or else it's "been done" before.


Not to mention in my experience people give things be it games or anything for that matter ONE chance


BW with this patch had the chance for a lot of people and in thier mind even if it was just one day delay it was a failure

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My main point of anger is the fact that this game got so much hype (by people and EA/Bioware), showed us things that wowed us, gave misleading interviews, yet failed to deliver ANYTHING promised other than a (not great not horrible) story and voice acting.


The customer service is abysmal to say the least, bugs should not have been in that were reported in beta, the communication on Biowares end is almost non-existent other than closing threads or deleting them, the game is on rails more than WoW could ever imagine being, bugs they said got fixed DIDN'T, and I was bored out of my skull at level 30 and made it to 34 barely.


That's why I unsubbed, the game failed to deliver on anything but voice acting which got boring and annoying after the first 10 or so levels, sorry I can only tolerate me and my companion saying the same thing over and over for only so long.


Are you one of those people who watches LOTR and skips to the battle scenes? If you really didnt care for the dialogue that much, why even come here in the first place?


I agree the hype was monumental, the game failed to live up, and that customer service is horrible. But the game itself i find to be, at the moment, unique for a Triple-A MMO title. Dialogue and story driven narrative, the setting, and the enjoyable combat keep me waiting for fixes. After SWG died, Star Wars fans have no place to go, do they?

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True to your experience, but likley there is some one who didn't feel that way but will be labled a fanboi because his experience wasn't the same as yours.


It is highly unfortunate your experience was yours as this game is pretty cool in such that the potential is there but a lot of people don't want small changes (Voice acting etc) they want mind boggling massive changes or else it's "been done" before.


Not to mention in my experience people give things be it games or anything for that matter ONE chance


BW with this patch had the chance for a lot of people and in thier mind even if it was just one day delay it was a failure


What? People dont want big changes. The majority of people want a WOW clone, or else it sucks for breaking the mold. Look at how every game tried to be different and "failed" because people cant get over a simplistic formula.

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Are you one of those people who watches LOTR and skips to the battle scenes? If you really didnt care for the dialogue that much, why even come here in the first place?


I agree the hype was monumental, the game failed to live up, and that customer service is horrible. But the game itself i find to be, at the moment, unique for a Triple-A MMO title. Dialogue and story driven narrative, the setting, and the enjoyable combat keep me waiting for fixes. After SWG died, Star Wars fans have no place to go, do they?


No, but I do tend to get bored of hearing the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over, my replies are the same thing like EVERY time, and my companions when I accidentally click on them or I summon them say the same thing ALL THE TIME.


Also sometimes I am just in the mood to kill stuff and don't really care why someone wants me to go kill 20 Rakghouls, or I have already done the quests (I have a level 17 Sniper) and don't really want to hear the same quest dialogue again.

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What? People dont want big changes. The majority of people want a WOW clone, or else it sucks for breaking the mold. Look at how every game tried to be different and "failed" because people cant get over a simplistic formula.


Well then it's about half and half.

People want a WoW clone but they don't want to do the same thing over and over and over?


Wasn't WoW the same thing over and over and over and over, which is why a lot of people went to other games?


I have failed to understand the logic of the general mmorpg community as a whole.

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Well then it's about half and half.

People want a WoW clone but they don't want to do the same thing over and over and over?


Wasn't WoW the same thing over and over and over and over, which is why a lot of people went to other games?


I have failed to understand the logic of the general mmorpg community as a whole.


Basically, I want the basic fundamentals of WoW with something new and fun thrown in (voice acting doesn't cut it) like what GW2 is bringing in (using your parties abilities to enhance your own).

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I feel like this is a conspiracy by BioWare. A number of people have been threatening to quit for multiple reasons, or have already canceled subs.


This patch was basically arriving right on the cusp of the Month One subscription end. So now people who were waiting for the patch to give the game "one more try" will either have to unsub without knowing if it addressed some of their concerns, or be curious enough about it to pay another $15.


It's just too convenient of a last minute delay, so I'm betting BW is hedging that this will keep a few more subs current for Month Two.


Yeah, because $15 is so much money. A whole $.50 a day! Whew!


The amount of people that play this game is well over a million yet we see about thirty or fourty of these people here on the forums B&M'ing about how they will quit or not. These ARE threats and really, should anyone care? Nope.

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Yeah, because $15 is so much money. A whole $.50 a day! Whew!


The amount of people that play this game is well over a million yet we see about thirty or fourty of these people here on the forums B&M'ing about how they will quit or not. These ARE threats and really, should anyone care? Nope.


Yes you should care, less people = less money, not to mention the people that just quit and don't say a word, you people forget about them.

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Basically, I want the basic fundamentals of WoW with something new and fun thrown in (voice acting doesn't cut it) like what GW2 is bringing in (using your parties abilities to enhance your own).


I'll be honest with you GW2 will have the same if not more bugs at launch just like every other MMO

You will have the same amount of forum posts within the first week that are either

A) This game is over hyped

B) I'm quitting because....

C) I'm max level now what this game is boring....


Human nature


ALSO why hasnt anybody copied your signature. it basically explains everything


You can't just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they'll want something new. - Steve Jobs

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I'll be honest with you GW2 will have the same if not more bugs at launch just like every other MMO

You will have the same amount of forum posts within the first week that are either

A) This game is over hyped

B) I'm quitting because....

C) I'm max level now what this game is boring....


Human nature


ALSO why hasnt anybody copied your signature. it basically explains everything


You can't just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they'll want something new. - Steve Jobs


I expect bugs on release, but this game had more than any other in a new MMO.

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opinion cant be lies, get some perspective.


Not all critics agree, and they are not biassed are they! lol. (incomming fanbois who dont realise how the real world works). Its not like their sites are funded by advertisements bought by big game companies or anything.


user reviews are less complementary.


But thats beside the point, my posts are my opinions, you posts are yours. Dont pretend either mean any more than that.


Yours are not opinions, but petty lies (written in almost unreadable, broken English to top it). There's a big difference.


Basically all the critics agree (and most definitely all those that count), and if you think they gave this game good reviews because they're "funded" you're the one that has no idea of how the real world (or the press) works.


The "This reviewer disagrees with me, he must be paid!" philosophy is the easiest evidence of someone that has no idea of what he's talking about.


They gave this game good reviews because it's good.

I know it makes a trolls rage to know that those that actually influence the view of the masses on this game are talking very positively about it, while their raging and ************ is lost in a forum and no one will take notice of it (or in the user reviews where their ludicrous 0/10 are ignored and laughed at by anyone with a brain), but that's life. You can't influence the success of this game. You may want to get used to the idea.

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I expect bugs on release, but this game had more than any other in a new MMO.


Others would have a different opinion to yours and have stated that this MMO has less.


To be honest, This MMO was the ONLY one that even garnered enough of an even an iota of interest to me whatsoever.


I never bothered with WoW or any other


So I am not an expert in either way if this one had more or less bugs or whatever.


But generally I stayed away from MMORPG as a whole due to the fact I have enough social drama in Real life

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I'll be honest with you GW2 will have the same if not more bugs at launch just like every other MMO

You will have the same amount of forum posts within the first week that are either

A) This game is over hyped

B) I'm quitting because....

C) I'm max level now what this game is boring....


Human nature


ALSO why hasnt anybody copied your signature. it basically explains everything


You can't just ask customers what they want and then try to give that to them. By the time you get it built, they'll want something new. - Steve Jobs


There are bugs and then there are things like ability delay which was ignored all beta until live.


The UI continues to cause issues like it did early beta and they fixed it a bit but game runs a lot smoother if not perfect with the UI shut off. Another thing ignored in beta.


Lets not even get into the fact that they bought ans licensed an unfinished, untested engine that after 5 years they still couldn't optimize.

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I expect bugs on release, but this game had more than any other in a new MMO.


LOL. You never played a new MMO obviously. This game had *way less* than any other MMO at launch in the industry of the genre. and it's still bigger than most.


Funny how some people really love to resort to petty lies thinking that someone will actually believe them. :rolleyes:

Edited by Abriael
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LOL. You never played a new MMO obviously. This game had *way less* than any other MMO at launch in the industry of the genre. and it's still bigger than most.


Funny how some people really love to resort to petty lies thinking that someone will actually believe them. :rolleyes:


Rift had significantly less bugs than any MMO. SWTOR is no where even close.

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There are bugs and then there are things like ability delay which was ignored all beta until live.


The UI continues to cause issues like it did early beta and they fixed it a bit but game runs a lot smoother if not perfect with the UI shut off. Another thing ignored in beta.


Lets not even get into the fact that they bought ans licensed an unfinished, untested engine that after 5 years they still couldn't optimize.


I am not saying that these issues do not continue to exist nor am I trivializing them


I am simply stating that as it is always Human Nature you will always have what my original post stated

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LOL. You never played a new MMO obviously. This game had *way less* than any other MMO at launch in the industry of the genre. and it's still bigger than most.


Funny how some people really love to resort to petty lies thinking that someone will actually believe them. :rolleyes:


Sorry but Rift had less bugs at launch and fixed the ones it did have when they were found or pointed out, not to mention they actually TALKED to the customers about what was going on!

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There are bugs and then there are things like ability delay which was ignored all beta until live.


The UI continues to cause issues like it did early beta and they fixed it a bit but game runs a lot smoother if not perfect with the UI shut off. Another thing ignored in beta.


Lets not even get into the fact that they bought ans licensed an unfinished, untested engine that after 5 years they still couldn't optimize.


hey look, someone's throwing excuses.


Your conspiracy theories have been debunked. Do yourself a favor and give it up. This game had the most polished launch in the history of the genre.

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